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Improve the quality AGMEST Business Concept Slide 1/8 By : Dr. Hasanain S. Jaafar AlIbraheemy Chairman & CEO AGMEST Group Multi Engineering Systems & Technologies.

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Presentation on theme: "Improve the quality AGMEST Business Concept Slide 1/8 By : Dr. Hasanain S. Jaafar AlIbraheemy Chairman & CEO AGMEST Group Multi Engineering Systems & Technologies."— Presentation transcript:

1 Improve the quality AGMEST Business Concept Slide 1/8 By : Dr. Hasanain S. Jaafar AlIbraheemy Chairman & CEO AGMEST Group Multi Engineering Systems & Technologies

2 Improve the quality Slide 2/8 No. of slides Title 1 Slide AGMEST Spirit & Principles 1 Slide AGMEST Vision & Mission 1 Slide Targeted Growth Rate 2 Slides AGMEST Strategies 1 Slides Corporate Focus Y2006 Agenda

3 Improve the quality Passion : AGMEST Business Passion. Passion : AGMEST Business Passion. Quality : Quality Management & Control. Quality : Quality Management & Control. Fairness : Be Fair with our Team. Fairness : Be Fair with our Team. IS : Definite implementation for the AGMEST IS. IS : Definite implementation for the AGMEST IS. IC: Integrity & compliance. IC: Integrity & compliance. Team: Team work Spirit. Team: Team work Spirit. Slide 3/8 AGMEST Spirit & Principles AGMEST Y2006 Business Concept

4 Improve the quality "To be one of leading Iraqi, Jordanian markets suppliers and service providers for diversified Engineering Systems & Technologies & other Investment & development sectors. To assist our customers in reaching their objectives providing complete solutions for all their needs to comply with requirement & continually improve the effectiveness of the quality management system. AGMEST Vision: Slide 4/8 AGMEST Y2006 Business Concept AGMEST Mission :

5 Improve the quality Targeted growth rate for 2006 (200%) growth of 2005. Factors of growth includes: Company financial sheet. Company financial sheet. Management Information System (IS, IT, Services, T&D, Operation, Finance, HR & CRM DBs). Management Information System (IS, IT, Services, T&D, Operation, Finance, HR & CRM DBs). Business Development Factors (CRM). Business Development Factors (CRM). Targeted Growth Rate Slide 5/8 AGMEST Y2006 Business Concept

6 Improve the quality Establish the Legal – Business Organization of AGMEST Group Development & Investment. Establish the Legal – Business Organization of AGMEST Group Development & Investment. Definite Implementation of AGMEST Spirit & Principles. Definite Implementation of AGMEST Spirit & Principles. Focus on operations. Focus on operations. Grow Vertical. Grow Vertical. Be No. 1 or 2 in the field of activity. Be No. 1 or 2 in the field of activity. Buildup the base of the MIS Management Information system. Buildup the base of the MIS Management Information system. Implement the Quality Management & Control its rules. Implement the Quality Management & Control its rules. Committed to our communities, selves. Committed to our communities, selves. AGMEST Strategies Slide 6/8 AGMEST Y2006 Business Concept

7 Improve the quality Corporate Focus Y 2006 Focus OnPeriodManaged byIn charge By 1 Focus on Operation reaching the TRAGETS. All YearCEOAll AGMEST 2 Establish, MISD and build up its Action Plan & HR to put it in order. 1st Half 2006 CEO -MISD Team 3 Establish FMD – HQ and build up its Action Plan & HR to Put it in Order. 1st Half 2006 CEO - Financial & Auditing Team 4 Establish and build up the sectors quarters in Baghdad and put them in order (Management, Accounting, Auditing, HR, Operation & Marketing) 1st Half 2006 CEO -V Chairman -SVP ADIS -SVP EST -VP O, VP BD HC -CFO -COO -CHIA 5 Focus On the FAT issues &Performance All YearCEO 6 Focus On the SMAT issues & Performance All YearCEO 7 Implement the IS, Educate, Learn, train the Team on, in Amman & Baghdad by: On Job training Training & Orientation Courses Measured by AGMEST Management Certificate (AMC). All YearCEO The Priority Reach the Targets by AGMEST Spirit & Principles Slide 7/8

8 Improve the quality Next is … To implement, To act. Action plan for each sector / Division Slide 8/8

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