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Parameters of distribution
Location Parameter Scale Parameter Shape Parameter
Plotting position Plotting position of xi means, the probability assigned to each data point to be plotted on probability paper. The plotting of ordered data on extreme probability paper is done according to a general plotting position function: P = (m-a) / (N+1-2a). Constant 'a' is an input variable and is default set to 0.3. Many different plotting functions are used, some of them can be reproduced by changing the constant 'a'. Gringorton P = (m-0.44)/(N+0.12) a = 0.44 Weibull P = m/(N+1) a = 0 Chegadayev P = (m-0.3)/(N+0.4) a = 0.3 Blom P = (m-0.375)/(N+0.25) a = 0.375
Curve Fitting Methods The method is based on the assumption that the observed data follow the theoretical distribution to be fitted and will exhibit a straight line on probability paper. Graphical Curve fitting Method Mathematical Curve fitting Method.- Method of Moments- Method of Least squares Method of Maximum Likelihood
Estimation of statistical parameters
To apply theoretical distribution functions following steps are required: investigate homogeneity of series estimate the parameters of postulated distribution test goodness of fit of theoretical distribution to observed frequency distribution Estimation of parameters: graphical method analytical methods: method of moments maximum likelihood method method of least squares mixed moment-maximum likelihood method
Estimation of statistical parameters (2)
Estimation procedures differ Comparison of quality by: mean square error or its root error variance and standard error bias efficiency consistency Mean square error in of :
Estimation of statistical parameters (3)
Consequently: First part is the variance of = average of squared differences about expected mean, it gives the random portion of the error Second part is square of bias, bias = systematic difference between expected and true mean, it gives the systematic portion of the error Root mean square error: Standard error Consistency: Mind effective number of data
Graphical estimation Variable is function of reduced variate:
e.g. for Gumbel: Reduced variate function of non-exceedance prob.: Determine non-exceedance prob. from rank number of data in ordered set, e.g. for Gumbel: Unbiased plotting position depends on distribution
Graphical estimation (2)
Procedure: rank observations in ascending order compute non-exceedance frequency Fi transform Fi into reduced variate zi plot xi versus zi draw straight line through points by eye-fitting estimate slope of line and intercept at z = 0 to find the parameters
Graphical estimation: example
Annual maximum river flow at Chooz on Meuse
Graphical estimation
Graphical estimation: example (2)
Gumbel parameters: graphical estimation: x0 = 590, = 247 MLM-method: x0 = 591, = 238 100-year flood: T = 100 FX(x) = 1-1/100 = 0.99 z = -ln(-ln(0.99)) = 4.6 graphical method: x = x0 + z = x4.6 = 1726 m3/s MLM method: x = x0 + z = x4.6 = 1686 m3/s Graphical method: pro’s and con’s easily made visual inspection of series strong subjective element in method: not preferred for design; only useful for first rough estimate confidence limits will be lacking
Plotting positions Plotting positions should be: General: unbiased
minimum variance General:
Product moment Standard procedure: In HYMOS method available for:
estimate mean and variance for 2-par distributions estimate mean, variance and skewness for 3-par distr. In HYMOS method available for: normal LN-2 & LN-3 G-2 & P-3 EV-1 Pro’s and con’s of Method: simple procedure for small sample sizes ( N < 30) sample moments may substantially differ from population values, due to too much weight to outliers 3-parameters from small samples provides poor quality estimates
PWM and L-moments Definition of Probability weighted moments (PWM):
Choose p=1 and s=0: It follows that in PWM the non-exceedance probability is raised to a power, rather than the variable itself Since FX(x) < 1 PWM’s are much less sensitive for outliers But: higher weight is put on higher ranked values
L-moments Order statistics (data in ascending order):
then Xi:N is ith order statistic first four L-moments:
L-moments (2) L-skewness and L-kurtosis:
Relation of L-moments with distribution parameters: Normal Gumbel
L-moments and PWM Determination of L-moments requires numerous combination = cumbersome Relation between L-moments and PWM:
Sample estimates of PWM’s
Example L-moments Higher weight on higher ranked values
Example L-moments (2)
L-moment diagram
Maximum likelihood method
Principle: Given r.v. X with pdf fX(x) and sample of X of size N pdf fX(x) has parameters 1, 2,…,k sample values independent and identically distributed then with parameter set the prob. that r.v. will fall in interval including xi is given by: pdf fX(xi|)dx joint prob. of occurrence of sample set xi, i=1 to N is procedure involves maximisation of:
Maximum likelihood method (2)
Likelihood function: Best set of parameters follow from: Log-likelihood maximisation often easier, since products are replaced by sums:
Example MLM LN-2 distribution: Likelihood for sample of N is:
Log-likelihood: Parameters follow from:
Example MLM Parameters for LN-2:
Parameters are seen to be first and second moments about origin and mean of ln(x) Similarly the parameters for LN-3 can be derived Equations become more complicated For small samples convergence is poor then mixed-moment MLM method is preferred
Parameter estimation by Least Squares
Method is extension of graphical method Instead of fitting line by eye, the Least Squares method is used Quality of method strongly dependent on probability assigned to ranked sample values (plotting position) Example of annual flow extremes of Meuse at Chooz carried out using Gringorten and Weibull plotting position Difference for 100 year flood is resp. 3% and 9% with MLM estimate Weibull plotting position gives low T to highest sample value, hence in extrapolated part higher values are found than e.g. with Gringorten
Method of Least Squares
Mixed-moment maximum likelihood method
Method applies generally MLM to 2 parameters and the product moment method to the location parameter Example is for LN-3: use MLM-estimates with X replaced by X - x0: The location parameter is taken from the first moment:
Mixed-moment max.likelihood meth. (2)
The location parameter is solved iteratively the following modified form is used: For each value of x0 : Y and Y2 are estimated using Newton-Raphson method: the denominator is estimated by its expected value: The new x0 is determined (until improvement is small) from:
Censoring of data Right censoring: eliminating data from analysis at the high side of the data set Left censoring: eliminating data from analysis at the low side of the data set Relative frequencies of remaining data is left unchanged. Right censoring may be required because: extremes in data set have higher T than follows from series extremes may not be very accurate Left censoring may be required because: physics of lower part is not representative for higher values
Quantile uncertainty and confidence limits
Estimation errors in parameters lead to estimation errors in quantiles Procedure demonstrated for quantile of N(X, X2) quantile estimated by: estimation variance of quantile: Hence: Var mX = sX2/N Var (sX) = sX2/2N Cov(mX,sX) =0
Quantile uncertainty and conf. limits (2)
Confidence limits become: CL diverge away from the mean Number of data N also determine width of CL Uncertainty in non-exceedance probability for a fixed xp: standard error of reduced variate It follows with zp approx N(zp,zp): hence:
Confidence limits for frequency distribution
Example rainfall Vagharoli
Example rainfall Vagharoli (2)
Normal distribution FX(z) for z=(x-877)/357 Ranked observations T=1/(1-FX(z)) Fi=(i-3/8)/(N+1/4)
Example rainfall Vagharoli (3)
Example Vagharoli (4) T FX(x) = 1 - 1/T
Investigating homogeneity
Prior to fitting, tests required on: 1. stationarity (properties do not vary with time) 2. homogeneity (all element are from the same population) 3. randomness (all series elements are independent) First two conditions transparent and obvious. Violating last condition means that effective number of data reduces when data are correlated lack of randomness may have several causes; in case of a trend there will be serial correlation HYMOS includes numerous statistical test : parametric (sample taken from appr. Normal distribution) non-parametric or distribution free tests (no conditions on distribution, which may negatively affect power of test
Summary of tests On randomness: On correlation: On homogeneity:
median run test turning point test difference sign test On correlation: Spearman rank correlation test Spearman rank trend test Arithmetic serial correlation coefficient Linear trend test On homogeneity: Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney U-test Student t-test Wilcoxon W-test Rescaled adjusted range test
Chi-square goodness of fit test
Hypothesis F(x) is the distribution function of a population from which sample xi, i =1,…,N is taken Actual to theoretical number of occurrences within given classes is compared Procedure: data set is divided in k class intervals containing at least each 5 values Class limits from all classes have equal probability pj = 1/k = F(zj) - F(zj-1) e.g. for 5 classes this is p = 0.20, 0.40, 0.60, 0.80 and 1.00 the interval j contains all xi with: UC(j-1)<xi UC(j) the number of samples falling in class j = bj is computed the number of values expected in class j = ej according to the theoretical distribution is computed the theoretical number of values in any class = N/k because of the equal probability in each class
Chi-squared goodness of fit test
Chi-square goodness of fit test (2)
Consider following test statistic: under H0 test statistic has 2 distr, with df = k-1-m k= number classes, m = number of parameters simplified test statistic: H0 not rejected at significance level if:
Number of classes in Chi-squared goodness of fit test
Example Annual rainfall Vagharoli (see parameter estimation)
test on applicability of normal distribution 4 class intervals were assumed (20 data) upper class levels are at p=0.25, 0.50, 0.75 and 1.00 the reduced variates are at , 0.00, and hence with mean = 877, and stdv = 357 the class limits become: x357 = 636 = 877 x357 = 1118
Example continued (2) From the table it follows for the test statistic: At significance level = 5%, according to Chi-squared distribution for = df the critical value is at 3.84, hence c2 < critical value, so H0 is not rejected
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