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Fundraising Best Buddies Canada 2005 National Leadership Conference Be the change you want to see in the world. Gandhi.

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Presentation on theme: "Fundraising Best Buddies Canada 2005 National Leadership Conference Be the change you want to see in the world. Gandhi."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fundraising Best Buddies Canada 2005 National Leadership Conference Be the change you want to see in the world. Gandhi.

2 Purpose of the workshop: To prepare and empower you to successfully fundraise in order to supplement your group activities.

3 What is fundraising? Soliciting for voluntary contributions Two types of contributions: Monetary vs In Kind Monetary-soliciting cash from corporations and other businesses In-Kind-soliciting goods such as pop, food, meeting space, tickets, volunteer servers etc.

4 Why is fundraising important? Best Buddies will only be providing $4.00 per person per group activity. Conference fee. Skills development. Build awareness. Its FUN!

5 How can your chapter fundraise? Methods: Asking another school organization Obtaining grants Soliciting sponsorships from local businesses Holding a chapter fundraiser see p. 31 Service Clubs- see p.35 for website details Approach a previous employer Sell Best Buddies Merchandise You can also budget your chapter money more effectively by finding free things to do in the city.

6 The keys to fundraising: Set a goal Choose a FUNdraiser Make a plan: WHO? WHAT? WHERE? WHEN? WHY? HOW? Get organized and delegating tasks Follow up Know your Best Buddies Canada FAQs Show enthusiasm Involve your Host Site Coordinator and Buddy Advocate Implement a contest

7 How to solicit for In Kind Donations from local businesses Step 1: First things first, who do I approach? Brainstorm companies. Be sure to obtain: the managers name address phone number e-mail and mailing address.

8 Step 2: What on earth do I want to ask them for? Decide on what it is that you would like to receive. Be sure to be specific, for example: 5 bags of assorted Chips 3 cases of Pepsi (24 cans in each) $200.00 Step 3: How do I ask for what I want? See p. 107 for a sample ask letter. Contact your Program Coordinator for Best Buddies letterhead. Step 4: So Ive sent the letter, now what? Follow up- 1 week later Step 5: Acceptance or Rejection Send a Thank You letter to your contact. NOTE: When writing an ask letter for money, the same rules apply

9 Real Ideas that sell - Q&A Time Best Buddies Hugs (UBC). Spaghetti dinner or steak night (University of Ottawa & University of Regina) Chocolate covered almonds sale (WLU) McDonalds Community Night (Queens) See p. 31 for more examples Visit:

10 Short note on Auctions and Raffles: These are very tricky in terms of the law. Before deciding to do a raffle, please consult your Program Coordinator and look up the rules and regulations in your Province/City. Sometimes licenses are needed and they take up to 6 weeks to apply for. Your PC will not apply for a license if the request is put in during second semester.

11 Tax Receipts Please check with your PC before promising a tax receipt to anyone. Tax receipts allowed for money and in kind donations, NOT gift certificates.

12 Requirements for Tax Receipts 1. Name and address of the business/person donating money or merchandise (this must be printed on official letterhead or on a business card). 2. Date in which the item was donated. 3. Photocopy of the cheque if money was donated. 4. A receipt or letter stating the approximate value of the donated goods/merchandise/dollar amount. OUR BB CHARITABLE NUMBER 89530 0861 RR0001

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