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2014-15 VISTA Site Supervisor Training Recruitment, Hiring Process, & Preparing for your VISTA.

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Presentation on theme: "2014-15 VISTA Site Supervisor Training Recruitment, Hiring Process, & Preparing for your VISTA."— Presentation transcript:

1 2014-15 VISTA Site Supervisor Training Recruitment, Hiring Process, & Preparing for your VISTA

2 2014-2015 IACC VISTA Site Information Economic Opportunity Education  Dubuque Circles Initiative  Mercy College of Health Sciences  Operation: New View  Project Concern  AIB College of Business  City of Dubuque Human Rights Department  Cornell College  Drake University Adult Literacy  Buena Vista University  Central College  Clarke University  Drake University  Iowa Wesleyan College  Iowa Western Community College

3 Recruitment Timelines  June Start Date  MarchAdvertise & Schedule Interviews  March 21VAD, OSOT, & MOA due to IACC  April 1-11Conduct Interviews  April 14-23Final Selection & Collect Paperwork  April 23Paperwork due  June 1Payment due  June 9-12Member Pre-Service Orientation  July Start Date  MarchAdvertise & Schedule Interviews  March 21VAD, OSOT, & MOA due to IACC  AprilConduct Interviews  MayFinal Selection & Collect Paperwork  June 4Paperwork due  July 1Payment due  July 29-Aug 1 Member Pre-Service Orientation

4 VISTA Application Process 1. Position posted on My AmeriCorps (by VISTA Leader) 2. VAD entered into eGrants by IACC and approved by State Office 3. Sites advertise for position (with some assistance from IACC) 4. Applicants apply; IACC notifies appropriate site 5. Sites conduct interviews and make final selection 6. Sites turn in Sponsor Evaluation Form to IACC for nomination process 7. VISTA Leader communicates with sites about VISTA candidate’s paperwork status 8. Once all VISTA paperwork and site information has been entered and approved by State Office, VISTA candidate is “offered” position in My AmeriCorps 9. VISTA accepts offer in My AmeriCorps and IACC notifies sites

5 VISTA Assignment Description (VAD)  Acts as job description and performance plan  Outlines VISTA’s projects for the year  Project Goal – main goal of VISTA member  Activities – detailed list of how VISTA member will accomplish their goal  Capacity Building  More specific outline of VISTA’s activities, in relation to desired capacity building outputs/outcomes

6 On-Site Orientation & Training (OSOT)  OSOT helps your VISTA ease into their position and their role at your site  Effective OSOT can make a huge difference in the VISTA’s experience  Send it in to us, but then USE IT!  Week 1 activities:  Introduction to site and community, program/project/site history, review VISTA work plan, answer any questions  Week 2 activities:  Initial meetings with project collaborators, create project plans, review details of VAD, answer any questions  Week 3 activities:  Normal work week but still check-in if they need anything, review what VISTA has learned/experienced at the end of the week, prepare for Week 4 of VISTA project!

7 Memorandum of Agreement  Cost share due June 1 (June start date), July 1 (July start date)  VISTA Site and Supervisor requirements  IACC requirements

8 Questions/Concerns Thus Far? Next: Recruitment

9 Advertising Your VISTA Position  You are responsible for recruiting your VISTA. IACC will help with overall advertising of the VISTA project and with basic advertising tools/examples (if needed).  Advertising recommendations:  Your organization’s website  Social media: Facebook, Twitter, Linked In  Campus career centers  Craigslist   If you have a candidate in mind already, you must interview them and have them complete an application on My AmeriCorps

10 VISTA Paperwork Process  Paperwork, paperwork, paperwork!  Site Paperwork  VAD, OST, & MOA to IACC (March 21)  Sponsor Evaluation Form (interview questions)  VISTA Applicant Paperwork  Completed Member Application (portal)  2 Completed References (portal)  VISTA Sponsor Nomination/PSO Registration Form  Relocation Travel Form (if applicable)  Signed Copy of “What to Know Before Beginning Service”  Criminal History Justification Form (if applicable)

11 Recruitment Tips  Personalize your outreach  Respond quickly and follow up  Enlist the help of current VISTAs at site or in area/region/state  Collaborate and ask for help (other organizations, campuses)  Network  Say “Thank You”  Order recruitment materials from CNCS Source: Outreach Tip Sheet, Education Northwest, 2012

12 VISTA Applicants  Once a candidate has applied on My AmeriCorps, Monique will notify you  Respond promptly - within 3 days (minimum)  Be very clear and concise in your communication with candidates  Outline your interview and selection schedule  Communicate in a timely manner (right before interview, after interview, once selection has been made)  E-mail ALL of your applicants/interviewees once you have made your final selection

13 Interviewing VISTA Applicants  Really think about your position and the skills, attributes, and attitudes you are looking for  What are the key things you need? What are some things you could compromise on (provide training if needed)?  CNCS has specific questions that you will need to provide answers for in order for the State Office to approve your final candidate.  Sponsor Evaluation Form

14 Attributes of Successful VISTAs  According to other VISTA Supervisors, successful VISTAs are:  Flexible  Self starters – take initiative  Match the project to their long-term personal goals – they want something out of the experience for themselves  Enthusiastic  Motivated  Strong networkers within the organization and community  Self-confident  Good communicators  Work well with people from a variety of backgrounds  Understand the importance of the incremental steps on the project plan while aware of the vision of the elimination of poverty  Effectively advocate for themselves and the community Source: VISTA Campus - PSO Materials, Understanding the VISTA Assignment, August 2010

15 Web Resources for Recruiting  VISTA Campus      VISTA Forums   Source: Web Resources for Recruiting, Education Northwest, 2012

16 VISTA Campus for Supervisors  VISTA Campus  VISTA Facts: benefits and requirements   Successful VISTA Traits: why VISTAs serve & what makes them effective  Recruitment Resources: best practices & useful info  Targeted Recruitment: focusing your outreach  Using My AmeriCorps  Selecting a Candidate: interviewing and screening members

17 Final Questions/Thoughts? Next: May Training Outline

18 Next VISTA Supervisor Training  May 2014  Doodle poll will be sent out in April  August 22 – VISTA Gathering in Des Moines  Orienting your VISTA  Preparing for a successful VISTA project  VISTA Leader  On-going communication  Reporting  Professional development

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