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Sanitation and GMP Controls for Listeria
Listeria Controls There are no “magic bullets” for Listeria control
Sanitation, Good Manufacturing Practices, and Employee Training Programs are the key elements of an effective Listeria control program!!!! There are no “magic bullets” for Listeria control Sanitation & GMP controls provide a series of hurdles that prevent or minimize contamination
Sanitation Goals Minimize contamination coming into plant
Prevent cross contamination by people, products and equipment in the plant Eliminate in-plant niches and contamination sources where and when they are found Prevent contamination of finished products during processing and packaging
Start by Evaluating: The potential for cross contamination associated with your plant ‘s: Process & Product Flow Design & Layout of operations Movement of people and equipment 2. Where there are potential niches for Lm to establish itself in your plant 3. How effective are Routine and Intensive Cleaning & Sanitizing procedures 4. Employee hygiene & food handling practices
Evaluate Design & Layout of Processing Operations
How Linear is Your Product Flow ? Is there adequate separation of raw products & processes from finished products & processes?
How Is Your Plant “Zoned”
How Is Your Plant “Zoned”? Establish successively cleaner processing zones “Dirty Zone” – Where raw product is handled. E.g. receiving, storage, cooking “In-Process Zone” – Intermediate steps in the process. Crawfish picking “Clean Zone”–Where finished product is handled, processed and packaged. E.g. weighing, vacuum packing, chilling
Evaluate the location of all processing steps
Where do Process Steps Occur In the Plant ? Evaluate the location of all processing steps Raw or semi-processed products handled in the “dirty” side of the plant must be separated from locations where finished products are handled or processed in the “clean” side of the plant.
Evaluate Traffic Flow: Movement of People & Equipment
Prohibit entry of people, equipment, packaging etc. into finished product areas from outside the plant. Control movement of equipment and people between raw and finished product areas Assign equipment, people & cleaning tools to finished product areas only
Control Strategy Options: People
Discourage traffic between finished product (“clean”) areas & raw product (“dirty”) areas. Require all employees (including supervisors, office workers, management, delivery people & visitors) to wash hands & change outer garments before entering the plant. Do Not Enter
Control Strategy Options: People … continued
Restrict movement of employees and visitors from raw product or “dirty” areas to finished product or “clean” areas. When this is not possible, minimize traffic to the extent possible and use strict controls (wash hands, change outer garment, use footbaths etc.) before entering finished product handling areas. Before You Go Through this Door
Control Strategy Options: People
Require employees to use dedicated & easy to clean footwear in the plant. Require the use of a foot bath or chemical foam barrier when moving from “dirty” to “clean” areas.
Control Strategy Options: Equipment
Prohibit movement of equipment between finished product (“clean”) areas & raw product (“dirty”) areas. Wherever possible use designated items like containers, utensils, tools, trash barrels etc. in finished product areas and don’t move them to other areas of the plant.
Control Strategy Options: Equipment -continued
Separate operations physically if possible or separate by timing the movement of product to prevent cross contamination Processing Room Cook Room Chute
Training and Monitoring
Develop and finalize new procedures and policies as necessary. Assign supervisors, team leaders etc. to monitor performance and ensure that new procedures or policies are implemented properly. Implement a system to reward or recognize compliance and/or penalize for non compliance Train employees to ensure that they understand what is expected, why it’s important, and what impact/consequences their performance will have.
Find and Eliminate Listeria monocytogenes (Lm) Niches
Niches are places in the plant where Lm persists and grows over time. Niches can occur anywhere there are cracks and crevices that can accumulate bacteria, water, & nutrients (food debris) and are hard to reach with cleaning tools & sanitizer. Lm can form biofilms in these niches that protect it from the environment.
Find and Eliminate Listeria monocytogenes (Lm) Niches
Normal cleaning and sanitation procedures may not be effective when Lm has colonized a niche. During operation, Lm can work its way out of a niche and contaminate equipment & products as they move downstream in the process.
Bacteria like Listeria can form a biofilm to protect themselves
This slide shows an electron micrograph of a scratch on stainless steel, where a biofilm has developed.
Potential Reservoirs or Niches of Lm
Floors & Floor Mats Drains Cleaning Tools Blowers & Chillers
Other Potential Sources of Lm
Baskets Chutes Counters Scales Packaging Equipment On/Off Switches Rubber seals on doors Trash/waste receptacles Floors with standing H2O Condensate traps Ice makers Underneath Cleaning table
Sanitation Procedures
Routine Cleaning & Sanitation Procedures are essential to eliminate new day-to-day Listeria contamination that continually comes into the plant with product, people, supplies, and/or equipment. Intensive Cleaning & Sanitizing Procedures are used to eliminate Listeria monocytogenes niches where and when they are found.
General Cleaning and Sanitizing Procedures
Step 1 – Remove exposed products
Explain why it is important that all exposed products and especially finished products be removed before cleaning and sanitizing begins. If you start to spray dirty equipment, floors etc while finished product is exposed (not in a sealed container or package) it could become contaminated with Listeria. When you spray and/or scrub dirty equipment, floors etc., bacteria like Listeria can become airborne in water droplets that can settle onto product and contaminate it. This mistake has been observed in many plants. Develop alternatives in workers daily schedules if necessary before conducting this training to prevent this from happening in the slicing, packing or picking rooms where exposed finished product is handled and may become contaminated.
Step 2 – Dry clean & sweep area Remove garbage, food debris & other waste
Step 2 – The area to be cleaned must be scraped or swept first to remove food and other debris. All garbage, cardboard, packaging material and other extraneous items should be removed before wet cleaning begins. This will help make cleaning easier and make sure that anything that can’t be effectively cleaned and sanitized is removed before cleaning begins. Removing all debris and garbage also makes it easier to get to cracks, crevices, and niches that can harbor Listeria when you are cleaning and sanitizing the area.
Step 3–Wet down area to be cleaned
Step 3 – Floors, walls and equipment should be wet down before cleaning. Describe how this is done in your plant. For example use a hose with a low pressure nozzle. Surfaces need to be wet before cleaning starts to help loosen dirt, fish oil, scales or other debris before applying detergent.
Step 4(a) – Apply detergent
Step 4 – Apply detergents. This slide should be used to describe your plant’s procedures for the application of detergents with sprayers, manual applications or any other method that you use. The next slide can be used to describe procedures for using foam applicators. Describe what detergents are used in the plant. Describe why these products are especially needed for your type of plant. Describe how to mix your detergent properly and/or which pre-mixed dispenser to use. Tell employees how long the detergent should sit on the surface to be cleaned before they start scrubbing. Use the guidelines from the manufacturer of the detergent that you use to determine the appropriate amount of time that the detergent should remain on various pieces of equipment before scrubbing. Describe any special detergents such as de-greasers that are used in specific areas and how and when they should be used.
Applying Detergent with Foamers
This slide is included for you to describe the use of foam applicators in your plant. Describe the applicator equipment, where foam applicators are used in the plant and how and when to use them properly. Courtesy Hydro Systems Company
Step 4(b)- Scrub area vigorously
Make the point that detergent alone can’t do the job. It takes a lot of good old fashioned elbow grease and scrubbing to get things clean. This is especially important in fish and meat plants where scales, protein, fish oil etc. can be difficult to remove, especially if the surface has dried out or been exposed to heat (gets cooked onto the surface). Make the point that scrubbing properly with the proper detergent is the single most important step in the whole cleaning and sanitizing procedure. Emphasize the type of equipment like brushes, green scouring pads etc. that should be used for scrubbing in your plant. Describe the color coding system for cleaning brushes & pads if you use one. Describe any special tools that you use for specific equipment or areas of the plant. Re-emphasize that scrubbing or cleaning tools used in raw areas of the plant should NEVER be used in finished product areas. Make the point that all surfaces need to be scrubbed including corners, seams, underneath tables etc.
Be sure to use the right amount of Sanitizer: Use Test Strips
Use this slide to explain why you need to use the right amount of sanitizer and follow the procedure for mixing or selecting the right sanitizer applicator. One concept to emphasize is: If the sanitizer is too weak all bacteria especially resistant ones like Listeria won’t be killed. If the sanitizer is too strong it can damage equipment, contaminate products, and even cause your skin to break out in a rash. Regulations also require that the right concentration be used. The concept that if a little bit is good – then more must be better- definitely does not apply to sanitizers. Demonstrate with test strips used in your plant how to test sanitizer strength. If you use more than one type of sanitizer be sure to explain how to read the test strip label to be sure that you use the right test strips for the sanitizer being used.
Areas to be Sanitized with Quats or Peracid Sanitizers
Drains Daily Floors Waste containers Walls Weekly/monthly Condensate drip pans Weekly HVAC Coolers* Freezers* Semi-annually Use this slide to explain why you need to use the right amount of sanitizer and follow the procedure for mixing or selecting the right sanitizer applicator. One concept to emphasize is: If the sanitizer is too weak all bacteria especially resistant ones like Listeria won’t be killed. If the sanitizer is too strong it can damage equipment, contaminate products, and even cause your skin to break out in a rash. Regulations also require that the right concentration be used. The concept that if a little bit is good – then more must be better- definitely does not apply to sanitizers. Demonstrate with test strips used in your plant how to test sanitizer strength. If you use more than one type of sanitizer be sure to explain how to read the test strip label to be sure that you use the right test strips for the sanitizer being used. * Chlorine may be more effective than Quats if the temperature is low
Step 7– Air Dry/Store Properly
Step 7 – Describe how drying with a cloth, sponge etc can re-contaminate a clean surface and how improper storage can cause re-contamination. In other words all of your hard work up to this point is for nothing. It’s important to explain where and how specific items are to be stored properly for air drying. For example, one common problem is that wet tubs, totes, pans etc. are nested after cleaning and sanitizing. A film of water – which is a great environment for Listeria to live and grow- is formed between each pan or tote. Totes etc. should be stacked so that there is no nesting until they are dry. When they are completely dry they can be nested for storage if necessary.
Cleaning Tips – Sanitation Don’ts
DO NOT use high pressure hoses to clean drains, minimize use elsewhere DO NOT use compressed air to clean equipment DO NOT start cleaning & sanitizing if there is any exposed product in the entire area DO NOT do a wet mid-shift cleaning DO NOT stack or nest tubs, totes, pans etc. after they are cleaned and sanitized DO NOT let water spray on cleaned & sanitized surfaces such as those close to the floor while cleaning It’s important to review each of these items on the List of things that will Never be done in your plant. Explain that drains are where you expect Listeria to end up. If you use high pressure you will create small water droplets that could have Listeria and spread them throughout the plant and possibly create many new niches where it can grow and multiply – making your efforts to find and eliminate it much more difficult. Explain how compressed air lines and filters that are moist can be perfect places for Listeria to live and grow. When you spray the air you can contaminate products. Explain your company policy about mid-shift (lunch break) clean-ups. Describe what employees should do and what not to do before they leave and when they return. It is desirable to have employees remove debris and food particles and wipe down their work area with sanitizer before breaks instead of a mid-shift wet clean up. Caution against splashing water off of the floor or any unsanitized surface onto other equipment, especially if previously cleaned. Cleaning crews can sweep the floor during production but should not wash down with a hose until after production is completed. Mid-shift cleaning should be avoided.
Cleaning Tools Designate cleaning tools for a specific purpose.
For example, never: Use floor brooms/floor squeegees on tables Use pads or brushes used for cleaning garbage barrels on packing tables Use the same brush to clean floor drains on any food contact surface. Use brushes, pads, brooms or squeegees in raw product area and then in finished product areas Clean & Sanitize all brooms, brushes and pads every day, after plant is cleaned. Store all cleaning aids properly Determine if color-coding or other system is needed to segregate cleaning utensils and explain the appropriate colors that are to be used. Review procedures for cleaning and storing cleaning aids (off the floor so they dry). Wiping cloths should not be used. Discourage the use of sponges – require nearly daily replacement if used.
Plant Procedures for Cleaning and Sanitizing
BEGIN DEMONSTRATIONS of specific procedures used in your plant. This is where you teach your employees by actually doing each procedure in the location where it is conducted. This will be the most effective way to train those responsible for these daily activities. You need to think through how to do this in the most practical and effective way. These demonstrations could be conducted all at once at the end of the day by actually doing the cleanup or you may want to demonstrate one or two procedures each day for as many consecutive days as you need to cover them all. Be sure to keep a record of when each part of the training is completed to be sure that all procedures have been covered and all of the appropriate employees have been trained. You need to think through how to best accomplish these demonstrations. You might want to review each of the procedures in the next 7 slides in the slide show presentation, but they are somewhat wordy and may get tedious. If you choose this approach you may want to go through the next 7 slides quickly, and then go out into the plant and conduct the demonstrations in each appropriate area. An alternative approach would be to stop the slide show here, print out a copy of each of the next 7 slides along with your written procedures and give them to employees as handouts to follow while you are conducting the demonstrations. Food Safety is Everyone’s Job!
Sanitation Procedures: Drains
Drains are likely to be the most highly contaminated area of the plant An inadequate drainage system with frequent backups is a critical problem. If a backup occurs production must stop. All exposed product should be removed. The drain should be cleared, cleaned with caustic, rinsed & sanitized before starting production. Never use high pressure to unclog a drain Consider the location and type of each drain when determining what procedure to use
Drains -Daily Clean-up
Move equipment or food contact surfaces that could get contaminated or use a splash guard Remove drain cover Rinse with low pressure hose Apply foam or detergent solution Scrub with designated brush (1/4 inch smaller than drain opening) Flood with sanitizer Insert bactericidal ring if used Replace drain cover Clean drain brush and store in sanitizer Demonstrate your procedure for cleaning drains. Explain how to clean as well as when to clean. Determining “when” to clean drains may be dependent on where the drain is. For example are drains cleaned after the rest of the room is cleaned and sanitized or before? If drains are cleaned after the room is cleaned and sanitized, special precautions may be needed to ensure that equipment or surfaces are not re-contaminated during drain cleaning. In some cases it may be necessary to clean drains before the rest of the area is cleaned as well as after cleaning is complete. Be sure to emphasize again that high pressure is never used in drains. Also emphasize what special cleaning tools are used for drains and how and where they should be stored to ensure that they are not used to clean other items or areas.
Raw Product Areas End of Day Clean-up
1) Remove & store all raw or in-process products 2) Remove garbage/food waste, clean tables & other surfaces & sweep floors. 3) Wet all surfaces with water 4) Apply detergent to all surfaces 5) Scrub all surfaces with brushes or pads 6) Rinse and inspect for cleanliness 7) Apply sanitizer 8) Store equipment properly to air dry 9) Remove standing water from floors 10) Wash cleaning tools, sanitize & store Demonstrate the specific procedures for floors, walls, tables, conveyors etc. in the raw product area as well as equipment such as skinners, tubs, totes, brine tanks, and any portable items that are cleaned in a 2 or 3 compartment sink. If the same cleanup crew is responsible for both the finished product and raw product areas you may just need to explain the differences between these two areas. If the same crew cleans both areas they should be careful not to track Listeria from the raw area into the finished product area. If the raw area is cleaned first, the crew should change aprons, gloves, boots etc before cleaning the finished product area. If the finished product area is cleaned first this may not be necessary before moving to the raw area since it is likely to be more heavily contaminated. Emphasize importance of never using the same cleaning tools used in the raw area to clean in the finished product area.
Finished Product Areas - End of Day Clean-up
Never use cleaning tools from raw product areas Remove & store all exposed products Remove garbage/food waste, clean tables & other surfaces sweep floors. 3) Wet all surfaces with water. 4) Apply detergent to all surfaces 5) Scrub all surfaces with brushes or pads 6) Rinse and inspect for cleanliness 7) Apply sanitizer 8) Store equipment properly to air dry 9) Remove standing water from floors 10) Wash cleaning tools, sanitize & store Demonstrate how to do a complete end of the day cleaning and sanitizing for each of your finished product areas. Include procedures for all stationary objects such as tables, floors and walls, conveyors etc. Note that not just tabletops need cleaning but also under the lip, undersides and table legs. Footrests can be moved to a corner of the room used for cleaning assorted non-food contact objects. This makes for more consistent cleaning and provides easier access under tables. Stress mats should be cleaned and moved so that the floor beneath them can be effectively cleaned and sanitized. Don’t forget to sanitize stress mats after cleaning because they have been frequently identified as a harborage site for Listeria. Some objects, like paper towel dispensers and electrical equipment, may need to be moistened with detergent by hand and not sprayed with foam or wetted with a hose. Caution employees to never spray drains under high pressure or even the floor after other surfaces have been cleaned.
Trays, Pans & other Utensils End of Day or After Use Clean-up
1) Fill sink compartment with warm water & detergent 2) Make sanitizer solution and check with test strips 2) Scrape/clean to remove food debris 3) Soak as necessary 4) Scrub all surfaces with brush or pad 5) Rinse and inspect for cleanliness 6) Immerse, spray or flood with sanitizer 7) Store properly on racks, shelves or hooks & air dry Demonstrate how to properly clean and sanitize portable items such as utensils, trays, pans, knives etc. in a 2 or 3 compartment sink. The three steps of detergent cleaning, rinsing thoroughly, and wetting with sanitizer are necessary to kill Listeria. Clean things that routinely touch product (trays, knives, pans etc.) first, then finish with gloves and aprons or other items. Give employees a detailed procedure for mixing detergent for use in soak/dip tanks. Apply sanitizer to articles placed in a cleaned and sanitized sink or similar basin. Caution employees to use gloves when hand scrubbing with detergent. Show what articles are sanitized by dipping them in a tub (or 3rd basin of 3-compartment sink) or how to apply the sanitizer with a spray. Drying racks or additional wall hooks may be needed if articles do not dry overnight.
Storage Coolers Daily and End of Week Clean-up
Daily – Remove debris/trash & standing water Visually inspect for proper product storage, no condensate or drip, no cross contamination Weekly – Remove all products Remove trash & standing water and sweep Wet all surfaces Apply detergent to all surfaces including ceiling Scrub with brushes and floor broom Rinse and inspect for cleanliness Apply sanitizer to all surfaces Demonstrate your procedures for both daily cleanup of coolers as well as the complete weekly wet cleaning and sanitizing procedure. Employees should know that contamination in cold damp coolers is one of the common sources of L.m. in many food plants. The amount of time spent scrubbing can decline after the first 2-3 thorough cleanings. Management will let employees know when and if to reduce scrubbing. Caution against using floor brooms on ceiling or walls.
You May Need Special Cleaning and Sanitizing Procedures for:
Floor Mats Totes and tubs Colanders Aprons and boots Boot dips This slide is a reminder to demonstrate how to clean and sanitize any other items for which you might have special procedures. Be sure to demonstrate how to clean and sanitize smoking racks, tubs and totes, plastic pallets, and carts and dollies properly as well as how to store them properly after they are cleaned. All of these portable items have been found to harbor Listeria and are likely to be one of the most important ways that Listeria is moved from one area of the plant to another. It is very important to carefully clean and sanitize the wheels of any rolling conveyance in the plant on a regular (at least daily) basis. You should also demonstrate the proper procedures for cleaning, sanitizing and storage of rubber aprons, gloves and boots. If you use footbaths or boot dips you also need to demonstrate how they should be maintained during the day and cleaned and sanitized at the end of the day.
Sanitation Implementation
Consistency & attention to details is critical Assign reliable dedicated employees to cleaning and sanitation tasks and train them Seek expert assistance as necessary to ensure that effective chemicals, procedures and delivery systems are being used and monitored properly Assign reliable supervisory level personnel to routinely monitor cleaning crew performance and proper use of chemicals and cleaning tools
Good Personal Hygiene Practices For ALL Employees Include
Good Personal Habits Proper Clothing Good Health Hand Washing Handling Products Properly Explain that these are the company’s expectations for employees. Each will be explained in more detail on the following slides.
Make sure Employees Keep Themselves Clean
Bathe or shower daily Keep fingernails clean and trimmed at all times Because Listeria is found in many places in the outside environment it is important that you keep yourself clean before coming to work. Bacteria like Listeria can also be present on dirt on your hands or under your fingernails so it is especially important that your hands and fingernails be clean before you come to work and handle food products.
Do not eat, drink, or smoke in the food handling areas.
Implement, Monitor and Enforce Policies that Ensure that Employees: Keep their hands away from their mouth, nose, arms or other body parts when working. Do not eat, drink, or smoke in the food handling areas. This slide is here to help you explain why company policies that prevent activities that involve hand to mouth contact are prohibited. Activities like scratching your face and hair or other parts of your body, smoking, eating and drinking can transfer harmful bacteria to your hands which then can be transferred to the foods you handle. Emphasize that hands must be washed properly after these activities, and/or where eating, drinking, and smoking is allowed and indicate that hands must be washed properly before returning to work.
Train and monitor employees to ensure that they never touch dirty objects and then touch food products while working unless they properly wash their hands or at a minimum change their gloves. This is the slide to emphasize proper food handling practices and the importance of being aware of what are “dirty” objects and why hands should be washed or gloves changes before handling product. Give examples such as touching the trash or waste containers, picking something up off the floor, touching dirty equipment etc. Note that “dirty” does not necessarily mean dirt is visible.
Dress Properly for Work
Require all employees to wear clean, washable outer garments or uniforms. Require employees to wear hairnets, caps, or other suitable covering to confine hair. Supervisors & management should set an example Review your Company’s Policies for proper attire at work in specific areas of the plant including aprons or outer garments, hairnets, beard or mustache covers etc.
Implement procedures to ensure employees keep shoes or boots clean.
Do not allow employees to wear fingernail polish or jewelry when preparing or handling food. Implement procedures to ensure employees keep shoes or boots clean. Review your Company’s Policy on jewlery, watches or other personal items and the use of boots or foot covering in specific areas of the plant.
ALL Employees Should Come to Work in Good Health
Require any illness to be reported to a supervisor and have ill employees avoid contact with food, food contact surfaces and utensils. Review Your Company’s Policy on reporting illness. It is very important that employees be able to distinguish between illness that may be transmittable by food (ie. Symptoms include vomiting and diarrhea) and other illnesses such as colds. However, if a cold is serious enough, it may be necessary for an employee to be reassigned since sneezing, nose blowing, runny noses, etc., may result in frequent touching of tissues and their faces and possibly result in the transfer of Listeria. Think through in advance how to secure employee cooperation if they are afraid of losing a day’s pay. Can they be reassigned to non-food handling tasks?
Gloves shall be worn to touch food and food contact surfaces when an employee has any cuts, sores, rashes, casts, or wears nail polish, artificial nails or jewelry. Explain company policy about wearing gloves. Also explain the importance of having cuts, rashes, infected wounds etc. covered to prevent harmful bacteria from contaminating food products.
How to Wash Your Hands Wet hands with warm water;
Use ample liquid soap from a dispenser; Lather exposed arms and hands for 20 seconds by vigorously rubbing; Thoroughly rinse hands in warm water; Use foot operated faucets to prevent re-contamination of hands; Dry hands thoroughly and properly dispose of paper towels; Dip hands in sanitizing solution; and Do not touch unsanitary objects. Warm water = 110 F. Proper hand washing procedures need to be reviewed step by step. The procedure should include specifics as to where hand wash facilities are in the plant and how they should be used. Consider getting one or two employees involved in demonstrating how to wash hands properly. You may want to use one of the activities with Glo-germ in the supplemental materials to demonstrate effective handwashing.
When to Wash Your Hands Before starting work After using the bathroom
After leaving the work area Before returning to the work area This slide is designed to focus on how people in the plant can cause cross contamination with their hands. Give examples of how your hands can get contaminated: On your way to work While you’re in the bathroom When you leave the work area for lunch, breaks or go to raw product areas When you touch your body such as your face, nose, mouth, hair etc. When you touch dirty objects such as the floor, trash cans, waste bins etc. Emphasize that the only way to prevent the transfer of bacteria from these sources is to properly clean and sanitize your hands before working with products.
When To Wash Your Hands continued
After touching bare human body parts; After coughing, sneezing, using a handkerchief, or disposable tissue; After handling soiled equipment; Immediately before handling food During food handling as often as necessary; and After other activities that may require it. Explain specific company policies related to handwashing as well as where to wash your hands in the plant for each of these circumstances. For example, where do finished product workers wash their hands after returning from lunch vs where do they wash their hands if they sneeze while working on the production line.
Don’t Allow Poor Food Handling Practices
Make sure all equipment is clean before it is used Don’t let employees bring personal items to work Never putting finished product back onto a packing line if it dropped onto the floor or touched something dirty Always remember you are preparing food for someone just like you to eat. It is even more important to take care of the food your company makes because it may not be eaten right away. Give examples of how the things in this list can contaminate product. In the first two bullets are examples of how things that come into direct contact with product could contaminate it if they are “dirty” meaning that bacteria are present. The first picture gives an example of a stuffed toy and a drink bottle at the work station. Explain how these items from outside the plant are likely to have bacteria that could contaminate the work station and product. The last picture shows product being picked up off the floor. Emphasize company policies to make sure this doesn’t happen. Keep all unnecessary things out of the food processing and packaging areas. Put all personal things, like coats, sweaters, and lunch boxes away or in a locker. If you wear jewelry, take it off and put in a safe place or better yet, leave it at home.
Credits Lots of hard work was contributed by:
This training program was developed as part of a project entitled “Control Strategies for Listeria monocytogenes in Food Processing Environments” funded under the National Food Safety Initiative in 2000 by the Cooperative State Research Education and Extension Services of USDA Project No Lots of hard work was contributed by: Cornell University Virginia Sea Grant New York Sea Grant LSU Cooperative Extension Delaware Sea Grant National Fisheries Institute Maryland Sea Grant National Food Processors Assoc.
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