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Jeopardy This is Science - Light JEOPARDY!!!

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy This is Science - Light JEOPARDY!!!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeopardy This is Science - Light JEOPARDY!!!
It would be wise to be attentive, as this is the test review!

2 Final Jeopardy Question
Vocabulary All the colors of the rainbow Reflection & Refraction Your Eye Does or does not produce light? That is the question! Mixed Bag O’ Questions 500 500 500 500 500 500 400 400 400 400 400 400 300 300 300 300 300 300 200 200 200 200 200 200 100 100 100 100 100 100 Final Jeopardy Question

3 The light we see is called this.
Category 1 500 pts The light we see is called this. Answer: What is the visible spectrum? Back

4 The distance from one point on a wave to the same point
Category 1 400 pts The distance from one point on a wave to the same point on the next wave. Answer: What is a wavelength? Back

5 A lens that is thicker in the middle than on the edges.
Category 1 300 pts A lens that is thicker in the middle than on the edges. Answer: What is a convex lens? Back

6 A lens that is thinner in the middle than on the edges.
Category 1 200 pts A lens that is thinner in the middle than on the edges. Answer: What is a concave lens? Back

7 This word means light rays
Category 1 100 pts This word means light rays bounce back. Answer: What is reflect or reflection? Back

8 Category 2 500 pts This happens when sun shines through clouds, breaking up white light into colors. Answer: What is a rainbow? Back

9 This acronym contains all the colors of the rainbow.
Category 2 400 pts This acronym contains all the colors of the rainbow. Answer: What is ROY G BIV? Back

10 This is the color of sunlight.
Category 2 300 pts This is the color of sunlight. Answer: What is white? Back

11 Name all the colors of the rainbow.
Category 2 200 pts Name all the colors of the rainbow. Answer: What is red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, & violet? Back

12 According to legend, this is found at the end of a rainbow.
Category 2 100 pts According to legend, this is found at the end of a rainbow. Answer: Who is a pot of gold? Back

13 A red pepper is red because it _______ every color except ____ light.
Category 3 500 pts A red pepper is red because it _______ every color except ____ light. Answer: What is absorbs and red? Back

14 You cannot see a reflection in a rough surface because
Category 3 400 pts You cannot see a reflection in a rough surface because rough surfaces do this to light rays. Answer: What is scatter in all directions? Back

15 Light bends when it does this.
Category 3 300 pts Light bends when it does this. Answer: What is moves from one material to another? Back

16 When you place a pencil in a clear glass of water, the
Category 3 200 pts When you place a pencil in a clear glass of water, the pencil appears broken because light travels ______ through air than water. Answer: What is faster? Back

17 Light travels in a _______ path away from its source.
Category 3 100 pts Light travels in a _______ path away from its source. Answer: What is straight? Back

18 Messages are sent from the eye to the brain by this.
Category 4 500 pts Messages are sent from the eye to the brain by this. Answer: What is the optic nerve? Back

19 Light travels into the eye through an opening called this.
Category 4 400 pts Light travels into the eye through an opening called this. Answer: What is the pupil? Back

20 This is a muscle in your eye that controls the amount of
Category 4 300 pts This is a muscle in your eye that controls the amount of light going into the eye. Answer: What is the iris? Back

21 Our eye contains this type of lens.
Category 4 200 pts Our eye contains this type of lens. Answer: Where is convex? Back

22 This part of the eye contains nerve cells that transmit the
Category 4 100 pts This part of the eye contains nerve cells that transmit the message to the optic nerve. Hint: the image is upside down here Answer: What is the retina? Back

23 The moon. Category 5 500 pts Answer: What is “does NOT produce light?”

24 Category 5 400 pts Fire Answer: What is “does produce light?” Back

25 Lightning Category 5 300 pts Answer: What is “does produce light?”

26 Mirror Category 5 200 pts Answer: What is “does NOT produce light?”

27 Category 5 100 pts A candle Answer: What is “does produce light?” Back

28 These are the only kind of energy waves you can see.
Category 6 500 pts These are the only kind of energy waves you can see. Answer: What are light waves? Back

29 This material used in gift bags is considered translucent because some
Category 6 400 pts This material used in gift bags is considered translucent because some light can pass through. Answer: What is tissue paper? Back

30 something that light cannot pass through.
Category 6 300 pts This is the name for something that light cannot pass through. Answer: What is opaque? Back

31 microwaves all differ from light in this way.
Category 6 200 pts X-rays, radio waves, and microwaves all differ from light in this way. Answer: What is their wavelenghts? Back

32 A light filter helps keep this out.
Category 6 100 pts A light filter helps keep this out. Answer: What is dust? Back

33 Final Jeopardy Explain why laser beams are more powerful than regular light and how they are useful in the world. Time is up! You have 2 minutes! Back

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