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(Click here to go to our website) Call to Order – President Ted Gonsiorowski called the meeting to order and led in the Pledge of Allegiance.

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2 (Click here to go to our website) Call to Order – President Ted Gonsiorowski called the meeting to order and led in the Pledge of Allegiance.

3 Invocation – David Hunter - We thank Thee, Lord, for sunny skies, for rain on farmer's fields, for their work through all our seasons that increases nature's yields. And thanks for food which doth sustain us, and that Thou ne'er... Auf Wiedersehen us. Amen. Vittles – Sliced beef, mashed potatoes and gravy, mixed vegetables, salad and toppings, rolls and butter, Snickers Creme Pie, tea and coffee.

4 Guests – Larry, guest of Fonda Bowden; Rich Suchomski, friend of Dave Hunter;

5 and George Dillard, guest of Sam McGrew.

6 Attendance – 23 members, 4 visitors. Lions Report – Bob Suter is home but had been in the hospital over Christmas. If you are ill or know a fellow Lion that is under the weather, please call Pat Bryan at 586-4535.

7 Birthdays – Paul Kunkel (February 21st); Ben Turpin (February 20th).

8 Lottery – Herb Bail won the $13 lottery.

9 Announcements – Ted Gonsiorowski announced District Cabinet Meeting/Convention February 24. Immediately following the cabinet meeting there will be a “convention” group convened to vote on 1-B & 1-K combining. Jay Hoeflinger is still selling Sight & Sound Sweepstakes tickets.

10 Marvin Paulsen and Weldon Garrelts reported for the Low Vision Screening, which was attended by several of our members.

11 Weldon said we donated $400 for help. They really appreciate the Lions Club support for lenses, glasses and doctor’s time.

12 Rich King announced our Club will again maintain a water station for the Illinois Marathon. Walk for Sight will be June 9 at Mattoon. May 19/20 2013 is the State Convention.

13 Program – Charlie Osborne introduced Bob Asmussen, Illinois football beat writer for the Champaign News-Gazette and He has covered the Illini Football team for 17 years. During that time, Illini have gone to 5 Bowls.

14 Bob is back working full time again after recovering last year from a heart attack.

15 He grew up in Nebraska and got used to consistent football, so Illinois is different. However, he really likes our stadium, the colonnades, the Red Grange "Galloping Ghost" statue, etc.

16 He opened the floor to questions. "How do we find those recruits from all over the U.S.?" High School coach contacts bring students to the UI’s attention.

17 "How does the closed practice affect you?" He considers it a disaster. He said Ron Turner opened it up and Ron Zook did for a while, but then closed practices.

18 Tim Beckman has closed practice. Bob feels he gets to know the players better if practice if open.

19 "How do they want to establish an Illinois identity?" Just win some games. We had two of the greatest football players, Dick Butkus and Red Grange, so we have a great reputation.

20 "Who was the best coach to work with?" Lou Tepper. "Worst coach?" Ron Turner was tricky and wasn’t easy. Tim Beckman called Bob when he went into the hospital last year.

21 "How do you put up with Loren Tate?“ Bob said he had slept in the same bed as Loren Tate. Sooooo, guess that means they get along.

22 "Do coaches get paid for talking to the reporters at half-time?" No. They do it for the exposure.”

23 Tail Twister – Tom Yaxley asked Marvin Paulsen

24 to carry the bucket.

25 He fined Herb Bail for having won the lottery;

26 Frank Duff for having spilled his coffee;

27 Everybody at the birthday table;


29 Gordie Gordon for an email about Weldon’s dog’s breath, upon which Gordie would not comment;

30 all who have not turned in the survey;


32 David Lin bragged that his son is on the Dean’s List;

33 Frank Duff for his 3rd Great Grandchild;

34 Rich King bragged about his son’s recital;

35 Charlie Osborne bragged about his speaking engagement that became a disappointment.

36 and Dave Hunter had to pay for his poor depiction of the TailTwister last week.

37 Will he never learn?

38 Greeter: Herb Bail Mar 6 - Dr. Marsh Jones (Parkland) – The Rise and Fall of the British Empire Click here to email Charlie Osborne and let him know what you would like to see in a Lions Club program some Coming up Feb 27 – Nancy Kobel – Chanute Air Museum

39 Thank you for watching Editor Rex Hess Publisher David Hunter To email Dave with your comments, click here → To go to the our website, click here →

40 February 22 Washingt on’s Birthday

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