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Test Procedure For INA226EVM

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Presentation on theme: "Test Procedure For INA226EVM"— Presentation transcript:

1 Test Procedure For INA226EVM
4/3/10 Introduction Verify Hardware Install Software Run Test Procedure Label Passing Units Ship Passing Units Conclusion 1

2 Required Order Verify the Required Hardware and Software
Install INA226EVM Software Verify Hardware Run INA226EVM Test Procedure Label Passing Units Ship Passing Units Introduction Verify Hardware Install Software Run Test Procedure Label Passing Units Ship Passing Units Conclusion 2

3 Required Hardware and Software
Introduction Verify Hardware Install Software Run Test Procedure Label Passing Units Ship Passing Units Conclusion 3

4 Items provided by Texas Instruments
No. Item Qty Description / Use 1 INA226EVM Completely built INA226EVM PCB with INA226 part inserted. 2 USB Extender Cable Connects to USB SM-DIG . 3 USB DIG Platform Sample of working USB SM-DIG platform used as a digital data acquisition system 4 Software and Documentation Disk Contains all software and documentation required for the INA226EVM test procedure. Items provided by Manufacture / Test Vendor 1 PC with windows operating system For test software. 2 Digital Multimeter Volt Meter to measure the voltage being supplied to the INA226 Test Board 3 Analog power supply Supplies power to Rshunt and Rload to test the INA226 4 Resistors 1 47ohm and 1 10kohm standard tolerance resistor. Introduction Verify Hardware Install Software Run Test Procedure Label Passing Units Ship Passing Units Conclusion 4

5 EVM Installation Procedure
Introduction Verify Hardware Install Software Run Test Procedure Label Passing Units Ship Passing Units Conclusion 5

6 INA226EVM software is on the CD provided by Texas Instruments
Double Click on the setup.exe file to begin installation of the test software Introduction Verify Hardware Install Software Run Test Procedure Label Passing Units Ship Passing Units Conclusion 6

7 Allow the setup to initialize and click next
Introduction Verify Hardware Install Software Run Test Procedure Label Passing Units Ship Passing Units Conclusion 7

8 Accept both license agreements
Introduction Verify Hardware Install Software Run Test Procedure Label Passing Units Ship Passing Units Conclusion 8

9 Installing … Press Next on the Start Installation dialog, the program will install, then select Finish Introduction Verify Hardware Install Software Run Test Procedure Label Passing Units Ship Passing Units Conclusion 9

10 Hardware Setup for Test
Introduction Verify Hardware Install Software Run Test Procedure Label Passing Units Ship Passing Units Conclusion 10

11 Connections for INA226EVM Test
Introduction Verify Hardware Install Software Run Test Procedure Label Passing Units Ship Passing Units Conclusion 11

12 Set Jumpers on Boards 12 Introduction Verify Hardware Install Software
Run Test Procedure Label Passing Units Ship Passing Units Conclusion 12

13 Connect Power and USB Cables
Connect the 10-pin connector to the SM-DIG and PCB Connect USB extender cable to the board and PC The first time a USB DIG Board is plugged into your computer you may get a message Introduction Verify Hardware Install Software Run Test Procedure Label Passing Units Ship Passing Units Conclusion 13

14 Apply INA226EVM Interface Board Power
10k Ω Resistor (RLOAD) 47Ω resistor (RSHUNT) Shunt Wire from Vin- to GND Apply 10v power supply voltage to terminal block 3. The high side of the supply should be connected to Vbus and the low side should be connected to GND. Introduction Verify Hardware Install Software Run Test Procedure Label Passing Units Ship Passing Units Conclusion 14

15 Run Test Procedure 15 Introduction Verify Hardware Install Software
Label Passing Units Ship Passing Units Conclusion 15

16 Launch the INA226 software that was recently installed
Launch the INA226 software that was recently installed. The program should look like this: If it comes up with an error, ensure that the USB SM-DIG is securely plugged in. Also try restarting the program. Introduction Verify Hardware Install Software Run Test Procedure Label Passing Units Ship Passing Units Conclusion 16

17 Program Setup Enter in the exact resistance of the Rshunt into the “Resistance” box and hit enter. Also, enter the Max current as “10m” and hit enter. Enter the value 109 into the calibration register box and hit enter. Introduction Verify Hardware Install Software Run Test Procedure Label Passing Units Ship Passing Units Conclusion 17

18 Program Evaluation Select the “Read all Reg” buttons shown to the right. This should update the value at the bottom of the program. Ensure the values are close to the table below Channel Output Vbus ~10 V Shunt Voltage ~50mV Current ~1mA Power ~10mW Introduction Verify Hardware Install Software Run Test Procedure Label Passing Units Ship Passing Units Conclusion 18

19 Label Passing Units If the designated part has passed the tests, label the passing unit with a QC sticker on the bottom of the board as shown below Introduction Verify Hardware Install Software Run Test Procedure Label Passing Units Ship Passing Units Conclusion 19

20 Tested Device This test is designed to test the Read/Write
capability of the INA226EVM. Once the test has been passed, the EVM is ready to be shipped. Introduction Verify Hardware Install Software Run Test Procedure Label Passing Units Ship Passing Units Conclusion 20

21 Thank you for choosing Texas Instruments®
Any questions, comments, or concerns should be directed to your TI representative. Introduction Verify Hardware Install Software Run Test Procedure Label Passing Units Ship Passing Units Conclusion 21

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