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Five major findings are listed below : 1.Since the teachers didn’t emphasize English stress nor had tested it in the exams, the attitude to English stress.

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Presentation on theme: "Five major findings are listed below : 1.Since the teachers didn’t emphasize English stress nor had tested it in the exams, the attitude to English stress."— Presentation transcript:

1 Five major findings are listed below : 1.Since the teachers didn’t emphasize English stress nor had tested it in the exams, the attitude to English stress between high and low achievers is no obvious difference. The only difference between high and low achievers is that high achievers seemed to be more active in learning English stress in or out of class. 2.Though the teachers think English stress is also very important in English instruction, yet they would rather spend time on improving students’ listening comprehension than stress if they have extra teaching time. CONCTRIBUTIONS-1

2 3.In Class A and Class B, the average grade and the perception grade, and the perception grade and the production grade are highly related in Class A, but there is no significant correlation in Class B. It means that in Class A the students who have better average grade have higher stress perception grade and those who have better perception grade get higher production grade, but in Class B there is little relationship among each of their grade and we can’t predict their stress performance by any of the grade. CONCTRIBUTIONS-2

3 4.After analyzing the errors of high and low achievers’ stress perceptions and productions, the author found that the performance of stress production of either high or low achievers is much better than their stress perception. It supports the statistical result that the stress perception of high and low achievers is really low and has little influence on students’ stress production. CONCTRIBUTIONS-3

4 5.when the teachers try to teach or to learn English stress, the teachers admit that the patterns of English stress are too variable for themselves to get acquainted with so they dare not to teach English stress or don’t know how to present it to students. Students think that they can’t find good models to imitate and don’t work hard enough. However, they also mention that they can’t find any exercises related to English stress in the textbooks and lack chances to practice even if they want to learn it. CONCTRIBUTIONS-4

5 1.Students should change their attitudes toward stress teaching. Motivation is very important for students during their process of learning. 2.Adding an oral test item in the exam may not be the best way but a good way to force students to pay attention to English stress. 3.Teachers should at first try to improve their expertise of English stress and develop a new-style communicative pronunciation component in their curriculum by participating more in conferences and in-service training sessions. Implications-1

6 would be better for teachers to use native speakers’ reading as models as often as possible for students to imitate because students mimic teachers’ bad pronunciation as exactly as the good one.. 5.the textbooks should include English stress as an important part in each lesson. To cooperate with teachers’ teaching processes, the textbooks should not only contains English stress in the content but also provide systematic introduction and enough practice exercises about English stress.. 6.real contextualized environment should be provided as often as possible. Implications-2

7 1.further studies can have more subjects.. The comparison of the stress performance in urban schools and country schools could be conducted to see whether the difference between town and country exists.. 2.Some of the new English textbooks have included English stress and intonation as an item in each lesson, but it is pity that these textbooks still don’t supply systematic introduction and practice about English stress. 3.In this study, since still many students take Southern-Min as their mother tongue, further research could examine the effects of Southern-Min in English stress learning. Suggestionss-3

8 4.There would be more researches focused on this point and work out the method to evaluate students’ stress performance more correctly and effectively. Suggestionss-4

9 critique 1. 在定義名詞中,能先引用專家學者的文獻,如 Crystal (1990), Gimson (1962/2001), and Knowles (1987), agree that stress is a prominent effect on a syllable in a word or sentence. In this study, for the purpose of simplification, 再 予以簡化為 “stress” to refer to the primary stress in a word or a word in a phrase or sentence and use the mark /′/ to represent it. 。 2. 就研究範圍與限制而言,研究者對該研究之研究範圍 與限制,能充分解釋說明。 3. 就文獻探討而言,文獻引用適當,讓閱讀者可以更清 楚地了解。

10 critique 4. 研究結論以研究結果及發現為基礎,易於了解。 就研究結果與討論而言, 該作者將研究結果以相 當多統計圖表 ( 超過 100 個 ) 忠實地呈現如,對研 究結果能做合理之推論,不逾越實徵資料的限 制,無過度概括的情形。 5. 對教學所提出的相關建議具體可行,舉例來說, 研究者提到 First, further studies can have more subjects. after using these new textbooks. the new versions should includ English stress and intonation as an item in each lesson.

11 critique 6. 但就研究工具而言, 該研究所使用的問卷 (see Appendix C) 及口試題本 (see Appendix E) 是否由其 他已發展的良好之問卷修改而成(如: The oral reading text) 為顧及學生的經驗背景與能力水準, 問卷可稍作修編,保有一定水準的內容效度。

12 The End Thanks for your listening !

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