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Chapter 11 Problem Solving.

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1 Chapter 11 Problem Solving

2 Objectives Explain the four stages of problem solving
Describe the red / green modes of problem solving Identify the different roles a facilitator or manager plays during the problem-solving process Organizational Behavior: An Experiential Approach 8/E Joyce S. Osland, David A. Kolb, Irwin M. Rubin and Marlene E. Turner 11 -1

3 …Objectives Learn how to facilitate a problem-solving meeting
Explain Six Sigma and Appreciative Inquiry Organizational Behavior: An Experiential Approach 8/E Joyce S. Osland, David A. Kolb, Irwin M. Rubin and Marlene E. Turner 11 -2

4 Historical Shift From solely managerial problem solving
Managerial and team problem solving to Organizational Behavior: An Experiential Approach 8/E Joyce S. Osland, David A. Kolb, Irwin M. Rubin and Marlene E. Turner 11 -3

5 Problem-Solving Dialectics Green/Red Modes
Divergence “Believing” Expansion Convergence “Doubting” Contraction Organizational Behavior: An Experiential Approach 8/E Joyce S. Osland, David A. Kolb, Irwin M. Rubin and Marlene E. Turner 11 -4

6 Stages in Kolb’s Problem-Solving Model
Situation Analysis Problem Analysis Solution Analysis Implementation Analysis Organizational Behavior: An Experiential Approach 8/E Joyce S. Osland, David A. Kolb, Irwin M. Rubin and Marlene E. Turner 11 -5

7 Characteristics of Problem Solving
Not a logical, linear process Alternating wavelike expansions and contractions Outward movement => gather and consider alternatives, information, and ideas Inward movement => focus, evaluate and decide Organizational Behavior: An Experiential Approach 8/E Joyce S. Osland, David A. Kolb, Irwin M. Rubin and Marlene E. Turner 11 -6

8 Kolb’s Problem-Solving Model Implementation Analysis
Situation Analysis Problem Analysis Solution Analysis Implementation Analysis Expansion Green Mode Mind-set Valuing Information Gathering Idea Getting Participation Problem as Given Problem Chosen Problem Defined Solution Chosen Solution Implemented Contraction Red Mode Mind-set Priority Setting Problem Definition Decision Making Planning Leader Detective Inventor Coordinator Manager Organizational Behavior: An Experiential Approach 8/E Joyce S. Osland, David A. Kolb, Irwin M. Rubin and Marlene E. Turner 11 -7

9 Effective Problem Solving
Requires balanced attention to each of the four stages and equal emphasis on and mind-sets Organizational Behavior: An Experiential Approach 8/E Joyce S. Osland, David A. Kolb, Irwin M. Rubin and Marlene E. Turner 11 -8

10 Structured Vs. Unstructured Problems
Structured problems are repetitive and routine, and definite procedures are developed for dealing with them Unstructured problems are novel and not covered by ready-made procedures because they occur infrequently Organizational Behavior: An Experiential Approach 8/E Joyce S. Osland, David A. Kolb, Irwin M. Rubin and Marlene E. Turner 11 -9

11 Brainstorming - Defined
Brainstorming is the generation of as wide a range of potential solutions as possible Organizational Behavior: An Experiential Approach 8/E Joyce S. Osland, David A. Kolb, Irwin M. Rubin and Marlene E. Turner 11 -10

12 Six Sigma - Defined Six Sigma is a problem-solving approach
that utilizes statistical methods to remove obstacles and create processes that lead to high-quality products and processes Organizational Behavior: An Experiential Approach 8/E Joyce S. Osland, David A. Kolb, Irwin M. Rubin and Marlene E. Turner 11 -11

13 DMAIC – Basic Six Sigma Formula
Define Measure Analyze Improve Control Organizational Behavior: An Experiential Approach 8/E Joyce S. Osland, David A. Kolb, Irwin M. Rubin and Marlene E. Turner 11 -12

14 Appreciative Inquiry - Defined
Appreciative inquiry is the study and exploration of what gives life to human systems when they function at their best Rather than seeking to fix problem deficits, AI focuses on what’s already positive and strengthens it Organizational Behavior: An Experiential Approach 8/E Joyce S. Osland, David A. Kolb, Irwin M. Rubin and Marlene E. Turner 11 -13

15 Appreciative Inquiry 4D Cycle
Dream Discover Design Destiny Organizational Behavior: An Experiential Approach 8/E Joyce S. Osland, David A. Kolb, Irwin M. Rubin and Marlene E. Turner 11 -14

16 Cultural Differences and Problem Solving
Cultures vary in the way they define problems, gather information, and solve problems These dimensions impact problem solving: Locus of control Individualism vs. Collectivism High vs. Low Context Orientation towards time Organizational Behavior: An Experiential Approach 8/E Joyce S. Osland, David A. Kolb, Irwin M. Rubin and Marlene E. Turner 11 -15

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