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A Revelation of Worship: Lessons from the Throne Room Woodston Family Camp 2011 Deborah M. Gill.

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2 A Revelation of Worship: Lessons from the Throne Room Woodston Family Camp 2011 Deborah M. Gill

3 Lessons from the Throne Room Perfect Worship … the fruit of our lips … the fruit of our lives Perpetual Pleasing words ways Personal who says what and why

4 Series Goals and Assignments My Goals 1. Enhance our worship at Woodston. 2. Improve our worship 247 all life long. Your Assignments 1.Keep updating and annotating your Woodston Personal Worship Prompter.

5 Your Own Woodston Personal Worship Prompter What God Has Done the ACCOMPLISHMENTS of God most impressive to me = the Thoroughfare of Thanksgiving What God is Like The ABILITIES of God most awesome to me = the Pathway of Praise Who God Is The ATTRIBUTES OF GOD most precious to me = the Highway of Worship Who I Am God-given GIFTS and CALLINGS I choose to use for Christ = the Gift of Myself to God What I Have to Offer Personal STRENGHTS and RESOURCES I invest in the Kingdom = the Sacrifice of My All for God What Weve Been Through Together My TESTIMONIES of Gods grace = the Times of Testing that Have Proved God and Approved Me

6 Series Goals and Assignments My Goals 1. Enhance our worship at Woodston. 2. Improve our worship 247 life long. Your Assignments 1.Keep updating and annotating your Woodston Worship Prompter. 2.Put into practice everything you learn.

7 A Revelation of Worship: Lessons from the Throne Room 1. W, June 1 WorshipWhat Is It? 2. Th, June 2 Song of the Supernatural Creatures (Rev. 4:8) 3. F, June 3 Song of the Founders (Rev. 4:9-11) 4. Sa, June 4 Songs to the Lamb (Rev. 15:3-4; 19:1-8) 5. Su, June 5 Dont Go Empty Handed!


9 WorshipWhat Is It? Etymology of the English Word Worship Worth respect, honor, admire, revere Worth + ship = The ways in which we show honor, reverence, admiration to the things which, or the persons whom, we value most highly. Worship can be done with words, with actions, with resourceswith all we have and who we are.

10 WorshipWhat Is It? Worship in One Word = Offering Offer/ing as a Verb: carry to, bring to, offer Offering as a Noun gift, sacrifice, offering Worship is a Demonstration of the Worth of God Demonstrating the worth of the One most worthy, declaring the value of the One most valuable. for all Were Worth With all youve gotthe very best you can!

11 Psalm 29:1, 2, 11 KJV Give unto the Lord, O ye mighty, Give unto the Lord glory and strength. Give unto the Lord the glory due His name, Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness. … The Lord will give strength unto His people, The Lord will bless his people with peace.

12 Romans 12:1, 2 TNIV Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of Gods mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God this is your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what Gods will ishis good, pleasing and perfect will.

13 Revelation 14:1-7 Then I looked, and there before me was the Lamb … and with him 144,000 who had his name …. These are those who did not defile themselves …, but they kept themselves pure … they are blameless. Fear God, give Him glory, …. Worship Him [the Creator, Who make the heaven, the earth, the sea and the springs of water]!

14 Worship Is Like Languages of Love Each of us expresses our love differently, such as with -words -tangible gifts -service -physical closeness and touch, or -time. Each of us is impressed by different things, depending upon who we are, what we have done, or what been through; thus our worship language is distinct. -Learn to express worship sincerely in a way that is authentically you. -And then grow in new ways you can express the worth of God.

15 Assignment #1 Daphne and Dave will quietly minister someThrone Room music. Make at least one annotation per panel on your Woodston Personal Worship Prompter. Then we will sing a worship song together and practice verbalizing our distinctive worship to God.


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