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Published byLilly Troup Modified over 10 years ago
NETC N7 Status Update to AIM FRB Roy Hoyt, NETC N74 Jake Aplanalp, AIM Pgm Mgr
23 Aug 11
Overview NAVEDTRA 130B, 131B, 132, 134, 135C, 136, 137 NAVEDTRA drafts – 133, 138, 139 Central Site implementation AIM/CPM status support of JDTA w/ participating Center updates AIM/CPM status support of OCCSTD capture/validation AIM/CPM integration status w/ Learning Assessment Systems FEA/BCA capability plans for CPM NETC/OPNAV N15 integration of NETC domain/acquisition community business processes
Promulgated NAVEDTRAs
130B (task-based learning content) 131B (PPP-based learning content) 132 (Assessment) 134 (Navy instructor manual) 135C (Schoolhouse Mgmt) 136 (ILE learning content) 137 (JDTA)
138 (course/content modularization) 139 (FEA)
NAVEDTRA Drafts 133 (HPRR) 138 (course/content modularization) 139 (FEA)
NAVEDTRA 136 & 137 Impacts on CPM / LO Module Rel 5.0
Re-evaluated and prioritized existing functional requirements based on 136/137 policies Re-write has created a need for additional functionality to meet Design Strategy (IMDP) Significant copy and link capability in JDTA and Project tabs and in LO Module
NAVEDTRA 136 (ILE) Implementation
Current status Promulgated by NETC in Nov 10 136A in work to address user community feedback and extend/refine ILE learning content business rules Transition from NAVEDTRA 130/131 (AIM II/AIM I) to NAVEDTRA 136 (CPM/LO Module) Policy / trigger Pace of migration Continuing support for AIM I/II through ????
AIM Central Site Implementation
Management points of contact: NETC N74: Leslie Desenburg NETPDTC: Peg David Center-by-Center implementation schedule: Initially established by Leslie Desenburg under review based on NETPDTC move to eDMZ application hosting in early 2012 and related workload for user account re-initialization Peg David to brief in more detail
CPM Hosting at NETPDTC NETC N74, N6, NETPDTC, and AIM team in process of migrating the production version of CPM to NETPDTC by 1 Oct 11 Full IA Certification and Accreditation process underway by NETPDTC/AIM team CPM Rel 5.0 GAT on new NETPDTC server in early Sep Benefits Include: Enterprise hosting and support vs. current R&D environment in Orlando Co-located with rest of NETC enterprise IT applications and off- site COOP support
OCCSTDS Support in CPM How did we get here?:
Started with NETC N74/NAVMAC discussions AIM Team provided a CPM “sandbox” for NAVMAC familiarization NAVMAC developed an OCCSTDS Storybook PPT to describe high- level functionality Initial OCCSTDS tab implementation in Rel 5.0 for creation/management of OCCSTDS data by NAVMAC – crawl functionality Working toward business rule definition of: How OCCSTDS data pulls forward into JDTA tab Life-cycle impacts of OCCSTDS revisions on JDTA-based learning content
Course Development / Revision End - to - End Process
Date: 12Jul2011_V1/rh/jtw Revision to an Enlisted Occupational Standard Establishment or Revision of a NEC Rating Merger OPNAV N1 Training Requirement Sources: External Training Course Development / Revision End - to - End Process Perform Front End Analysis (FEA) Develop Business Case (BCA) Training Project Plan (TPP) New Course or Revise Existing Course and Pilot Perform Content Quality Review for Content Re-Use or Re-Purpose Job Duty Task Analysis (JDTA) Job Duty Task Analysis (JDTA) User Guide NETCINST 24 February 2010 Front End Analysis (FEA) User Guide NETCINST 9 March 2010 Business Case Analysis (BCA) Policy NETCINST 20 October 2009 NAVEDTRA 136 ILE Course Development & Life-Cycle Maintenance Manual November 2010 NAVEDTRA 131B PPP Based Curriculum Development Manual NAVEDTRA 133 Human Performance Requirements Review Management Manual June 2011 NAVEDTRA 130B Task Based Curriculum August 2009 Naval Education and Training Command Course Development & Revision Process NAVEDTRA 132 Navy School Testing Program March 2011 NAVEDTRA 135C March 2010 NAVEDTRA 134A Navy Instructor Manual Resource Sponsor / Training Support Agent Commits to Resource Requirement Training Requirement Identification & Resource Sponsor Commitment NETCINST 3 December 2010 OPNAV N1 Training Requirement Sources Course Development and Revision Process Course Development & Revision Process Color Key: Requirement Sponsor & Resource Sponsor Actions NETC Course Development and Revision Process Trigger Initiating Process NTSP Revision Fleet Performance Assessment Operational Risk Management (ORM) Direct Fleet Input (HPRR) Requirement Sponsor Provides Formal Correspondence Identifying End Process Deliver Course of Instruction NAWCTSD Orlando, FL Quality Evaluation Tool Technical Report June 2005 NETC Course Development / Revision End - to - End Process NETC Course Development and Revision End-to-End (E2E) Process: The NETC Course Development and Revision Process was created to instill the proper programatics and governance for content development and revision within the NETC domain. OPNAV is currently working to create high-level instructions to invoke the process and policy documents (identified above) across NTF. The process and policy documents are referenced within the revised OPNAV B TRPPM Instruction, that addresses ACAT I and ACAT II Programs. The end-to-end (E2E) process will ensure the reference, re-use, and re-purpose of content development data; thus eliminating the premium that we have typically paid in the past to contractors to re-build required artifacts or make revisions to existing courseware. Structuring and Scoping Work: Course development and revisions are based upon triggered events. There are external training requirement triggers (outside OPNAV N1) and there are internal training requirement triggers (OPNAV N1) that drive NETC to take action to develop a course or revise an existing course – as they are drivers for our end-to-end process. These training requirements require structuring, analysis, and costing to enable the creation of learning interventions, that result in courseware. External triggers, submitted to NETC are governed by NETCINST This instruction establishes the policy that once a requirement sponsor identifies and validates a training deficiency, the requirement/resource sponsor(s) will submit a formal commitment to NETC to fund the requirement for incorporation into NETC provided training. Once NETC receives a formal commitment (external trigger) or a training requirement from OPNAV N1, NETC performs the following end-to-end process steps: Job Duty Task Analysis (JDTA). JDTA is used to structure task data into a format suitable to derive learning objectives. Data generated during a JDTA is captured in the Authoring Instructional Material (AIM) Content Planning Module (CPM); a web enabled tool where learning centers can access and share data across the domain. During the JDTA, requirement sponsors select which tasks they desire to be formally trained to, captured via on-the-job training (OJT), Personnel Qualification Standard (PQS), Rate Training Manuals, or a combination of them. During the JDTA attributes are assigned to each task that will drive the performance standards or performance outcomes required of training. The JDTA policy document is NETCINST Front End Analysis (FEA). The purpose of the FEA is to compare the as-is to the to-be training state, resulting in a training requirement (delta). The FEA will identify the most beneficial training solutions (instructor led, computer based training {CBT} and or labs) based upon the training requirement. Additionally, the FEA will ensure that existing content is explored for possible re-use, reference, or re-purposing to reduce the overall cost of a content build. The FEA policy document is NETCINST Perform Content Quality Review for Content Re-Use or Re-Purpose. This step is included in the process, to provide instructional developers with the ability to determine (assess) the quality of their instructional products using the Quality Evaluation Tool. The tool supports the comparison of different combinations of instructional media from different developers or courseware. When re-using or re-purposing content, the tool allows developers to determine the level of effort required to satisfy the training delta from the FEA. The Quality Evaluation Tool is a NAWCTSD Orlando tool, used by NETC. Business Case Analysis (BCA). The BCA is used to determine the cost of each training solution recommended from the FEA. The BCA also identifies the risk(s) associated with each solution. The requirement sponsor and resource sponsor will be engaged to select the best training intervention at the best cost, given their requirements. The BCA policy document is NETCINST Training Project Plan (TPP). The TPP is used to articulate the plan and approach to perform course development or revision (a best faith estimate). The TPP has been adopted as OPNAV N15’s vehicle to broker training requirements, that require additional resources, with the various Enterprises. The final page of a TPP contains a milestone chart that leadership can use to track the build, implementation sequence, and timeline of a new or revised course. The TPP policy documents include: NAVEDTRA 130B, NAVEDTRA 131B, and NAVEDTRA 136. Content Development Governance: NAVEDTRA 130B – Revised and updated to support task based curriculum development. The majority of NETC content was created using the 130 approach. Typically used for instructor led courses. NAVEDTRA 131A – Revised and updated to support personnel performance profile based curriculum development. Typically addresses equipment or system content development. NAVEDTRA 136 – ILE Guidance – Normalizes terms; applies additional programatics to the CBT content build which included standardized display (all content looks and feels the same); creates technical artifacts to sustain the content; and standardizes statements of work (SOW) for contracting content development. Content Sustainment/Refresh Process: NAVEDTRA Human Performance Requirements Review (HPRR) Management Manual – Created to provide a periodic review of each course of instruction by all stakeholders (Type Commanders, Community Managers, Technical Warrant Holders, Fleet SME;s etc..). Manaul directs that all courses of instruction shall be reviewed no greater than every 36 months. The output of a HPRR will flow into NETC’s end-to-end process following the guidance delinated in NETCINST NETCINST Training Requirement Identification and Resource Sponsor Commitment – Establishes a process to incorporate new training requirements into NETC to include interservice training. When a requirement sponsor identifies and validates a training deficiency, the resource sponsor will then submit a formal commitment to fund the requirement for incorporation into NETC provided training. NETC cannot begin work to revise a course or standup a new course without a “Letter from Requirement Sponsor Requesting Additional Training” and a “Letter of Commitment from Resource Sponsor.” The instruction is not applicable to Acquisition Catergories I – IV; these categories are covered under the Navy Training System Plan (NTSP), a methodology that documents the labor, personnel, and training requirements. School House Management Governance: Navy Instructor Manual NAVEDTRA 134A – Used as a reference within the Journeyman Instructor Training Course (NEC: 9502) and serves as a field manual for instructors at the school house. Additionally, supports instructors in qualifying as a Master Training Specialist. School House Management Manual NAVEDTRA 135C – Defines the roles and responsibilities of the CCA, C2M2, Director of Training, Learning Standards Officer and many others. Defines when formal course reviews are required and CeTARS entry criteria. Works hand-in-hand with the revised NETC mission, functions and tasks initiative. Navy School Testing Program Manual NAVEDTRA 132 – Provides guidance on developing testing programs designed to measure the attainment of desired learning outcomes. A quality testing program will ensure that successful course gradutates have achieved at least the minimum level of skill and knowledge necessary o do the job for which they were trained. Additionally, it will identify those students who have not achieved the desired level of skill and knowledge and need further training (remediation).
AIM/CPM Support of JDTA and Participating Center Updates
CPM Rel 4.1 operational Jan 11 / Rel 5.0 delivered Jul 11 – operational at NETPDTC by 1 Oct 11 JDTA NETCINST promulgated 24 Feb 10 / NAVEDTRA 137 forthcoming Center projects: CPPD/CSFE: Curriculum Developer SLC/CSCS: IT Rating CID: Information Professional NETC N72/Carley: ‘A’ School re-engineering PMS 420/NAWCTSD: LCS mission pkg JDTA
AIM/CPM Support of OCCSTD Capture/Validation
NETC N74 coordination with NAVMAC CPM OCCSTDS tab added in CPM Rel 5.0 AIM team working with NAVMAC and NETPDTC on OCCSTDS data interface with NETC enterprise LAS for fleet validation of preliminary OCCSTDS Business rules for use of OCCSTDS data in CPM as basis for JDTA in development 12
AIM Interface with NETC LAS
Support for NETC N51 assessment program as well as NAVMAC OCCSTDS validation Working with NETC N5/N6/N7, NAVMAC, and PMW-240 for implementation via Atlas Pro Assessment Engine and Survey Engine Participants: NAVMAC and NETC N51 as SMEs NETPDTC/PMW-240 as Navy technical agent for Atlas Pro suite implementation and support AIM team on Web service data output from CPM, AIM I, AIM II, and LO Module
FEA/BCA Capability Plans for CPM
FEA – NETCINST (NAVEDTRA 139 draft) BCA – NETCINST Business processes integrated into NAVEDTRA 136 AIM team supporting business process definition Design prototype of CPM support for FEA/BCA in final development for NETC / community review
Integration of NETC Domain/Acquisition Community Business Processes
SPAWAR and NAVSSES Philadelphia working JDTA projects in CPM NETC N74 working with aviation community (Kelee Plagis of CNAF) on ‘harmonizing’ NAVEDTRA business process with that in Naval Aviation Training System (NATS) Handbook for NETC domain and acquisition community standardization
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AIM Interface with NETC LAS
PPP Repository Status AIM team supporting NETC N74 (Leslie Desenburg) in operation of the PPP repository hosted on fedsun at NAWCTSD Hosting will shift to NETPDTC with integration into CPM Rel 5.0
SLC e-Library Project Overview
Goal: Provide site access to electronic library Validated mission, functions, tasks of Librarians Developed business rules for access, inventory control , and user requests Identified publications available electronically to support CINs Defined functional requirements for e-library layout Planned for hosting and deployment Project lead: Beth Wigfield (SLC N6)
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