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Christians in the first century faced many serious challenges  External persecution, Acts 4-9  Internal failures, Acts 5  Internal disputes: false.

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2 Christians in the first century faced many serious challenges  External persecution, Acts 4-9  Internal failures, Acts 5  Internal disputes: false teaching, Acts 15

3 Acts 15: Case study  How to deal with doctrinal disputes  How to establish authority


5 Some sought to impose the Law of Moses, Acts 15:1-3  From Judea

6 Some sought to impose the Law of Moses, Acts 15:1-3  Taught circumcision necessary for salvation Did not deny Christ Did not deny baptism Did not deny one church Not immoral

7 Some sought to impose the Law of Moses, Acts 15:1-3  Paul & Barnabas defended the truth Dissension: sedition, discord The Expositor’s Greek Testament Dispute: mutual questioning, Thayer’s It is right to argue religion!

8 The debate continued in Jerusalem, Acts 15:4, 5  Judaizers added to God’s will Gospel + circumcision Gospel + Law of Moses Gospel + nothing

9 The debate continued in Jerusalem, Acts 15:4, 5  Men still act like Judaizers Gospel + Roman Catholic tradition Gospel + Book of Mormon Gospel + Methodist Book of Discipline

10 The discussion was for the audience  Not to discover or establish truth by council  No disagreement among apostles & elders  Done in public, in front of church, 15:22  Solidified “public” opinion

11 Peter established truth by his approved example, Acts 15:6-11  Work among Gentiles, Acts 10, 11  Saved by: Hear the word, Rom. 10:17 Believe, Rom. 10:9, 10; Acts 10:48; 8:36-38

12 Peter established truth by his approved example, Acts 15:6-11  One gospel plan of salvation for all men Not one for Baptists – another for Methodists Not one for Presbyterians – another for Catholics There Are Not Many Ways To Heaven

13 Paul & Barnabas established truth by their approved example, Acts 15:12  Work among Gentiles, Acts 13, 14  Miracles proved work was approved by God, Mk. 16;20  Necessary inference: Gentiles do not need the Law

14 James established truth By a direct statement, Acts 15:13-21  Prophets, Amos 9:11, 12 God always planned this The Law supports this

15 James established truth By a direct statement, Acts 15:13-21  Inspired conclusion Do not trouble…by adding to the gospel

16 James established truth By a direct statement, Acts 15:13-21  Inspired conclusion Abstain from: ⁃ Things polluted by idols ⁃ Sexual immorality ⁃ Things strangled ⁃ Blood

17 Unity among the brethren, Acts 15:22  Truth unites those who accept it, Jn. 17:17-21  Truth divides those who accept it from those who reject it, Mt. 10:34-39

18 A unified message was sent out, Acts 15:23-29

19 The truth brought joy to brethren, Acts 15:30-35

20 The truth strengthened brethren & the churches grew, Acts 16:4, 5


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