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SOLID WASTE Management Division Robert Gedert Chief of Operations City of Fresno Going beyond the 50% Diversion Goal.

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Presentation on theme: "SOLID WASTE Management Division Robert Gedert Chief of Operations City of Fresno Going beyond the 50% Diversion Goal."— Presentation transcript:

1 SOLID WASTE Management Division Robert Gedert Chief of Operations City of Fresno Going beyond the 50% Diversion Goal

2 SOLID WASTE Management Division 6 th Largest City in California 490,000 Population 106,000 Single Family Homes 2,400 Apartment Complexes 4,600 Businesses

3 SOLID WASTE Management Division “The Integrated Waste Management Act” into law establishing the requirement that each city and county must develop a diversion plan, that was to include an implementation schedule showing:  25% diversion by January 1, 1995  50% diversion by January 1, 2000 through source reduction, recycling, and composting activities.” AB 939 (1989)

4 SOLID WASTE Management Division City of Fresno response to AB 939  Three-cart residential program (2000) Blue for Recycling, Green for Greenwaste  Public Education (2000) Newspaper, TV ads, radio ads, brochures  School Education (2000) Classroom presentations Tours of facilities

5 SOLID WASTE Management Division City of Fresno response to AB 939  Commercial recycling (2003) Businesses, offices, retail centers, Multi-Family complexes  Construction and Demolition Ord. (2005) Mandatory recycling of construction wastes  Mandatory Recycling Ord. (2005) for commercial businesses  College Recycling Programs (2006) Fresno State, Fresno City College, Fresno Pacific

6 SOLID WASTE Management Division We Recycle: ALL Plastics ALL Paper ALL Metals ALL Wood (unfinished) ALL Beverage & Food Cans ALL Glass Containers Used Motor Oil and Filters City of Fresno Recycling Program

7 SOLID WASTE Management Division Media / Advertising Barriers  Instructional – Not Effective  “Cute” ads – Slightly Effective  Value oriented – Very Effective Lessons Learned

8 SOLID WASTE Management Division School Education Barriers  Teacher time – Must match state- mandated curriculum needs  Visuals – Must be visually engaging  Child attention – Kids must be involved & hands-on Lessons Learned

9 SOLID WASTE Management Division Apartment Complex Recycling Barriers  Physical location of bins vs. parking  Tenant Education – transient  Facility Manager negativity  Owner disinterest Lessons Learned

10 SOLID WASTE Management Division Business Recycling Barriers  Interior collection needs  Business priorities  Staff training & turnover  Establish a permanent “Green Team” Lessons Learned

11 SOLID WASTE Management Division College Intern Program – Recycling Marketing  Fresno State Intern Program  Higher motivated and energetic  Work around school schedules  Provide extensive training – invest time in your staff  Incentive sales program Moving Forward

12 SOLID WASTE Management Division Fresno Waste Diversion Study HDR/BVA Study results: 62% Diversion ➢ 625,700 tons diverted ➢ 463,807 tons of disposal ➢ 54,489 tons of biomass

13 SOLID WASTE Management Division Fresno Waste Diversion Study Curbside Recycling Buyback Centers Green Waste Grasscycling Material Handlers Trash - Disposal Biomass 5% C&D Business Composting Business Recycling Reduction

14 SOLID WASTE Management Division Fresno Waste Diversion Study Residential Diversion  Curbside Recycling 40,506 tons  Curbside Green Waste 54,437 tons  Buyback Centers 12,805 tons Total Residential = 107,748 tons

15 SOLID WASTE Management Division Business/Commercial Diversion  Business Source Reduction 5,569 tons  Material Handlers 156,394 tons  Business Recycling 22,829 tons  Business Composting 94,470 tons Total Commercial = 279,262 tons Fresno Waste Diversion Study

16 SOLID WASTE Management Division Fresno Waste Diversion Study Other Waste Diversion  City Parks – Grass-cycling 8,041 tons  Scrap Metal-City 3,914 tons  Construction recycling 226,611 tons Total Other Diversion = 238,692 tons

17 SOLID WASTE Management Division  Residential Diversion 107,748 tons 10%  Commercial Diversion 279,262 tons 25%  Other Diversion 238,692 tons 22% Diversion = 57% Biomass Credits = +5% Total Diversion = 62% Fresno Waste Diversion Study Overall Totals

18 SOLID WASTE Management Division Comparison to other Cities  San Francisco67%  Fresno62%  Los Angeles62%  San Jose62%  Long Beach62%  Oakland55%  Sacramento49%  San Diego45%

19 SOLID WASTE Management Division Fresno City Council Zero Waste Resolution June 26, 2007  Requires 75% Diversion by 2012  Zero Waste 90% Diversion by 2025  Adopted by Unanimous Vote  Next Step: Zero Waste Action Plan

20 SOLID WASTE Management Division  City Environmental Purchasing Policy (2007)  Embrace Zero Waste Philosophy (2007)  Household Hazardous Waste Facility (2008)  Reuse Facility (2008)  Commercial Food Waste Recycling (2008)  Residential Food Waste Recycling (2009) Proposed Diversion Activities

21 SOLID WASTE Management Division  Expanded Commercial Office Recycling (90% diversion by 2012)  Expanded Construction/Demolition Recycling (90% diversion by 2015)  Two-can Household System (2018):  Green for organics (50%),  Blue for recycling (40%),  Residual contamination (10%) Proposed Diversion Activities

22 SOLID WASTE Management Division A Visionary Goal that Strives for:  90%+ Diversion of Business Waste (2012)  90%+ Diversion of C&D Waste (2015)  90%+ Diversion of Household Waste (2018) Zero Waste

23 SOLID WASTE Management Division A Visionary Goal that Strives for:  Source Reduction at Production Facilities (2008-2020)  Green Business Pairings (2010-2020)  Green Business Park with 100% Diversion (2015-2025) Zero Waste

24 SOLID WASTE Management Division Strategy 14 Position Fresno as a regional center for Green Enterprises. Strategy 17 Achieve zero waste to landfills. Strategy 18 Implement “user-friendly” recycling and composting programs, with the goal of 75% reduction of solid waste disposal to the landfill.

25 SOLID WASTE Management Division Robert Gedert Chief of Operations City of Fresno Any waste as an output from a business is an operational inefficiency. Buckminster Fuller

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