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Published byMarcel O'Neill Modified over 10 years ago
The U.S. Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA)
Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance Hand-Out to US Military Audience Photo: Nicaragua 2007, N or Puerto Cabesas (Hurricane). Villagers off-loading Given in Sofia,Bulgaria for the Inter-Agency Cooperation in Crisis Management and Disaster Response Workshop, 17-18SEP 2013 POC: D. Chivers USAID OFDA Civ-Mil Coordinator for Europe, Central Asia, the Middle East, and North Africa As Of JUL 22
Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance
OFDA TOPICS Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance USG Main actors in “Foreign Disaster Response” (DOD Term) [AKA FHA, HA/DR] “Humanitarian Assistance” for all others OFDA Basics USG Response Process USG Response Options OFDA in EUCOM today Hand-Out to US Military Audience Photo: Nicaragua 2007, N or Puerto Cabesas (Hurricane). Villagers off-loading
Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance
OFDA Main Actors Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance STATE Department US Policy and Diplomatic Guidance Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM) Focus is REFUGEES USAID/ OFDA Focus is INTERNALY DISPLACED Response to Natural and Man Made disasters Also works in Disaster Risk Reduction Others (HHS, DOD, etc.) Only when REQUESTED by LFA Depends on UNIQUE capability of each Hand-Out to US Military Audience Photo: Nicaragua 2007, N or Puerto Cabesas (Hurricane). Villagers off-loading
Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance
OFDA USAID/OFDA Basics Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance OFDA Role within the USG Lead Federal Agency (LFA) for International Disaster Response (Humanitarian Assistance) Coordinator of USG Response in support of Host Nation, and in Coordination with the International Humanitarian Community and other Donors Donor Strategic, Operational and Expeditionary Hand-Out to US Military Audience Photo: Nicaragua 2007, N or Puerto Cabesas (Hurricane). Villagers off-loading
Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance
OFDA USAID/OFDA Basics Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance Mandate / Mission Save Lives, Alleviate Human Suffering, and Reduce the Economic and Social Impacts of a disaster Authorities & Money Since The Foreign Assistance Act Congressionally Funded- “IDA” Account Special Authorities to move and spend money quickly Hand-Out to US Military Audience Photo: Nicaragua 2007, N or Puerto Cabesas (Hurricane). Villagers off-loading
From Request to Response
OFDA From Request to Response Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance USG Host Nation Request Assistance US Ambassador in Capitol Senior Leader at Federal Level May be phone call or meeting only- No need for public or formal announcement Request Meets the USG Criteria: MDRO Hand-Out to US Military Audience Photo: Nicaragua 2007, N or Puerto Cabesas (Hurricane). Villagers off-loading HN asks or is willing to accept Beyond HN capacity In USG Interest USAID/ OFDA (Region & DC) Authorizes OFDA Response Disaster Declaration Cable POC: As Of 24 JUN 13
Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance
Response Options OFDA Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance Coordinate the USG Response Report the USG response In support of HN Work with UN, IOs and NGOs Regional Advisor Deploy OFDA Staff Assessment Team DART & RMT Work in the Cluster System Practice Good Donorship Uphold Humanitarian Principles UN Agencies Fund Partners $50k Grants Int’l Orgs (IOs) Disaster Declaration Cable NGOs Yes Miami, Italy, UAE, and Dobbins AFB Commercial Air Most Common Local Purchase often good option Can assist partners OFDA Warehouses Provide Commodities Special Purchase 3rd Party USPHS / CDC Depends on specifics of the event May or may not be Reimbursable OFDA validates all actions by inter-agency partner Employ USG Inter-Agency BLM/ USFS DOD All Options are based on Rapid Humanitarian Needs Assessment USAR Others
Response Options Staff / Field Teams / DART OFDA
Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance Staff / Field Teams / DART Hand-Out to US Military Audience Photo: Nicaragua 2007, N or Puerto Cabesas (Hurricane). Villagers off-loading Field Monitoring: Philippines ’09 DART Field Team – Nicaragua ‘07 Typical DART DART Field Coordination Task: Coordinating Response Logistics POC: D. Chivers OFDA Advisor to EMCA and EUCOM As Of 07 SEP 12
Response Options Emergency Relief Commodities OFDA
Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance Emergency Relief Commodities Hand-Out to US Military Audience Photo: Nicaragua 2007, N or Puerto Cabesas (Hurricane). Villagers off-loading Water Treatment trailer Plastic Sheeting for Shelter Plastic Sheeting at airfield OFDA Locally Purchased Hygiene Kits
International Organizations (IOs)
OFDA Response Options Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance Grants to Implementing Partners Hand-Out to US Military Audience Photo: Nicaragua 2007, N or Puerto Cabesas (Hurricane). Villagers off-loading NGOs Red Cross Movement International Organizations (IOs) The UN
OFDA and USAID/FFP (Food For Peace) : Haiti ‘10
Response Options Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance Request Unique Capabilities from the USG Inter-Agency Hand-Out to US Military Audience Photo: Nicaragua 2007, N or Puerto Cabesas (Hurricane). Villagers off-loading OFDA and USAID/FFP (Food For Peace) : Haiti ‘10 USAR Teams : Haiti ‘10 Add USAR, CDC, CDC: Philippines ‘09 DOD: Nicaragua ‘07 As Of 07 SEP 12
(with Optional DOD Support)
USG Foreign Disaster Response (FDR) Process (with Optional DOD Support) OFDA Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance USAID/OFDA OFDA Wash DC - Informs the Inter-Agency - Manages the Process as the Lead Federal Agency - Begins Crisis Planning OFDA Region -Coordinates w/ the Field & DC -US EMB, USAID & non- USG (UN, Donors, etc.) COCOM -Updates and Advises the CDR and Staff On-Scene Does event meet USG Response Criteria? HN Request Beyond HN Capacity In US interest OFDA Response Options Employed -Staff to Scene or DART -Funding of Implementing Partners- Grants $$ -Commodities -Request Inter-Agency Support if Needed > Does DOD have a needed Unique Capability? OFDA is LFA OFDA Field Tm/ DART Manages the On- Scene USG Response Validates, Vets, and Prioritizes Mission Requests to DOD Disaster Declaration Cable Yes Input COM Signs Yes USAID Mission Executive Secretary Memo (Exec Sec) MITAM (Tactical Mission Requests to DOD) ACTION MDRO & OFDA Draft Cable ACTION US AMB/COM USG Updates, Fact Sheets Request Assistance Main STATE Inform . Advise Humanitarian Emergency Begins Host Nation SECDEF Approves, then orders process to COCOM, who assigns a MILFOR / JTF if applicable DOD in DC - Raise Awareness /Alert - Start planning if indications are DOD may be requested - Embed / Coordinate w/ OFDA in DC if DOD support request is likely Note: OFDA will inform DOD of all DDs Response HQ/ JTF -Staffs, Sources and Executes Daily MITAM missions -Coordinates with Users to Execute -Re-Deploy as soon as Unique Service No Longer Needed COCOM , Components & Select Units and Bases - Raise Awareness / Alert - Establish OPT for FDR- if it looks like DOD may requested to support COCOM will assist) Note: Per DOD Directive , “... a military commander with assigned forces at or near the immediate scene of a foreign disaster (can take) prompt action to save human lives...” Maintain Situational Awareness / Planning if Appropriate Deploy POC: D. Chivers, FDR FCM NEO Process: 2013 SEP10
Always- Coordination Hand-Out to US Military Audience
Photo: Nicaragua 2007, N or Puerto Cabesas (Hurricane). Villagers off-loading Working with Host Nation to Distribute Supplies DART attends UN Cluster Meetings DART coordinating with other donors, the UN and foreign militaries Advising and Coordinating with Local Government Ministries and NGOs
Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance
OFDA In our area Now Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance Syria Complex Emergency DART (Disaster Assistance Response Team) operating from Turkey and Jordan Grants through Implementing Partners for work inside Syria (Health, Shelter, Medical, Nutrition, WASH, etc.) Commodity shipments Israel, the UN, PA , and Jordan Professional Dialogue Remaining ready for responses in E. Europe and the Caucasus
USAID/OFDA Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance OFDA Resources
Key Civ-Mil Points OFDA is the USG Lead Federal Agency (“Supported Unit”) Disaster Response is counter-intuitive / Not like Fighting a War “Do No Harm” is paramount FHA System is PULL, not Push Response is based on NEED (takes time) DOD Capacity does not equal Need Exec Sec Memo makes it official Normally Not Reimbursable MITAM is tactical Request for mission support OFDA Mandate Save Lives Alleviate Human Suffering Reduce the Economic and Social Impact of the Disaster OFDA Response Options People (Individuals. Regional Advisors or Teams /DART) Money (Grants to UN, IOs, NGOs) Stuff ( Emergency supplies) OFDA ‘s Tasks during a Response Lead the Inter-Agency Response within the beltway as well as in the field Coordinate USG response actions on the ground to meet Humanitarian Needs Coordinate with other responders such as the HN, UN, & NGOs Resources Your OFDA Contact is: Mr. Dana D. Chivers Need Info/SA? Go to SENSITIVE BUT UNCLASSIFIED POC: D. Chivers OFDA Advisor to EMCA and EUCOM As Of 11 SEP 12
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