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Attracting New Members to Freemasonry Angela Berger University of St. Thomas.

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Presentation on theme: "Attracting New Members to Freemasonry Angela Berger University of St. Thomas."— Presentation transcript:

1 Attracting New Members to Freemasonry Angela Berger University of St. Thomas

2 What is Freemasonry? Fraternity designed to teach morality and ethics and train good men to improve themselves and provide better service to their families and communities.

3 How Do the Masons Differ?  Initiation process is secret to non Masons  Only male members allowed  Non traditional recruitment methods - “To Be One, Ask One”

4 Question to Study Are the Attributes of Masonry Attractive to New Members?

5 Common Attributes of Minnesota Lodges  Charitable works  Ancient rituals and traditions  Masonic education programs  Social activities for men

6 Why Study if Masonic Attributes are Attractive?  Masonic membership totals have declined every year since 1959.  Lodges are struggling financially.  Not enough members to conduct basic lodge business and run events.

7 METHODOLOGY  Mailed 756 written surveys to Masons who had joined a Minnesota lodge in the last five years.  Received 130 written surveys from non-Masons who visited the Masonic State Fair booth.

8 FINDINGS New Mason Perspective  76% of New Masons had a POSITIVE impression of Freemasonry prior to joining.  81% of New Masons still have a POSITIVE impression of Freemasonry after joining.

9 What Attracted Current Members to Masonry?  Only 21% joined because of the organization’s attributes.  54% joined because someone they respected was a Mason or a friend or co-worker was a Mason.

10 What Attributes are Most Satisfying to Members?  Charitable works 40%  Social activities 29%

11 Non-Mason’s Impression of Masons

12 What Do Non-Masons Think Freemasonry Is?

13 CONCLUSIONS Did Current Members Join Because of Masonic Attributes? - NO  Only 21% of New Masons said they joined because they thought Masonry was an organization that closely met their values.  76% of New Masons joined because it is tradition in their family, someone they respected was Mason or their friends or co- workers are Masons. These are not attributes of Masonry.

14 Are the Attributes of Masonry Attractive to Non Masons? - NO  Only 24% of surveyed Non Masons had a positive impression of Masonry.  Only 9% of Non Masons said they would consider becoming a Mason.

15 Recommendations  Concentrate recruitment on family, friends and co-workers of current members.  Realize that the unique attributes of Masonic education and traditions and rituals are not attractive to new members or satisfying to current members.

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