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Main Research Needs of Asian G-WADI Spatial-Temporal Rainfall analysis Evaporation and Evapotranspiration estimation Rainwater harvesting and artificial.

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3 Main Research Needs of Asian G-WADI Spatial-Temporal Rainfall analysis Evaporation and Evapotranspiration estimation Rainwater harvesting and artificial recharge Canal transmission loss Ecohydrology Groundwater Management

4 Regional G-WADI Workshop on Climate Change Impacts on Water Resources Management in Arid and Semi-Arid Zones Tehran, Iran 20 – 23 June 2011


6 Key Lecturers - Dr Anil Mishra - Prof. Hossein Sedghi - Dr Froud Sharifi

7 Workshop Themes Session 1: Monitoring and Modeling Climate Change Session 2: Impacts of Climate Change dealing with uncertainty Session 3: Adaptation Strategies to Climate Change

8 Climate Change A Global Concern

9 Research Basis Identify patterns of climate change using the methods and smart models such as artificial neural networks, fuzzy logic, Genetic programming and the probable evolutionary scenarios to optimize the use of entropy theory and chaos theory Develop a Road Map to control global climate change and its destructive effects, with the participation of all countries Altering the process of clean energy production and commercializing Simultaneous by the use of carbon-free technologies and renewable energies Research on the use of innovative technologies and research opportunities for human in the scale of trans planetary and Latent energy of the plasma How to adapt to climate change in condition of inevitable climate change

10 Main Impacts of Climate Change Increased ground temperature Changing in the sea levels Changes in agricultural products Abnormal effects of Health Natural disasters Increase Damage to Ecosystems Forest fires Low carbon absorption

11 Workshop Agenda 20 Jun. Opening ceremony - Report by Workshop secretariat, Ministry of Energy - Welcome address by H.E. Mr Haj Rasouli ha, Executive Director of Iranin Water Resources Management company - Opening Remarks by Mr Qunli Han, Director & Representative of UNESCO Tehran - Opening message by Prof Soontak Lee, Chair of IHP IGC - Opening Remarks by Dr Salajagheh, Head of FRWMO - Opening planery by Dr Saeed Abadi Head of Iranian National UNESCO commission

12 20 Jun. Key Lecturers - Dr Anil Mishra - Dr Hossein Sedghi - Dr Froud Sharifi

13 Session 1: Monitoring and Modeling Climate Change 14:00 – 15:15 (15 min for Q&A): Detection and attribution of trend in meteorological and hydrological data (Prof Tsujimura, University of Tsukuba); Coffee Break 15: 45 – 17:00 (15 min for Q&A): GCM Models and downscaling of results (Dr Massah, Tehran University) Welcome Dinner

14 Session 2: Impacts of Climate Change: dealing with uncertainty) 09:00 – 10:00 (15 min for Q&A): Impacts of climate change on water resources assessment and management (Dr Shokouhi, Qazvin University Coffee Break 10:30 – 11:30 (15 min for Q&A): Uncertainty on hydrological models in climate change scenarios (Dr Mousavi, Poly Technique University) 11:30-12:30 (10 min for Q&A): Case of Jaisamand Basin (Mr. Sharma, Wells for India)

15 Session 3: Adaptation Strategies to Climate Change 14:00 – 15:00 (15 min for Q&A): Reliability of hydraulic structures under climate change (Dr Emami, Sharif University); Coffee Break 15: 30 – 16:30 (30 min for Q&A): Policies, strategies and economical measurements for adaptation and mitigation of climate change impacts (Prof Ding/Dr Nan, CAREERI) Coffee Break

16 Session 4: Introducing International Initiatives and Activities of UNESCO in Iran - 17:00-17:30 Regional center on Urban Water Management Activity and Achievement (Dr Motiee) - 17:30-18:00 International Drought Initiatives (Dr Motiee) - 18:00-18:30 International Center on Qanats and Historic Hydraulic Structures (Dr Semsar Yazdi) Workshop Dinner

17 22 Jun. (Wednesday) Asian G-WADI Meeting - Presentation of country reports from Asian G-WADI; focused on climate change Lunch Break Continued: Asian G-WADI Meeting - continued: country report presentations - Group discussion: identification of region specific issues for cooperation in 2012-2013 - Resolution of meeting and wrap-up Farewell Dinner

18 23 Jun. (Thursday) Post Workshop Technical Tour to Taleghan-Hashtgerd G- WADI Pilot Basin Good Bye Dinner Hosted By Ministry of Jihad Agriculture


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