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Martin O'Malley GOVERNOR Anthony G. Brown LT. GOVERNOR Raymond A. Skinner SECRETARY Clarence J. Snuggs DEPUTY SECRETARY HOPE QUARTERLY MEETING Webinar.

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Presentation on theme: "Martin O'Malley GOVERNOR Anthony G. Brown LT. GOVERNOR Raymond A. Skinner SECRETARY Clarence J. Snuggs DEPUTY SECRETARY HOPE QUARTERLY MEETING Webinar."— Presentation transcript:

1 Martin O'Malley GOVERNOR Anthony G. Brown LT. GOVERNOR Raymond A. Skinner SECRETARY Clarence J. Snuggs DEPUTY SECRETARY HOPE QUARTERLY MEETING Webinar January 15, 2014

2 Foreclosure Prevention Team Reginald Stanfield Director, Community Programs 410-514-7209 Karen Ashby Assistant Director, Community Programs 410-514-7289 Virginia Tepper Director, Data & Technology Resources 410-514-7259

3 Foreclosure Prevention Team Emilie Drasher Program Manager (410) 514-7221 Josephine Selvakumar Program Manager (410) 514-7232

4  DHCD Updates  Foreclosure and Mediation Data  MHCF Grants  SUN/Foreclosure Relief Home Repurchase Program  NFMC Updates  Monthly and Quarterly Reporting  Outreach Activities  Ocwen Presentation  Mediation Portal Training Today’s Agenda

5 DHCD Updates


7 Orders to Docket (OTD) and Mediation Requests 2013



10 MHCF Grants

11  Streamlined  Agreements are in the process of being mailed to agencies  Supplemental  In process – hopefully will be sent by Mid-February Maryland Housing Counseling Fund Grants

12 SUN/Foreclosure Relief Home Repurchase Program

13  Agreements to be sent by Mid-February  Grant terms:  $250 per homeowner package  Pre-repurchase counseling (one-on-one) to determine eligibility  Submit homeowner package to SUN  SUN will determine whether homeowner is viable candidate for repurchase (underwriting)  Stable income, debt-to-income, payment history, etc.  If application is complete and homeowner passes underwriting, homeowner will be “Approved to Negotiate”  “Approved to Negotiate” prompts payment from DHCD to agencies  DHCD will receive list of qualified packages monthly from SUN SUN/Foreclosure Relief Home Repurchase Program

14 NFMC Updates

15 Neighbor Works NFMC Compliance NFMC Program – Counselor’s Website NFMC: Making Home Affordable - Outreach and Intake NFMC: Events of Default and Remedies Policy NFMC Action Plan Template NFMC Quality Control and Compliance Worksheet DHCD Reporting: Sample Client Satisfaction Survey Form National Industry Standards Code of Ethics MHA Checklist 10-2012 MD DHCD NFMC Required Documentation Sample Authorization Form & Privacy Statement

16 NFMC- Key Points to Remember Review NFMC requirements Signed Ethics to Can enter clients to the portal for NFMC Round 7 as of August 2013

17 Monthly and Quarterly Reporting

18 Monthly reports are due on the 5 th  Submit monthly reports via the portal (link to the portal will be on the first e-newsletter of the month)  Please remember to submit the reports on time – we use this information for our reporting to the Governor’s Office each month Quarterly Reports – next report due April 10 th

19 Quarterly Reporting These fields will auto- populate

20 Updating Contact Information

21 DHCD Outreach

22 OAG Mortgage Company Complaint Submission Form

23 DHCD Outreach HOPE Housing Counseling E-Newsletter New DHCD grants and programs Important dates and reminders Links to reporting Registration for meetings Updates on national and statewide foreclosure prevention programs Housing counseling agency events and program highlights Upcoming DHCD-sponsored events

24 Dates to Remember  5 th of the month: Monthly Reports  5 th and 20 th of the month: Wait Time Survey Not receiving the e-newsletter? Email Next Quarterly Meeting – March 27, 2014 Crownsville

25 Questions?

26 Ocwen Presentation

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