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United Nations Environment Programme en.lighten initiative Global Status on the Benefits of Energy Efficient Lighting 10-11 November 2014, Beijing Gustau.

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Presentation on theme: "United Nations Environment Programme en.lighten initiative Global Status on the Benefits of Energy Efficient Lighting 10-11 November 2014, Beijing Gustau."— Presentation transcript:

1 United Nations Environment Programme en.lighten initiative Global Status on the Benefits of Energy Efficient Lighting 10-11 November 2014, Beijing Gustau Mañez Gomis

2 Global Efficient Lighting Forum 2 Table of Contents UNEP en.lighten initiative 1 The Integrated Policy Approach 2 Savings Potential – Stock Conversion 3 Savings Potential – 2010-2030 Forecast 4

3 Global Efficient Lighting Forum 3 en.lighten initiative  Global consensus to phase out inefficient incandescent lamps by 2016*  Support countries in making the move * By 2016 all countries should have either phased-out inefficient incandescent lamps or have policies in place to phase-out within a given timeframe

4 Global Efficient Lighting Forum 4  MEPS: ensure efficiency and quality of lighting products, removing obsolete technologies  Supporting policies: promote public acceptance and demand for energy-saving lighting  Monitoring, verification and enforcement: ensure regulatory compliance and a level playing field  Environmentally sound management for sound disposal and/or recycling of used lamps The Integrated Policy Approach

5 Global Efficient Lighting Forum 5 Partner Countries Partner countries 66

6 Global Efficient Lighting Forum 6 Global IPA Overall Status  Limited  In Progress  Advanced  No Information Global Efficient Lighting Forum

7 7 Minimum Energy Performance Standards Supporting Policies Monitoring, Verification & EnforcementWaste Management Global Efficient Lighting Forum Global Status – Integrated Policy Approach

8 Global Efficient Lighting Forum 8  Hypothetical conversion of global lighting stock (2010) from inefficient to efficient lamps:  Incandescent  CFL and LED  Linear Fluorescent  Efficient T8 and T5  High Intensity Discharge  Efficient Metal Halide  Savings compares the energy consumption of stock inefficient vs. efficient lamps  Global electricity for lighting was over15% of total electricity consumption in the baseline  Switching to efficient stock would save nearly 40% of lighting electricity consumption Savings Potential – Stock Conversion

9 Global Efficient Lighting Forum 9 Global Benefits of Stock Conversion Over US$120 billion annually in avoided electricity bills Reduction of 1044 TWh of electricity; equal to annual electricity consumption of: Avoid over US$230 billion investment tied up in 280 large base-load coal- fired power plants Savings of over 530 million tonnes of CO 2 yearly; equal to annual CO 2 emissions of: Electricity savings capacity could electrify 1 billion households Compact Fluorescent Lamp

10 Global Efficient Lighting Forum 10 Global Benefits of Stock Conversion to 100% LED Over US$175 billion annually in avoided electricity bills Reduction of 1550 TWh of electricity; equal to annual electricity consumption of: Avoid over US$345 billion investment tied up in 415 large base-load coal- fired power plants Savings of almost 800 million tonnes of CO 2 yearly; more than the annual CO 2 emissions of: Electricity savings could electrify 1.5 billion households LED Lamp

11 Global Efficient Lighting Forum 11 Savings Potential – 2030 Forecast 4 Policy Scenarios 1.No New Policies: keeps 2013 Global Policy Map as the reference scenario 2.Slow New Policies : builds on 2013 policy reference scenario, allowing countries with limited progress to adopt MEPS for all lamp types 3.SE4ALL Accelerator : The UN Secretary General’s SE4ALL initiative, facilitates countries action to adopt MEPS in 2017 4.Least Life Cycle Cost: overnight global transition to efficient lighting, adopting MEPS for all lamp types

12 Global Efficient Lighting Forum 12 Global Electricity for Lighting – in 2030 1,209 TWh in 2030 377 TWh p.a. in 2030 No new policies Slow new policies SE4ALL Accelerator Least life cycle cost Global electricity for lighting (TWh / year) 3,100 2,900 2,700 2,500 2,300 2,100 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 2024 2026 2028 2030 Lighting ~ 15% of global electricity consumption SE4All Accelerator achieves savings of 377 to 1209 TWh/year

13 Global Efficient Lighting Forum 13 Regional savings – SE4All Accelerator in 2030 Compared to No New Policies, SE4All Accelerator achieves savings of 1209 TWh per year Cumulatively: 8,200 TWh & 4.2 Gt CO2 savings

14 Global Efficient Lighting Forum 14 How do we save 4.2 Gt of CO 2 in lighting?

15 Thank You

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