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Think about learning like an entrepreneur… A series of questions to help educators see their role through a different lens.

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Presentation on theme: "Think about learning like an entrepreneur… A series of questions to help educators see their role through a different lens."— Presentation transcript:

1 Think about learning like an entrepreneur… A series of questions to help educators see their role through a different lens

2 Why do you make duct tape bags? Creative outlet Customer satisfaction Make money

3 Why did you choose the field of education?

4 Why do you go to school?

5 How do the answers compare?

6 Educators Students GOAL

7 Gap Analysis How far apart is your purpose in becoming an educator from your students reasons for attending school?

8 Gap Analysis Why is there a gap? How do we close the gap?

9 Why is there a gap? Consider Sarahs duct tape bags. What would happen if she designed bags that no one really wanted? Which of her three reasons for making duct tape bags would she achieve? Consider our current methodologies for operating schools. What would happen if we designed an educational program that our students didnt really like? Which of their reasons for going to school would they achieve?

10 Gap Analysis Consider our current methodologies for operating schools. What would happen if we designed an educational program that our students didnt really like? Which of their reasons for going to school would they achieve? Which of our reasons for entering the field of education would we achieve?

11 Now, think like an entrepreneur Business – service or product provider Shareholders – investors; beneficiaries of your success Customers – those who use your service or product

12 Fundamental Questions What is our business? Who are our shareholders? Who are our customers?

13 How is our business affected when our customers arent buying what were selling? How does failure to engage our customers affect our relationship with our shareholders? How do we engage our customers so that we satisfy our shareholders?

14 BusinessCustomers Shareholders

15 EducatorsStudents Mind the Gap Families & Local Community

16 How do we engage our customers so that we satisfy our shareholders? Or…how do we close the gap between ourselves and our students?

17 They call me Sarah.

18 What difference does it make?

19 Let us fail… …but dont penalize us for it.

20 They call me Sarah. What difference does it make? Let us fail…

21 They call me Sarah. Please listen. Trust us once in a while. What difference does it make? Keep it real. Why do we disconnect in school? Let us fail… Dont assume what may not be so. Why are athletes valued more than musicians?

22 Now, think like an entrepreneur How do successful businesses develop relationships with their customers? How do successful businesses create a sense of need or desire for their products or services? As a customer, what criteria do you use in selecting a business for the products or services you purchase? Do you buy junk? RELATIONSHIPS RELEVANCE RIGOR

23 My first book… Chapter 1: Choosing a mate Do It Once, Get It Right, Make It Last Chapter 2: Pursuing a career

24 Consider these questions: Do we engage our students? Are they learning what matters? Is the expectation challenging enough? If not, why not? Do we even know what matters? Is individual potential recognized and maximized?

25 Final Thoughts The services we sell are invaluable – quality education and a passion for learning. Our customers have unlimited resources – their potential to learn. Lets not sell junk and waste our childrens valuable resources.

26 Thanks for participating! Amy C. Morton Executive Director Capital Area Intermediate Unit

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