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2014-15 State Budget Highlights: Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders July 10, 2014 CMHDA & CADPAAC are in the process of becoming: Kirsten Barlow.

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Presentation on theme: "2014-15 State Budget Highlights: Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders July 10, 2014 CMHDA & CADPAAC are in the process of becoming: Kirsten Barlow."— Presentation transcript:

1 2014-15 State Budget Highlights: Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders July 10, 2014 CMHDA & CADPAAC are in the process of becoming: Kirsten Barlow Associate Director, Legislation and Public Policy (916) 556-3477, ext. 1112

2 Key County Priorities  Mandate Repayment  $100 million ($73 million for counties) in 14/15 and $800 million more next year if revenues are high enough  Katie A. Implementation  $1 million state GF ($600,000 in DHCS budget) for semiannual implementation progress reports  Claiming process to be developed

3 Key County Priorities, cont.  Mentally Ill Offenders Crime Reduction (MIOCR) Grants  $18 million in county grants (25% local match)  Board of State & Community Corrections  Half for juveniles, half for adults  Parity Enforcement  $2.1 million for Department of Managed Health Care  $375,000 for Department of Insurance

4 Key County Priorities, cont.  Medi-Cal Mental Health & SUD Expansion  Mental Health $138 million state GF $253 million federal funds  SUD $67 million state GF $138 million federal funds

5 Mental Health Services Act  UC Centers for Behavioral Health Excellence  $5 million per year for 3 years  MHSOAC State Admin. funds  UCLA and UC Davis  Golden Gate Bridge Suicide Barrier  $7 million one-time  MHSOAC SB 82 Funds

6 Department of State Hospitals  Restoration of Competency Expansion  105 beds in state hospitals ($7.8 million)  55 beds in county jails or secure community treatment facilities ($3.9 million)  Enhanced Treatment for Most Dangerous  $2.1 million to begin planning for specialized units to treat most dangerous/violent patients  AB 1341 (Achadjian) describes the Enhanced Treatment Program

7 DHCS Positions  Monitoring MHPs Due to CMS Concerns (7 staff)  EPSDT Performance Outcomes (4 staff)  SUD Expansion (12 staff)  SB 82 & SB 364 Implementation (2 staff)  Drug Medi-Cal Provider Recertification (21 staff)  SUD Counselor and Facility Complaints (6 staff)  MEDS Modernization (16 staff)

8 Reducing Recidivism Highlights  Community reentry for offenders 6-12 months from release, including MH/SUD treatment ($20 million)  Collaborative courts focused on mental health and SUD offenders ($15 million)  Recidivism reduction grants for community non- profit organizations ($8 million)  SUD treatment in state prisons ($11.8 million)  Alternative custody authorized in counties, including MH/SUD treatment  Case management pilot for three counties to use social workers to assist parolees ($2.5 million)

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