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Year 11 Information Evening 2014 Do your best at all times & Respect yourselves and others.

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Presentation on theme: "Year 11 Information Evening 2014 Do your best at all times & Respect yourselves and others."— Presentation transcript:

1 Year 11 Information Evening 2014 Do your best at all times & Respect yourselves and others

2 Meet The Team Head of Year - Mr McCurdy Assistant Head of Year – Mrs Bailie

3 The Tutors Alden’s -Mr Collins (Ms Marshall from December) Allison’s - Miss Taylor Chase’s -Mr McGarry Davis’s-Mrs Woods Dobbin’s-Miss McIntyre Price’s -Mrs McNaught School-Mrs Pearson and Mr McNerlin Yates’s-Mrs Bailie

4 Tutor’s Role first point of contact to support your son and ensure that he works and achieves to the best of his ability to build a strong working relationship with you so that we can help your son mature and develop educationally.

5 Challenges New subjects, classes, timetable Higher level of work Controlled assessment External exams Personal organisation

6 Expectations of students Wear your uniform with pride Set the highest standards of yourself. Know what you are aiming for from the outset. Get planners signed weekly – Tutor will sign on Thursday First commitments - school starts at 8.40am Be punctual - ‘lates’ will result in progression along the discipline structure. Senior Games - Monday and Wednesday Off games requires a note on the day of attendance.

7 What parents can do Check and sign the diary every week. Provide a quiet, desk space with a light and paper for private study. Support him with personal organisation! Read coursework/homework (if possible) and help your son with projects. Buy additional reading materials/study guides for subjects and encourage independent learning. Discuss topics around the table that he is studying in school. Be positive with your child. Support is vital to success.

8 Any problems? Get in touch with the tutor Ring Front of House Write a note or write in the homework diary

9 QQuestions Are there any questions you would like answered?

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