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Modelling Microtubule Dynamics at Super-Resolution

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1 Modelling Microtubule Dynamics at Super-Resolution
Summer Project Plan Nils Gustafsson Supervised By: Dr Lewis Griffin Dr Thomas Surrey

2 Summary Microtubules In Vitro Microtubule Experiments
Microtubules and the Cytoskeleton Dynamic Instability of Microtubules In Vitro Microtubule Experiments Analysis of In Vitro Experiments Validation of In Vitro Experiments Ground Truth Simulations Simulating Experimental Data Modelling Microtubule Dynamics

3 Microtubules and the Cytoskeleton
Multiple Cellular Functions Mechanical Stability Scaffold Structures Force Generation Cargo Transport Cell Migration Cell Differentiation Cell Division Drug Targets Vinca Alkaloids Taxanes Microtubules (green) DNA (blue) EB1 (yellow) Fig. (top right) taken from Molecular Cell Biology 4th ed, Lodish Fig. (bottom right) taken from Torsten Wittmann homepage, UCSF

4 Dynamic Instability Microtubule (+)end tracking proteins (green) reveal rapid growth and shrinkage episodes in live cells. Fine control of microtubule dynamics by microtubule associated proteins (MAPs). Fig. (bottom left) taken from Molecular Cell Biology 4th ed, Lodish

5 Dynamic Instability Fig. taken from C. Conde & A. Caceres, Nature reviews Neuroscience, 2009

6 In Vitro Microtubule Experiments
Stabilised GMPCPP seeds are bound to a cover slip Fluorescently tagged tubulin subunits are introduced via micro-fluidics Microtubules are nucleated at the seeds Imaged by TIRF microscopy as they grow Fig. (bottom left) taken from C Duellberg’s PhD Thesis Fig. (bottom right) taken from The Dixit Lab research webpage, Washington University

7 Analysis of In Vitro Experiments
Custom analysis software tracks end positions Using convolved model fitting Sub-pixel precision alignment of frames allows averaged intensity profiles to be produced Multiple channels can be analysed including MAP structures

8 Validation of In Vitro Experiment Analysis
Simple simulations have previously been used to determine resolution of taper lengths We would like to be able to determine accuracy of tracking of dynamic characteristics of microtubule growth – such as growth fluctuations. Fig. (bottom left) modified from Maurer, Cade, Bohner et. al. Current Biology, 2014

9 Simulating Experimental Data
Monte-Carlo Simulation of the 1D model defines a state sequence used to reconstruct microscope images Considerations: states per frame, noise, movement, labelling densities, magnification…… Fig. (center left) modified from Gardner et. al. Cell, 2011

10 Modelling of Microtubule Dynamics
Accurate quantification of experiment leads to improved models Models should include: Growth velocities and fluctuations Interaction with MAPs Catastrophe/rescue frequencies Fig. (left) modified from Gardner et. al. Cell, 2011 Fig. (right) modified from Maurer, Cade, Bohner et. al. Current Biology, 2014

11 Acknowledgements Microtubule Cytoskeleton Lab, Cancer Research UK
Dr Thomas Surrey  Laboratory Head Dr Nicholas Cade   Principal Scientific Officer Dr Iris Lueke   Senior Scientific Officer Ms Claire Thomas   Senior Scientific Officer Dr Sebastian Maurer Previous Group Member Dr Christian Duellberg   Scientific Officer Dr Jayant Asthana   Research Fellow Dr Todd Fallesen   Research Fellow Dr Franck Fourniol   Research Fellow Dr Johanna Roostalu   Research Fellow Dr Einat Schnur    Research Fellow Dr Hella Baumann   Graduate Student Mr Jonathon Hannabuss   Graduate Student Ms Rupam Jha   Graduate Student Mr Gergo Bohner   Diploma Student CoMPLEX, UCL Dr Lewis Griffin Ms Stephanie Reynolds

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