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EUROFORENET Conference - WISDOM - M. Trossero and R. Drigo, FAO. Bsls 20/11/07 EUROFORENET Conference Sustainable Forest management and Wood Energy : Developing.

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Presentation on theme: "EUROFORENET Conference - WISDOM - M. Trossero and R. Drigo, FAO. Bsls 20/11/07 EUROFORENET Conference Sustainable Forest management and Wood Energy : Developing."— Presentation transcript:

1 EUROFORENET Conference - WISDOM - M. Trossero and R. Drigo, FAO. Bsls 20/11/07 EUROFORENET Conference Sustainable Forest management and Wood Energy : Developing Local Cooperation between Private and Municipal Forest Owners in Europe WISDOM Woodfuel Integrated Supply/Demand Overview Mapping Miguel A. TROSSERO Senior Forestry Officer, Wood Energy, Forestry Department Rudi DRIGO FAO Expert - Wood Energy

2 EUROFORENET Conference - WISDOM - M. Trossero and R. Drigo, FAO. Bsls 20/11/07 Topics of the presentation Context and FAO perspective M. A. Trossero WISDOM methodology R. Drigo

3 EUROFORENET Conference - WISDOM - M. Trossero and R. Drigo, FAO. Bsls 20/11/07 FAO Forestry Department’s Mission To enhance the capabilities of Forestry Services in the promotion of sustainable wood energy systems Wood Energy Main Aim To enhance human well-being through the sustainable management of the world’s trees and forests

4 EUROFORENET Conference - WISDOM - M. Trossero and R. Drigo, FAO. Bsls 20/11/07 Main Facts Woodfuel Wood energy Poverty and health Food security Productive uses Policies and institutions National capacities

5 EUROFORENET Conference - WISDOM - M. Trossero and R. Drigo, FAO. Bsls 20/11/07 New Challenges Enhance the role of wood energy for SFM. Strengthen, expand, diversify forestry roles. Promote woodfuel as industrial energy option Support private sector initiatives & needs Reduce poverty

6 EUROFORENET Conference - WISDOM - M. Trossero and R. Drigo, FAO. Bsls 20/11/07 Forestry Services Limitations Contributions of wood energy are poorly understood Unbalanced allocation of priorities btw timber & WE Technical responsibilities are fragmented Technical capabilities are insufficiently prepared Weak relations btw forestry & energy organizations R&D funds are insufficient

7 EUROFORENET Conference - WISDOM - M. Trossero and R. Drigo, FAO. Bsls 20/11/07 Enhance the role of wood energy in Forestry Services Support the adoption of policies on wood energy Promote incentives for private sector Develop inter-institutional programmes Develop wood energy policy & planning initiatives WISDOM FAO’s Approach to Wood Energy

8 EUROFORENET Conference - WISDOM - M. Trossero and R. Drigo, FAO. Bsls 20/11/07 WISDOM Woodfuel Integrated Supply/Demand Overview Mapping Rationale Objectives Methodology Case studies

9 EUROFORENET Conference - WISDOM - M. Trossero and R. Drigo, FAO. Bsls 20/11/07 key features of wood energy systems inter-sectoral (forestry, energy, agriculture and rural development) interdisciplinary (silviculture and forest management, agronomy, physics, chemistry, engineering, etc.) location-specific heterogeneous supply sources (forests, forest industries, SRF, farmlands, orchards, tree crops, recovered wood, etc.) WISDOM - Rationale

10 EUROFORENET Conference - WISDOM - M. Trossero and R. Drigo, FAO. Bsls 20/11/07 Current state of knowledge Historic lack of recognition in forestry and energy Official statistics incomplete and often misleading WISDOM - Rationale Detailed studies exist but the broad picture is still missing.... hence, a fragmented perception (WISDOM)

11 EUROFORENET Conference - WISDOM - M. Trossero and R. Drigo, FAO. Bsls 20/11/07 General objective: Provide a comprehensive vision of current woodfuel flows and sustainable potential for bioenergy development, based on integration/cross-referencing of existing data Strengthen wood energy planning and policy formulation Promote sustainable wood energy systems WISDOM objectives

12 EUROFORENET Conference - WISDOM - M. Trossero and R. Drigo, FAO. Bsls 20/11/07 Specific objectives : Outline woodfuel surplus and deficit areas Objectively define priority areas of intervention Identify sites with high bioenergy potentials Outline sustainable supply zones of selected locations Contribute to the creation of Wood Energy Information System (WEIS) WISDOM objectives

13 EUROFORENET Conference - WISDOM - M. Trossero and R. Drigo, FAO. Bsls 20/11/07 WISDOM methodology 1.WISDOM baseline (5 steps) 2.WISDOM “woodshed” analysis (2 steps)

14 EUROFORENET Conference - WISDOM - M. Trossero and R. Drigo, FAO. Bsls 20/11/07 3. SUPPLY module2. DEMAND module 1. Selection of spatial base  Pixel level  Sub-national level Geodatabase Geodatabase 1 - … - … - … - 2 - … - … - … - 3 - … - … - … - … n - … - … - … -  woodfuel consumption by type, area, user...  urban / rural saturation  local surveys  consumption projections 6. Commercial supply potential 7. Biodistrict delineation  land use/land cover  woody biomass by LC class  productivity  physical, legal accessibility  land cover changes  future supply scenarios  supply / demand balance  deficit / surplus areas  ownership pattern/fragmentation  future scenarios By pixel By units 5. Priority areas4. INTEGRATION module  productive forest formations  areas suitable for commercial wf production  commercial production potential  resource accessibility around selected sites  supply/demand analysis  mapping of supply zones Biodistrict definition WISDOM baseline

15 EUROFORENET Conference - WISDOM - M. Trossero and R. Drigo, FAO. Bsls 20/11/07 Strategic knowledge base 1: WISDOM baseline 2: Biodistrict delineation Woodfuel flow analysis for operational planning 3: In -depth study within priority zone (biodistrict) UW 1 UW 2 UW 3 UW 4 In - depth study area surplus area surplus area deficit area city 1 city 2 city 3 city synthesis :

16 EUROFORENET Conference - WISDOM - M. Trossero and R. Drigo, FAO. Bsls 20/11/07 WISDOM Case studies Mexico; Senegal; Central Africa Republic; Slovenia; Italy; (Argentina ; Castilla y Leòn;......) East Africa (10 countries) SE Asia (7 countries) WISDOM for cities (selected locations in Asia and Africa)

17 EUROFORENET Conference - WISDOM - M. Trossero and R. Drigo, FAO. Bsls 20/11/07 Indexing approach Example: Supply/demand balance index Property fragmentation index Thinning stage index Aggregated index = Thinning Priority Index (TPI): where, FPIj = woodfuel priority index for each KO “j” Ii = index for each of the 3 variables used in the analysis, ranging from 1 to 5 pj = weights, set to 1 in this case Slovenia WISDOM - priority zoning Property fragmentation Thinning forests

18 EUROFORENET Conference - WISDOM - M. Trossero and R. Drigo, FAO. Bsls 20/11/07 Slovenia WISDOM - priority zoning

19 EUROFORENET Conference - WISDOM - M. Trossero and R. Drigo, FAO. Bsls 20/11/07 WISDOM Central Africa Republic Bangui new insight on: Bangui needs sustainable supply zone partners and stakeholders

20 EUROFORENET Conference - WISDOM - M. Trossero and R. Drigo, FAO. Bsls 20/11/07 available sawmill residues biomass increment natural forest plantations WISDOM Argentina (in progress) household consumption balance Main new features: + agricultural residues and crops suitable for biofuel production strong synergies of forestry-agriculture- energy agencies national bioenergy planning

21 EUROFORENET Conference - WISDOM - M. Trossero and R. Drigo, FAO. Bsls 20/11/07 WISDOM Castilla y León (in progress) National overview Province level (52) detailed analysis in Castilla y León County level (2248)

22 EUROFORENET Conference - WISDOM - M. Trossero and R. Drigo, FAO. Bsls 20/11/07 East Africa (Africover countries)SE Asia countries Regional WISDOM studies

23 EUROFORENET Conference - WISDOM - M. Trossero and R. Drigo, FAO. Bsls 20/11/07 World Energy Outlook 2006 OECD/IEA, Paris, 2006 Darfur: Relief in a vulnerable environment Authors: B. Bromwich et al. © Tearfund March 2007 Funded by, DFID, UK ; OFDA, USA ; UNHCR. improving wood energy visibility

24 EUROFORENET Conference - WISDOM - M. Trossero and R. Drigo, FAO. Bsls 20/11/07 Benefits of WISDOM : holistic vision priority areas definition critical data gaps definition value existing data/knowledge promote cooperation and synergies optimize available resources enhance visibility and political recognition Conclusions

25 EUROFORENET Conference - WISDOM - M. Trossero and R. Drigo, FAO. Bsls 20/11/07 thank you

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