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January 30, 2010.  Establish the amount of current annual deficit  Determine the amount we wish to reduce the deficit by in years one, two and three.

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Presentation on theme: "January 30, 2010.  Establish the amount of current annual deficit  Determine the amount we wish to reduce the deficit by in years one, two and three."— Presentation transcript:

1 January 30, 2010

2  Establish the amount of current annual deficit  Determine the amount we wish to reduce the deficit by in years one, two and three  Present for discussion a variety of options  Establish the next meeting date

3  This review shall leave no area overlooked (including “sacred cows”)  Following this meeting, the superintendent shall organize reductions into three progressively deeper groups based on our discussion  All reductions will have estimated savings calculated by the comptroller  First level reductions should be as far from core classrooms as possible  Each item, no matter how painful, warrants serious discussion

4  Transportation  Building  Extra-Curricular Activities  Operational/Schedule Options  Supplies and Materials  Management Options  Miscellaneous  Input from those in attendance

5  Merge as many routes as possible.  Coop daily trips to Springfield with other districts  Coordinate “away” games as much as possible (e.g. combine baseball and softball games)  Defer vehicle purchases for one year  Eliminate all district paid field trips

6  Reduce building supplies by 20%  Reduce capital outlay by 50%  Defer maintenance where possible  Reduce summer part-time help by 50%  Continue energy reduction program (auto light switches etc.)  Reduce boiler run time and temp during the school day and weekends  Educate staff on energy savings  Look for energy reduction grants

7  All coaching staff to be responsible for pre/post activities (e.g. volleyball nets)  Eliminate, or cost reduce, “low participant census” sports (i.e. golf, junior high wrestling, etc.)  Reduce all extra-curricular activities under IHSA and IESA to the minimum number required to secure playoff competition.  Eliminate (or Coop) as many sports and extra-curricular activities as possible.  Participate in one conference only  Participate in a local conference to reduce travel expense (Sangamon conference is closest)  Allow Sports Boosters to operate the following activities for a stipend;  Parking and football field post game duties  Ticket taking duties  Field prep activities for Saturday games  Post game field and gym cleaning  “Eliminate” all extra-curricular activities

8  Revert back to a traditional schedule from block  Four day instructional week (Needs to be approved by the legislature)  Four day work week for all non-certified staff through the summer months

9  Delay textbook rotation by one year (unless the state textbook program is restarted)  Reduce copy costs (paper quotas)  Eliminate elementary supply budget (request PTO provide all elementary classroom supplies)  Reduce annual jr/sr high classroom/lab budgets by 35%  Suspend technology purchases for one year (unless covered by grants)  Purchase “net-books” instead of hard copy textbooks for all high school students

10  Expenses  Review all contracts and bid as many as possible  Increase “deductibles” wherever possible  Limit BOE participation in Chicago conference  Revenue  Increase Tort percentage of salaries for supervision  Referendum (Ed fund, Working Cash, etc.)

11  Increase the following fees  sports and extra-curricular fees - to a higher percentage of self- supporting levels  driver education “behind the wheel” to actual cost (minus salary)  book rental  cafeteria (the cafeteria breaks even)  lab  technology  building rental  Re-set administrative Duties  Return to Pre-K/8 and Senior high division of students, staff, and Principals  When the superintendent position opens, utilize an “interim superintendent” for up to two years.  If a principal position opens, restructure the superintendent position to include both

12  Personnel  Non-certified staff  Cap/eliminate overtime  Reduce various positions to part time  Reduce staffing  Certified Staff  Reduce some teaching positions to part-time  RIF all grant funded positions (Pre-K, PAT) until funding is secured  Leave retirement positions open  Grant funded positions shall be based on % of grant. (bal to Elem Ed. RTI)  Share part-time staff with neighboring districts  Eliminate or reduce Non-core elective programs

13  Consolidation Options  Kincaid  Auburn  Others?

14  Non-certified staff  Cap/eliminate overtime  Review annual payroll increase  Reduce the nurse to part-time  Reduce secretarial staff one or more positions  Review personal aide positions for merger  Review non-certified staff hours for possible reductions  Reduce one bus driver  Reduce custodial staff due to retirement

15  What did we miss?  What should the board avoid?  Where should the board start?

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