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Ch 20/21 Insights- Civil War Notes
Goal ?s Part 1 Identify 3 advantages that both the North and South had fighting the war. Identify and explain the impact of three early battles of the Civil War
Ch 20/21 ID- Seceding States (437)
Summary 1- How many Southern states seceded? 11 OI- Brothers Blood and Border States Border States- slave states that did not need slavery 1) ID one reason Border States were important Population (fewer soldiers for S), food (less food for S. soldiers), Ohio River (N. could move troops quickly)
2) How Lincoln kept Maryland in the Union?
Suspending Habeas Corpus Habeus Corpus- a person has to be charged with a crime after being arrested and given a trial How does suspending Habeus Corpus changes a person’s rights? (What can the government do with an arrested person w/out HB?) Pro-S. Marylanders not allowed to vote on secession Lincoln willing to violate Const. rights to win war Why was Maryland so important to keep in the Union? 3) Why did the 5 Civilized tribes side with South? Cherokee owned slaves
ID- The Technology of War (P 439), Manufacturing by Sections (442) read captions and THINK?
Summary 2-What allowed the Civil War to become one of the most destructive wars ever? Mechanization (modern tech- artillery, railroads) What side will have the advantage when it comes to technology? Why? Summary 3- What was the South’s failure in understanding this new change in warfare? S. did not understand importance of RRs and transportation
Summary 4- What is the “Annual Value of Products” for the North vs
Summary 4- What is the “Annual Value of Products” for the North vs. the South? NE, Mid. States, West States, Pac. States=1,725,000,000 vs South $155,000,000 Summary 5- How will the “Annual Value of Products” hurt the South war effort, help the North? The north has cash, the South has far less to support the war
OI- Balance of Forces 4) ID 1 advantage of the South Defensive War, Officers, Belief in Cause, southern familiarty w. horses and guns 5) ID one disadvantage of the South No factories to build war provisions 6) ID one advantage of the north Economy (factories), navy, population
Opening moves of CW Fort Sumter(Apr 1861)- opening shots of CW (Upper South Secedes) ?Why does the Upper South secede after Fort Sumter? 1St Bull Run- 1st major battle 30K Union vs. 22K South N. belief- easy victory Why would the N. be so confident? Spectators S. Rout- S. wins ?What Southern advantage allowed S. to win this battle? Total War- to win war N. needs to completely destroy the S.
War in the West Gen. Ulysses S. Grant- most important Union General
Character- poor student, alcoholic, failure in civilian life Positives- photogenic memory, understood total warfare (destroying enemies will to fight, wear down enemy *? Would you want this guy as your leader? Battle of Shiloh- 1st major battle of war (23,000 casualties in 2 days) *What does this battle show about the south and their attitude towards war?
CH 21 Insights Goal Questions P2
1) Evaluate/Judge if the Union was truly fighting for the ideals of the Republic (equality, freedom, liberty) 2) Explain why Antietam was/could have been the defining battle of the Civil War 3) Analyze how the Emancipation Proclamation was one of the most defining documents in US history
ID- The Confederacy Gets no help from Europe (p 444)
Summary 6- How did the Union keep Europe out of the War? By being Europe’s most important trading partner OI- Dethorning King Cotton 7) Why did the European ruling class side w the South Europe disliked the North’s democratic beliefs of equality 8) Why did Europe’s people side with the North They were against slavery 9) Why did Europe eventually side with the North? US had a good harvest and Eur. Suffered a bad harvest, Eur. Needed the North’s food
ID- New York City Draft Riots (448)
Draft- when a person is forced to fight in a war Summary 7- How was the New York Draft Riot ended? Army was sent in and fired on rioters OI- Volunteers and Draftees: North vs. South 10) What is a $300 man? A person who could buy there way out of the draft What group of people will end up fighting the war? (Who is the lowest of that group?)
11) What group caused the NY draft riots?
Anti-black Irish immigrants 12) How could a southerner get out of fighting? Hire a substitute or own over 20 slaves
ID- Killing Fields of Antietam (460)
Summary 8-How does the Battle of Antietam rank among US battles? Bloodiest 1 day battle (23,000 casualties) OI- The Pivotal Point: Antietam 13) Why did Gen. Lee and the South invade Maryland? Hoping to get support of Europe and Border States w a major victory in N.
14) What advantage did the north/ McClellan have going into the battle?
The N. discovered Lee’s battle plans (Gen. McClellan had the power to destroy S./Lee’s army) Union wins the battle, but allowed Gen. Lee/S. to escape (war could have ended if Gen. McClellan/N. had been more daring in battle) 15) How was Antietam the long-awaited victory for Lincoln/abolitionists? Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation
ID- Emancipation in the South (461)
Summary 9-What document freed the slaves? 13th Amendment OI- A Proclamation without Emancipation 16) What did the Emancipation Proclamation declare? Slaves in areas of rebellion are free
17) What was the shortcoming of the proclamation?
EP did not free any slaves 18) Why was the proclamation important? CW became a war to end slavery/freedom
Ch 20/21 Goal Questions P3 1) Identify why Gettysburg and Vicksburg were instrumental in helping the Union win the Civil War? 2) Explain 2 oddities about the election of 1864? 3) Analyze two impacts of the Civil War that still have an influence on the US today?
Gettysburg and Vicksburg- two battles that allow the North to win the CW
Vicksburg- N. controls Miss. River, splits S. in half Grant- becomes the Gen. Lincoln needs to win the war 3 week siege Cuts S. in half How is this an example of Total Warfare? Gettysburg- largest battle of CW Lee invades N Why is Lee at a disadvantage? Losses N- 23K, S 28K (1/3 of Lee’s troops) Why is this battle such a devastating defeat for S.?
ID-Recruiting Black Troops in Boston (462), Excerpt on P 464 about black soldiers
Summary 10- How was the Massachusetts 54th different from other Union regiments? 1st Af/Am regiment Summary 11- How many African-Americans served for the Union in the Civil War 180,000/ 10% of total military
OI- Blacks Battle Bondage
19) ID an example of Af/Am. heroism in the war? 22 medals of honor, 38,000 dead, FT. Wagner where ½ of the Mass. 54th died 20) How did slavery hurt the South during the war? S. could not turn their guns away f. slaves
ID- Union Party (471) Summary 12- Identify the two groups of people that comprised the Union Party? Republicans and pro-war Democrats OI- Election of st election in world history held during a civil war (half of the country did not vote) 21) What party did Lincoln run as in the Election of 1864? What political party did Lincoln run as in 1860? Union in 1864, Rep. in 1860
23) What group overwhelming supported Lincoln’s re-election?
22) Why did Lincoln select Andrew Johnson as a running mate? What political party did Johnson come from? To attract Border States and pro-war Dems 23) What group overwhelming supported Lincoln’s re-election? Army
Impact of War Appomattox Courthouse- Lee/S. surrender to Grant/N.
Cost of War Lives- 600,000 dead $20 bil (10x’s value of all slaves in South) Industrialization- N. built factories to provide for war Creates an industrial base that will make US a world economic power in late 1800’s Nationalism “The Unites States” Spiritual- S. hurt and beaten S. Humiliated- takes out anger on who? Slaughter- America is not a perfect nation as imagined w. 2nd Great Awakening
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