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Celebrating 119 years of service to our Church families and the community.

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2 Celebrating 119 years of service to our Church families and the community.

3 This day we celebrate our history as Park Presbyterian Church, PC USA. We honor our members who have reached 50 years of membership and also acknowledge those of our membership who have passed away this year. It was a combined service, the contemporary and traditional mixed together to honor this day. We celebrate this year in Park Hall as the Church Sanctuary is still not repaired from the truck hitting it back in July. A fellowship hour followed the service and light refreshments were served.

4 We congratulate these 50-year members and appreciate everything they have done for the church. Thanks so much for your good memories. We wish you many more years of being a part of Park Church. Alice Stickel Dorothy Davidson Evelyn Pearce

5 Name of Member Date Joined No. of Years Russel Ebert 06/28/29 85 Ethel Smith06/06/4668 Tina Ebert04/17/4965 Sharon White04/17/4965 Mary Jamison01/27/5064 Helen Willetts03/25/5163 Ellen Hamilton01/11/5361 Alice Jacob04/11/5460 Marjorie DeCiancio04/11/5460 Clara Cunningham04/11/5460 Wayne Reeb04/11/54 60 Marietta Reeb04/11/5460 Mary Jo Kress04/03/5559 Marguerite Fox04/18/5757 Robert Jacob03/26/5955 Doris Shever03/26/5955 Judy Lutz04/14/6054 Jack McMichael04/14/6054 Marla Billinger03/30/6153 Patti Volz03/30/6153 Ruth Teslik04/11/6351 Paul Blinn, Jr.04/11/6351 Joanne Blinn04/11/6351 Pauline Huffman04/11/6351 Robert Brown, Sr.04/11/6351 Kathleen Brown04/11/6351 Evelyn Pearce06/21/6450 Dorothy Davidson12/13/6450 Alice Stickel03/26/6450 OUR NEW 50 - YEAR MEMBERS AND BEYOND! What are you willing to give to leave this church as a legacy to your children? I trust it will be your Prayer, your presence, your gifts, and your service.

6 Memorial’s We take this time to be thankful to the following for their faithful service to God and for those who have made the ultimate sacrifice while spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ Elizabeth Jean Chambers March 23, 1924 ~ March 22, 2014 Marella “Detta” Senn November 26, 1919 ~ January 22, 2014 Gene A. Johnston December 28, 1928 ~ January 24, 2014

7 The alter in Park Hall, our temporary sanctuary and Rev. Merrill and Elder Robert Brown prepare for the service.

8 The Chancel Choir performs and the tolling of the bell for our departed members and the Praise Band

9 Praise Band warming up and Dave Huber singing a solo for the offertory and Pastor William Brewer filling in for Carol on the organ/piano today.

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