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Follow-up of CRT Patients

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0 Optimization of AV and VV Delays
CRT Program CRM Training and Education Optimization of AV and VV Delays

1 Follow-up of CRT Patients
Physical Examination Device Control Chest x-ray CPX or Walking Doppler- Echo Discharge 1 mon 3 mon 6 mon 12 mon Every Year

2 Optimization of BiV Pacing
A-V Delay V-V Delay

3 AV Delay Optimization Goals Ensure BiV pacing
Improve diastolic filling Reduce mitral regurgitation Cardiac Output 

4 AV Delay Optimization AV too long Close to intrinsic PR (fusion)
Loss of CRT AV too short Premature mitral valve closure Hemodynamic compromise

5 AV Delay Optimization Methods Pulse pressure Empirical Calculation

6 AV Delay Optimization Methods Pulse pressure Empirical Calculation

7 Pulse Pressure Method Objective
Identify AV delay that provides maximal difference between systolic and diastolic blood pressure Procedure Arterial line to measure central aortic pressure accurately

8 Pulse Pressure Method Intrinsic BiV Paced Pressure P Vp Time Pressure
Aorta LV PEP Time Auricchio et al., PACE 1998

9 Pulse Pressure Method BiV Pacing 110 Aortic Pressure (mmHg) 85 60
LV IEGM Time (s) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

10 AV Delay Optimization Methods Pulse pressure Empirical Calculation

11 AV Delay Optimization Measurements
Intrinsic AV (As-Vs) from IEGM recording Intrinsic QRS width from 12-lead ECG

12 AV Delay Optimization Empiric Calculation
Wide QRS (> 150 ms) AVopt (ms) = 0.70 * As-Vs - 55 Narrow QRS ≤ 150 ms AVopt (ms) = 0.70 * As-Vs

13 AV Delay Optimization Examples
QRS = 170 ms; As-Vs = 220 ms AVopt (ms) = 0.70 * = 99 ms QRS = 130 ms; As-Vs = 180 ms AVopt (ms) = 0.70 * 180 = 126 ms

14 AV Delay Optimization Aortic Pressure LV dP/dtmax BiV LV RV 16 24 12
18 8 12 4 6 PR - 30 ms PR - 30 ms -4 -6 -12 -8 A-V Delay A-V Delay Auricchio et al., Circulation 1999

15 AV Delay Optimization Calculation (PR interval) - 30 ms AVopt = 2
Example for As-Vs = 220 ms AVopt = (220-30)/2 = 95 ms Auricchio et al., Circulation 1999

16 Limitations of Calculation Methods
AV Delay Optimization Limitations of Calculation Methods LV lead in anterior vein RBBB Intrinsic PR > 300 ms AV block II°/III°

17 AV Delay Optimization Methods Pulse pressure Empirical Calculation

18 AV Delay Optimization Doppler Echocardiography
Flow Velocity at Mitral Valve Aortic Velocity Time Integral

19 Echocardiography 4 Chamber View Apical Position

20 Apical 4-Chamber View

21 Apical 4-Chamber View Normal

22 Apical 4-Chamber View Normal with CS

23 Doppler-Echocardiography
Fd = Doppler frequency f0 = Ultrasound frequency (e.g., 2.4 MHz) V = Blood flow velocity  = Angle between sound beam and direction of blood flow c = Speed of sound in human tissue (1,530 m/s) 2 V cos  Fd = f0 c

24 Doppler-Echocardiography
Blood flow velocity Spectral analysis 1.5 1.0 0.5

25 Mitral Valve Doppler Echo
LV Ejection Filling ECG Doppler Sample Volume

26 Pulsed Wave Doppler Echo
4 Chamber View E/A Ratio Mitral Valve

27 Pulsed Wave Doppler Echo
ECG E A Flow Velocity (cm/s) 50 mm/s

28 AV Delay Optimization Doppler Echo
Transmitral Flow Velocity  LV filling pressure E wave Early diastolic passive filling A wave Late diastolic active filling  atrial contribution

29 Normal Heart Cycle R P T P P Q S A A A E IVC IVR E IVC IVR E Aortic
Flow Aortic Flow Isovolumic Contraction Isovolumic Relaxation LVFT Left Ventricular Filling Time

30 Left Bundle Branch Block
R1 R2 R1 R2 P Q T T A A A A E

31 LBBB: Late MV Closure R1 R2 R1 R2 P Q T P P Mitral Valve Closure MVC A
IVC* IVC* Aortic Valve Opening AVO * IVC = Isovolumic Contraction

32 LBBB: Late End of LV Systole
R1 R2 R1 R2 P Q T P P MVC MVC A A A IVC IVC Aortic Flow Aortic Flow AVO Aortic Valve Closure Ejection LV Systole

33 LBBB: Late Start of LV Filling
R1 R2 R1 R2 P Q T P Q T P MVC MVO* A A A IVC IVR* Aortic Flow Aortic Flow AVO AVC * MVO = Mitral Valve Opening ** IVR = Isovolumic Relaxation

34 LBBB: Fusion of E and A R1 R2 R1 R2 P Q T P Q T P A A A E E E Aortic
Flow Aortic Flow Short LV Filling Time 250 ms at HR 65/min

35 LBBB: Resynchronization
R1 R2 R1 R2 P Q T P Q T P MVC A A A E IVC IVR E E Aortic Flow Aortic Flow Pre Ejection Period (PEP)

36 Biventricular Pacing BiV BiV BiV AVD T T P P P MVC MVC A A A E IVC E
Aortic Flow Aortic Flow Pro- longed LV Filling Time PEP 325 ms at HR 65/min

37 AV Optimization Short AV Delay Long AV Delay “Ritter Formula” Forced
MVC AV AV P P QA QA A wave truncation Spontaneous MVC A A E E “Ritter Formula”

38 AVopt = AVshort + [(AVlong - AVshort) - (QAshort - QAlong)]
AV Delay Optimization Ritter Formula "The Difference of the Differences" AVopt = AVshort + [(AVlong - AVshort) - (QAshort - QAlong)] Programmed AV Delays AVshort = short AV (25% of PR) AVlong = long AV (75% of PR) Measured QA Intervals QAshort = QA at short AV QAlong = QA at long AV Ritter et al., PACE 1995

39 Transmitral Flow At short AV delay AVshort = 50 ms QAshort = 128 ms
Begin Q A E 128 ms

40 Transmitral Flow At long A-V delay AVlong = 160 ms QAlong = 48 ms Q A

41 AV Delay Optimization Result Programmed AV Delays AVshort = 50 ms
AVlong = 160 ms Measured QA Intervals QAshort = 128 ms QAlong = 48 ms "The Difference of the Differences" AVopt = AVshort + [(AVlong - AVshort) - (QAshort - QAlong)] AVopt = 50 + [(160-50)-( )] = 50 + ( ) AVopt = 80 ms

42 AV Delay Optimization Short AV Long AV Optimal AV

43 AV Delay Optimization Saxon et al., NASPE 2004

44 AV Delay Optimization Long AV 160 ms Short AV 50 ms Optimal AV 100 ms

45 AV Delay Optimization Doppler Echocardiography
Flow Velocity at Mitral Valve Aortic Velocity Time Integral

46 Doppler Echo Apical Five Chamber View

47 Doppler Echo Aortic Flow Velocity Kruck, Biamino 1988

48 Aortic Flow Velocity LBBB A A A Aortic Flow Aortic Flow Time Velocity

49 Aortic Flow Velocity Biventricular Pacing AVD A E Aortic Flow Aortic
Time Velocity

50 Velocity Time Integral
Integral = Area under the curve VTI = AVO AVC V * dt (cm) Fehske 1988

51 Velocity Time Integral
Ejection time Time vmax vmean Vmax = 1.58 m/s Vmean = 1.09 m/s ET = 288 ms VTI = Vmean * ET VTI = 0.31 m Velocity (m/s) ECG

52 AV Delay Optimization Velocity Time Integral VTI = 12.7 cm
Dr. Uhrig, Vivantes Urban Hospital Berlin

53 VTI Method Derived Parameters Stroke Volume SV = VTI * A
VTI = Velocity Time Integral A = Aortic Valve Area Cardiac Output CO = SV * HR HR = Heart Rate Fehske 1988

54 VTI Method Objective Identify optimal AV delay at max. VTI Procedure
CW Doppler of aortic outflow tract Decrement AV delay by 20 ms down to ≥ 80 ms Limitations Doppler signal quality Breathing modulations Intrinsic error %

55 AV Delay Optimization 30 Pts. after CRT implantation NYHA III-IV, LVEF < 35%, SR BiV on atrial sensed beats AV optimization on LV dp/dt max Comparison to Ritter formula, diastolic filling time (DFT), LV VTI, E/A VTI Jansen et al., Am J Cardiol 2006

56 LV dP/dt max LV Pressure (mmHg) dP/dt (mmHg/s)
Jansen et al., Am J Cardiol 2006

57 Agreement with LV dP/dt max
Good Good to reasonable % Jansen et al., Am J Cardiol 2006

58 AV Delay Optimization Methods Empirical Calculation Echocardiography
Pulse pressure

59 AV Delay Optimization Summary Pulse pressure: hemodynamic testing
Calculation: initial programming Doppler Echo: non-responders

60 Optimization of BiV Pacing
A-V Delay V-V Delay

61 V-V Delay Optimization

62 V-V Optimization 41 pts. with CHF after CRT-PM AV delay optimization
RV-/LV pre-activation: 0, 12, 20, 40, 80 ms Endpoints: Cardiac output, mitral regurgitation from echo Bordachar et al., JACC 2004

63 V-V Optimization Echocardiographic Parameters
M-mode: septal-to-posterior wall motion delay (SPWMD) Doppler: Interventricular mechenical delay (IVMD) Tissue Doppler: Intra LV delay onset (LV onset) Intra LV delay peak (LV peak) SD from 12 segments intra LV delay peak (SD LV peak)) Delayed longitudinal contraction (DLC) Bordachar et al., JACC 2004

64 V-V Optimization Correlation to Hemodynamics Cardiac Output
Mitral Regurgitation Parameter LV peak SD LV peak LV onset DLC SPWMD IVMD -0.67 -0.64 -0.48 -0.41 -0.24 0.68 0.63 0.51 0.24 0.06 Bordachar et al., JACC 2004

65 V-V Optimization Tissue Doppler Imaging – Intra LV delay peak
Cardiac Output Mitral Regurgitation Bordachar et al., JACC 2004

66 V-V Optimization 41 CHF pts. with CRT-PM No. of pts. 80 40 20 12 12 20
12 20 40 80 ms LV first RV first Bordachar et al., JACC 2004

67 V-V Optimization 166 DCM pts. with CRT (Doppler Echo) No. of pts. 80
At Implant 3 months No. of pts. 80 40 20 20 40 80 ms LV first RV first Delurgio et al., NASPE 2002

68 V-V Optimization van Gelder et al., Am J Cardiol 2004 AF SR ischemic
SR non-ischemic van Gelder et al., Am J Cardiol 2004

69 V-V Optimization 32 HF pts. with CRT, 20 CAD, SR, QRS 170 ms, EF 23%
dP/dtmax Baseline VV=0 QuickOpt VVdP/dt van Gelder et al., JCE 2008

70 Optimizing BiV Pacing

71 Optimizing BiV Pacing RV only LV only BiV BiV LV first I V1

72 Optimizing V-V Delay Summary Start with standard setting
VV optimization in patients with persistent dyssynchrony Trouble shooting option in clinical non-responders

73 Optimization of BiV Pacing
A-V Delay V-V Delay

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