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OPERATION 101 TO 104. Pray and Believe God for a CHANGE in the character and conduct of our nation!

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Presentation on theme: "OPERATION 101 TO 104. Pray and Believe God for a CHANGE in the character and conduct of our nation!"— Presentation transcript:

1 OPERATION 101 TO 104

2 Pray and Believe God for a CHANGE in the character and conduct of our nation!

3 101Solemn Assembly, Camp Abaco 102Sensitize our churches 103Sensitize our communi ties National Prayer Crusade 104

4 Its time for the Assemblies of God to increase in more Prayer!

5 We are stronger together than we are apart The purpose of the National Church is to have a national impact on the national landscape of our country.

6 E.M. Bounds said, The office of prayer is to change the character and the conduct of men. Without prayer, no such supernatural change in moral character can ever be effected.

7 Prayer is the most effective means or value and that is eternal value. Jesus made it abundantly clear that The house of God is called a House of Prayer

8 Leonard Ravenhill: PRAYER The most powerful weapon of the Christian life. The most hell-feared battle in the Christian life: When the weakest believer bows his knees to prayhell fears, because God hears and answers prayer!

9 The most underestimated power in the Christian life The most far-reaching ministry in the Christian life Gods vision in transforming a persons character situations communities Nation Is that the believer MUST pray

10 II Chronicles 7:14 Valuable change in character can only take place in the life of a believer when there is true submission to God in a lifelong commitment to pray. We have had many challenges in the life of our Nation, but never to the depth that we face today.

11 IN OUR COUNTRY…. There is widespread disrespect for Law and order. Promiscuity is rampant amongst our teenagers. Drugs continue to have a stronghold in some of our communities In our Court system records sometimes go missing. The AIDS epidemic has reached every level of our society.

12 The philosophy of Homosexuals and Lesbians has already removed one of the pillars from our Constitution and is now seeking to change the Preamble of the same. We need to pray that the Lord of the harvest would raise up real workers, people who are willing to go into the trenches.

13 Intercession and supplication is the needed energy and strength to break strongholds in our communities and in our nation. Change has to come, but the right change can only come through the power of prayer. Except we are diligent in prayer, the Lord cannot keep us sensitive, and if we re not sensitive, we will become callous and unconcerned.

14 I call upon Pastors, Ministers, Members and Followers of the Assemblies of God to come and join us in this great season and time of prevailing prayers which we believe will make a difference in the life of our Nation.

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