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Next Steps of the P-20 Council Governor’s P-20 Council November 8, 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "Next Steps of the P-20 Council Governor’s P-20 Council November 8, 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 Next Steps of the P-20 Council Governor’s P-20 Council November 8, 2007

2 22 Introduction ► Created by Executive Order in 2005 ► Co-chairs: Governor Napolitano and Dr. Rufus Glasper ► Membership ■ Superintendent Horne ■ Business ■ Parent and Community Organizations ■ P-20 Education Representatives ■ Boards and Commissions

3 33 Vision “Every graduating student will be prepared for work and postsecondary education in the 21st century.”

4 44 Our Goal “Every young person who graduates from Arizona’s schools is truly prepared for a world of competition and innovation.” -Governor Napolitano

5 55 P-20 Recommendations ► The Council presented 32 recommendations to the Governor in December 2006. ► Since that time, the Council has been aggressively working to implement each recommendation.

6 66 Higher Education Demand & Feasibility Study ► Background ■ P-20 Council made a recommendation to conduct the study in December 2006 ■ National Center for Higher Education Management Systems (NCHEMS) was selected in April to conduct the study

7 77 Higher Education Demand & Feasibility Study ► Purpose ■ To better understand the ability of Arizona’s higher education system to meet student, business and industry demands ■ To establish a baseline of data

8 88 Arizona is Behind the U.S. in the Education Attainment Levels of its Young Adult Population… …And is Losing Ground Rapidly. Study Findings:

9 99 Percent of Adults with an Associate Degree or Higher by Age Group—Arizona, U.S. and Leading OECD Countries, 2004 Source: Education at a Glance 2005, Organisation of Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

10 10 Percent of Adults with a Bachelor’s Degree or Higher by Age Group—Arizona, U.S. and Leading OECD Countries, 2004 Source: Education at a Glance 2005, OECD

11 11 Educational Attainment and Rank Among States— Arizona, 2005 (Percent) 77.7% 9.2% 84.2% 9.0% 26.3% Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2005 ACS

12 12 Arizona Historically Has Relied on In-Migration for Much of its Workforce… …But this Workforce is Not Bringing High Levels of Education Attainment with them. Study Findings:

13 13 Arizona Net Gain of Residents by Degree Level and Age Group, 1995-2000 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2000 Census; 5% PUMS Files 22- to 29-Year-Olds30- to 64-Year-Olds Less than HS High School Some College Associate Bachelor’s Graduate/Prof. Total

14 14 Becoming Internationally Competitive Would Require a Large Increase in Annual Degree Production. Part of this Increase Would Have to come from “Re-Entry” Students. Study Findings:

15 15 The “Gap”—Difference in Annual Degrees Currently Produced and Annual Degrees Needed to Meet Benchmark Source:U.S. Census Bureau, PUMS and Population Projections, IPEDS Completions Survey 2004-05 Accounting for Migration North Dakota Nebraska Iowa Rhode Island Utah New York Colorado Massachusetts 131,749 94,162 140,533 Arizona’s 29,190 = 101% Increase (Assuming All Growth in Public Sector)

16 16 Closing the Gap in the Educational Pipeline Source: “Making Opportunity Affordable” project (Lumina, Jobs for the Future, NCHEMS), Summer 2007 1,333,645 In order to reach international competitiveness by 2025, the U.S. and 32 states cannot close the gap with even current best performance with traditional college students. They must rely on the re-entry pipeline—getting older adults back into the education system and on track to attaining college degrees.

17 17 To Be Internationally Competitive, Arizona Must… ► Increase its bachelor’s degree production levels ■ Produce about 29,000 more degrees each year to close the education attainment gap by 2025 ■ Engage re-entry students in attaining bachelor’s degrees ■ Close its race/ethnic gap ■ Not rely on educated in-migrants to meet workforce needs

18 18 ► Major Strategies Include ■ Increasing the state’s competitiveness nationally and internationally ■ Ensuring that students enroll and complete college, with a particular focus on increasing the number of bachelor’s degrees in Arizona ■ Developing effective funding models and governance structures for higher education Moving Forward…

19 19 Moving Forward… ► Action Steps ■ Expanding university branches in high-growth areas ■ Allowing community colleges to provide expanded degrees in areas where universities can or will not ■ Expanding 2+2 and similar agreements ■ Using matching funds to increase our innovation capacity ■ Developing hybrid models of education delivery, such as university centers on community college campuses ■ Increasing early college options for high school students

20 20 Moving Forward… To do this effectively, we are encouraging: ► Increased collaboration among the community colleges, universities and private institutions. ■ To increase transfer and articulation, 2+2 programs, and university centers on community college campuses, among other things. ► Increased collaboration among postsecondary institutions and K-12 system to ensure that students are ready for college. ■ For example, Arizona’s math standard and State Board of Education's proposal to increase graduation requirements.

21 21 Arizona’s Math Standard ► Goal – To revise Arizona’s math standard in partnership with the Arizona Department of Education (ADE) to effectively prepare students for college and work. ► A team of university and community college math faculty worked with ADE and the P-20 Council earlier this year to revise Arizona’s math standard and ensure that it was equivalent to Achieve, Inc.’s national benchmark.

22 22 Arizona’s Math Standard ► The team continues its work with ADE and other teachers as they take a comprehensive look at K-12 math standards. ► This work has impacted the State Board of Education’s proposal to increase graduation requirements, and includes a level of rigor that all students need to be college and work ready.

23 23 Questions WWW.AZGOVERNOR.GOV/P20

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