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Blackboard Templates and Instances explained (applies to all HE and FE courses and modules) Author: Andy Turner, VLE Manager Updated: July 2014 N.B. this.

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Presentation on theme: "Blackboard Templates and Instances explained (applies to all HE and FE courses and modules) Author: Andy Turner, VLE Manager Updated: July 2014 N.B. this."— Presentation transcript:

1 Blackboard Templates and Instances explained (applies to all HE and FE courses and modules) Author: Andy Turner, VLE Manager Updated: July 2014 N.B. this presentation advances automatically and lasts approximately 1 minute

2 Semester 1

3 CourseABC_Template CourseABC_22-SEP-14_16-JAN-15 Template includes staff enrolments – but no students. Staff upload teaching & learning materials here in preparation for the next semester. 2 weeks before the new course or module begins: everything is copied from the Template to the new Blackboard course Unit-e student enrolments are drawn in automatically each night from Unit-e (student records system) Semester 1 module Staff use this Blackboard course to communicate with, and deliver teaching & learning materials to the new cohort of students.

4 Semester 2

5 CourseABC_Template CourseABC_22-SEP-14_16-JAN-15 Template includes staff enrolments – but no students. Staff upload teaching & learning materials here in preparation for the next semester 2 weeks before the new course or module begins: everything is copied from the Template to the new Blackboard course. Unit-e student enrolments are drawn in automatically each night from Unit-e (student records system) Semester 1 module CourseABC_26-JAN-15_22-MAY-15 Semester 2 module Staff use this Blackboard course to communicate with, and deliver teaching & learning materials to the new cohort of students

6 Need more information? see Open Door, the staff blended learning support site at contact

7 end of presentation – press ESC to close

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