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Tesla 101. 2 CUDA GPU Accelerates Computing The Right Processor for the Right Task.

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Presentation on theme: "Tesla 101. 2 CUDA GPU Accelerates Computing The Right Processor for the Right Task."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tesla 101

2 2 CUDA GPU Accelerates Computing The Right Processor for the Right Task

3 3 How CPUs and GPUs Work void serial_function(… ) {... } void parallel_function(float... ) {... } void main( ) {... parallel_function >(..); serial_function(..);... } CUDA Application Code Heavy parallel workload on the GPU Other serial routines on the CPU

4 GPU Performance Far Outstrips CPUs Double Precision: NVIDIA GPU Double Precision: x86 CPU

5 5 Much More Power Efficient Tesla GPUs CPU Only

6 6 Transformational for Customers 4 Months 2 Years $1M Budget ~120 Compute Nodes~45 CPU + GPU Nodes Time to Discovery

7 7 #1 Numerical Computation MATLAB #1 Molecular Dynamics AMBER #1 Engineering Simulation ANSYS #1 3D DCC 3ds Max

8 Science Category GPU Port Complete GPU Port Started & Results Published Early GPU Port Molecular Dynamics NAMD AMBER DL_POLY CHARMM GROMACS Chemistry LAMMPS MOLPRO GAMESS CPMD DESMOND GAUSSIAN Fluid Dynamics OpenFOAM S3D FEFLO ANSYS CFD Structural Mechanics ANSYS Mechanical Simulia Abaqus/Std (beta) CTH LS-DYNA Implicit MSC Marc PAM-CRASH IMPLICIT MSC Nastran Earth Science WRF HOMME, HYCOM COSMO-2, PFLOTRAN ASUCA CCSM/CESM Material Science PARATEC LAMMPS PWscf CPMD VASP GAUSSIAN Oil & Gas Schlumberger PetrelVoxelGeo Paradigm Analytics Matlab Mathworks Others GADGET2 GTC MILC DENOVO Leading HPC Applications Ramping

9 9 CUDA Taking HPC by Storm 100,000 Active GPU Developers 400 Universities Teaching CUDA 1000+ Clusters Worldwide 35+ CUDA Research Centers 200,000,000 CUDA GPUs Deployed 100% OEMs offer CUDA GPUs

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