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Contribución UIB-DFS a HyMeX Eventos extremos en el ciclo hidrológico Mediterráneo: física y predecibilidad V. Homar R. Romero A. Amengual M. Vich L. Garcies.

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Presentation on theme: "Contribución UIB-DFS a HyMeX Eventos extremos en el ciclo hidrológico Mediterráneo: física y predecibilidad V. Homar R. Romero A. Amengual M. Vich L. Garcies."— Presentation transcript:

1 Contribución UIB-DFS a HyMeX Eventos extremos en el ciclo hidrológico Mediterráneo: física y predecibilidad V. Homar R. Romero A. Amengual M. Vich L. Garcies M. Tous C. Ramis S. Alonso

2 Líneas principales UIB WG3: Heavy rainfall, flash-floods and floods WG4: Intense sea-atmosphere interactions improve our understanding of the water cycle, with emphases on the predictability and evolution of intense events 2. to evaluate the societal and economical vulnerability to extreme events and the adaptation capacity Objetivos HyMeX

3 WG3: Heavy rainfall, flash-floods and floods Topic 3.1a- Heavy precipitation systems climatology

4 WG3: Heavy rainfall, flash-floods and floods Topic 3.1b- Factors leading to heavy precipitation systems Análisis numérico de factores (separación de factores): Contorno (orografia, superficie marina, tipo suelo) Procesos Físicos (evaporación, liberación calor latente, calor sensible) Estructuras dinámicas (vaguadas, centros ciclónicos, estructuras PV)

5 15 UTC 9 UTC Reference MM5 With nudging Radar reflectivities 5 WG3: Heavy rainfall, flash-floods and floods Topic 3.1b- Factors leading to heavy precipitation systems

6 WRF : Front structure at 12 UTC Өe à 850 hPa Өe vertical section A-B A katafront 6 WG3: Heavy rainfall, flash-floods and floods Topic 3.1b- Factors leading to heavy precipitation systems

7 WG3: Heavy rainfall, flash-floods and floods Topic 3.1f-Modeling and predictability issues Generación de SPC (ensembles) Multifísica Perturbación CI basada en PV Perturbación CI basada en BredVectors Perturbación CI basada en Adjunto Mejora de CI a través de targeting a corto y medio plazo

8 We easily compute probabilities of future outcomes: Time Initial fields Prediction 18 ºC (20%) 16 ºC (50%) 14 ºC (30%) Ensemble prediction systems WG3: Heavy rainfall, flash-floods and floods Topic 3.1f-Modeling and predictability issues

9 New generation method for extreme events: “Targeted” bred vectors ln(ρ) = -1.3 ω 2 = 1.8 ln(ρ) = -3.5 ω 2 = 0.1 ln(ρ) = -1 ω 2 = 0.5 ln(ρ) = -.5 ω 2 = 1.5 ln(ρ) = 0 ω 2 = 5 WG3: Heavy rainfall, flash-floods and floods Topic 3.1f-Modeling and predictability issues

10 WG3: Heavy rainfall, flash-floods and floods Topic 3.1f-Modeling and predictability issues

11 WG3: Heavy rainfall, flash-floods and floods Topic 3.1f-Modeling and predictability issues

12 THE SCENE THE CRIME THE SUSPECTSUS, THE RESEARCHERS WG3: Heavy rainfall, flash-floods and floods Topic 3.1f-Modeling and predictability issues

13 Forecasting process WG3: Heavy rainfall, flash-floods and floods Topic 3.1f-Modeling and predictability issues

14 ADJOINT ENSEMBLE-1 ENSEMBLE-2 HUMAN NON-SENS A cylindrical gaussian perturbation is applied at t-48h to the IC with an amplitude proportional to their zonal standard deviation and centered on the maximum of the mean sensitivity field. Geopotential height at 500hPa: Sensitivity locations: ADJOINT ENSEMBLE-1 ENSEMBLE-2 HUMAN NON-SENS Sensitivities of Mediterranean Intense Cyclones: Analysis and Verification WG3: Heavy rainfall, flash-floods and floods Topic 3.1f-Modeling and predictability issues

15 Mean normalized RMSD of MSLP over the 25 verification cyclone cases: Sensitivities of Mediterranean Intense Cyclones: Analysis and Verification WG3: Heavy rainfall, flash-floods and floods Topic 3.1f-Modeling and predictability issues

16 WG3: Heavy rainfall, flash-floods and floods Topic 3.1f-Modeling and predictability issues

17 WG3: Heavy rainfall, flash-floods and floods Topic 3.2d-Modeling and predictability issues

18 WG3: Heavy rainfall, flash-floods and floods Topic 3.2d-Modeling and predictability issues

19 To improve our understanding from global climate model outputs to regional and local spatial scales: GCMs Dynamical downscaling RCMs -Regional scales: Dynamical downscaling. Regional Climate Models (RCMs) Statistical downscaling -Local scales: Statistical downscaling and model calibration from RCMs WG3: Heavy rainfall, flash-floods and floods Topic 3.3-Impact of climate change on heavy precipitation and flash-floods

20 WG3: Heavy rainfall, flash-floods and floods Topic 3.3-Impact of climate change on heavy precipitation and flash-floods

21 SPdP: change in annual intensity trends of extreme events (1979-2008/2021-2050) WG3: Heavy rainfall, flash-floods and floods Topic 3.3-Impact of climate change on heavy precipitation and flash-floods

22 Líneas principales UIB WG3: Heavy rainfall, flash-floods and floods WG4: Intense sea-atmosphere interactions improve our understanding of the water cycle, with emphases on the predictability and evolution of intense events 2. to evaluate the societal and economical vulnerability to extreme events and the adaptation capacity Objetivos HyMeX

23 WG4: Intense sea-atmosphere interactions Topic 4.1a-Local severe winds 10 Desembre 1996 29 Setembre 1983 16 Gener 1995 9 Octubre 1996

24 WG4: Intense sea-atmosphere interactions Topic 4.1a-Local severe winds

25 + B.C. + Hydrostatic Eq. ÊPV inversion (Hoskins et al., 1985) WG4: Intense sea-atmosphere interactions Topic 4.1b-Mediterranean cyclogenesis




29 Acción complementaria Plan Nacional Red Financiar: Viajes a Workshops, Reuniones Portal comunicación online, Secretaría? Grupos Interesados?

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