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Published bySilas Radcliff Modified over 10 years ago
Required Inspection Item Recurrent Training 2013
Changes to NJA FAR 135 General Maintenance Manual 11/30/12 Rev.11 TR6
Required Inspection Item Recurrent Training
The NetJets General Maintenance Manual for With changes to the manual. Please review the manual located on NetJets web site If you have changed your A&P certification number or replaced your certification with the new credit card style, Please send a legible copy (mail) or to Gary Thomas Maintenance Training 4111 Bridgeway Ave Columbus, Oh any questions please call (614) Any questions regarding this presentation please contact Gary Thomas at (614) or At the end of this presentation there will be a test.
Required Inspection Item Recurrent Training
When the LOA is sent to you: Sign, Initial and Stamp Make a copy for you records Send the signed original LOA to Gary Thomas Maintenance Training 4111 Bridgeway Ave. Columbus, Oh 43219
Required Inspection Item Recurrent Training
All RII Authorizations expire on the last day of the month of the original LOA. Please return your answer sheets as soon as possible, doing so will lessen the possibility of the delay in receiving your LOA’s. If your signed LOA’s are not received in Maintenance Training before the last day of the month as listed on the LOA, your RII Authorization will be revoked.
SECTION II Maintenance Policies
General First section of manual consists of Definitions and Abbreviations Revision Control Manual Distribution Dating of all maintenance forms and records in use by NJA will be in the format as follows: M/D/YY (e.g.: 3/31/12) All entries on NJA documentation shall be typed or legibly hand written in blue or black ink unless otherwise noted in this GMM.
Organization Contact Information Scott Caddick Director of Maintenance Main: (614) Cell: (843) Fax: (614) Ben Scarcella Chief Inspector Main: (614) Cell: (614) Fax: (614) Maintenance Control Center
Required Inspection Items (RII)
Policy 22: Required inspection items (RII): Are those tasks performed on an aircraft that could result in a failure, malfunction, or defect endangering the safe operation of the aircraft if not properly performed or if improper parts or materials are used Applicable only to aircraft that are maintained under a Continuous Airworthiness Maintenance Program (CAMP) Items specified within this policy have been designated by NJA as RII Only persons authorized by NJA in accordance with procedures in this GMM and listed on the List of Authorized RII Personnel can perform RII designated inspections
Required Inspection Items (RII)
Policy 22, 3: Interface: Departments: Quality Control (QC) • Base Maintenance Maintenance Training • Line Maintenance Maintenance Control Center (MCC) • Return To Service (R-T-S) Policy 22, 3: Forms/Other: GMM: Sec. VI – RII LOA (Letter of Authorization – RII) List of Authorized RII Personnel; M-2B (Work Record) FOM: M-2B sample in Forms Section All of the following tables are contained in this policy: Table 1: Listing of Required Inspection Items (RII) Table 2: Listing of RII Notes Table 3: RII Letter Designation
Required Inspection Items (RII)
Chief Inspector will: Provide an LOA, except for “one-time” RII authorizations, to each person authorized to perform RII Provide a formal letter to each person approved for “one-time” RII authorization Ensure any personnel accomplishing RII is under the supervision and control of an inspection unit Provide an LOA to each person authorized to perform RII inspections, except for “one-time” RII authorizations
Required Inspection Items (RII)
Chief Inspector will (cont.): Approve “one-time” RII authorizations after verification of person(s) having: A valid Airframe and Powerplant license or Repairman certificate Completed formal aircraft type training or demonstrated extensive aircraft type training and experience by a review of employee records Formal letter used to grant this “one-time” RII authorization is forwarded to authorized person(s) (Maintenance Training Manager); the person(s) holding “one time” authorization will then be considered for required RII training and inclusion on List of Authorized RII Personnel After communicating with vendor (i.e. /phone), has sole authority to countermand RII inspector’s decision regarding any required inspection; he/she must indicate in writing reason for countermand decision (i.e. letter), and included in work order; this relieves RII inspector of all responsibility for that item
Required Inspection Items (RII)
Maintenance vendors will: Ensure no person is assigned to perform RII inspections unless authorized to do so by Chief Inspector Be responsible for reporting all maintenance discrepancies that are RII to NJA MCC prior to commencing work in accordance with Work Documentation for Unscheduled Maintenance (Line Maintenance) policy in GMM Sec. II and/or Work Documentation during Scheduled Inspections (Base Maintenance) in GMM Sec. VIII Not assign any person to inspect a Required Inspection Item if that person performed work on item to be inspected Ensure no RII item is used for the purposes of On-the-Job Training (OJT)
Required Inspection Items (RII)
RII Authorized Inspectors will: Document all items listed in this policy as RII in accordance with policies and procedures within this GMM Mark RII box with an “X” on NJA Form M-2B and/or stamp, print or type “RII” or “Required Inspection Item” on vendor issued work order sheet Sign or stamp on NJA Form M-2B and/or vendor issued work order sheet when item has been completed to their satisfaction and in accordance with policies and procedures within this GMM Document all RII items not completed in their entirety due to work interruption, such as shift change, shall be accomplished as follows: Technician and RII inspector will sign or stamp directly adjacent to the maintenance he/she performed in corrective action block of NJA Form M-2B and/or vendor issued work order sheet
Required Inspection Items (RII)
RII Authorized Inspectors will (cont.): Document all RII items not completed in their entirety due to work interruption, such as shift change, shall be accomplished as follows (cont.): If additional pages are needed, document maintenance performed within corrective action block of NJA Form M-2B and/or vendor issued work order sheet Signature blocks for original discrepancy, on NJA M-2B and/or vendor issued work order sheets, will be completed only after item has been performed in its entirety and all requirements have been met When additional pages are used, discrepancy block will be used to refer back to original discrepancy; signature blocks on these pages will be lined through once original discrepancy is signed off
Required Inspection Items (RII)
RII Authorized Inspectors will (cont.): If an item has not been completed to an RII inspector’s satisfaction, they will print “unsatisfactory” in red ink in the inspector signature block; the procedures for RII buy-back will then be followed (refer to RII Buy-Back)
RII Letter Designation
Sample Discrepancy that Includes RII Corrective Actions Discrepancy: RH MLG FWD and AFT Ball Joint Bearings have pitting on the outer diameter after corrosion was removed. RII Corrective Action: Remove RH MLG FWD and AFT ball joint bearings. Need OK to install new bearings. OK to install new FWD and AFT bearings. Installed RH MLG FWD and AFT ball joint bearings in accordance with [insert aircraft/component-specific maintenance manual] [insert ATA chapter] – [insert ATA subchapter]. Operational test required. Performed operational check per [insert aircraft/component-specific maintenance manual] [insert ATA chapter] – [insert ATA subchapter]. Ops check satisfactory. OK for service. Note: Corrective Action (C/A) is written in stages that allow easy and orderly progressive stamps and/or sign-offs. There are four (4) RII Letter Designations that require a “staged” C/A: B. Inspect “OK to Install” E. Operational/Leak Test F. Functional Test H. Inspect “OK to Close”
RII Letter Designation
For clarification on any of the Tables listed on the following pages, immediately contact NJA Maintenance Control Center. Table 1 – Listing of Required Inspection Items (RII) is on the following pages. An explanation of the Notes provided within this Listing can be found immediately following it in Table 2 – Listing of RII NOTES. Other than items specified in Note 4, any disturbances to RII components including complete or partial removal to facilitate other maintenance is an RII to ensure that the affected component is returned to the proper configuration and operation. For RII requirements, refer to Table 3 – RII Letter Designation.
Policy (23) List of Authorized Required Inspection Items (RII) Personnel
A list of authorized RII personnel will be maintained by the Maintenance Training Manager, or designee. The old list of authorized personnel will be retained for a period of one year following the publishing of a new list. The Chief Inspector, and Maintenance Training Manager has the authority to control the removal or addition of the inspector from the List of Authorized RII Personnel to assure compliance with the RII program.
Policy (23) List of Authorized Required Inspection Items (RII) Personnel
Addition to the List of Authorized RII Personnel: After successful completion of RII Initial and/or Recurrent Training, a candidate will be added to the list. Removal from the List of Authorized RII Personnel: If a candidate fails to meet any of the RII Inspector requirements, as previously stated in the required time frame, they will have their RII Inspector Authorization revoked and be removed from the list.
Policy (23) List of Authorized Required Inspection Items (RII) Personnel
Reinstatement to the List of Authorized RII Personnel: If an inspector is removed from the list for any reason, the following is required to be reinstated to the list: The candidate must attend the RII Inspector Training (Initial) conducted by NJA and receive a new Initial Letter of Authorization upon successful completion of the class. Special consideration: If an inspector was incapacitated beyond their control for the period during their recurrent month, the Chief Inspector or Manager, Quality Control /Assistant Chief Inspector may consider writing a letter of reinstatement of RII Inspector Authorization privileges, if he/she believes the situation warrants. The letter will be placed in the RII Inspector’s RII training file.
List of Authorized RII Personnel
A Form RII LOA (Letter of Authorization – RII) will be issued as a form of tracking and monitoring currency of an authorized RII Inspector. The Chief Inspector and Maintenance Training Manager has the authority to issue, revoke or withdraw privileges of the inspectors Form RII LOA to assure compliance with the RII program. The Maintenance Training Manager will only issue the Form RII LOA after the inspector satisfactorily completes the required training and following the signing of the Form RII LOA by the Chief Inspector or designee.
Personnel selected for RII Inspector status will be issued a Form RII LOA from the Chief Inspector , or designee. The Chief Inspector , or designee, will complete the Form RII LOA for each Inspector sanctioned to perform inspection functions on a specific aircraft. This form will indicate which aircraft and what limitations, if any, that Inspector will have with regards to inspection functions and RII items. The Chief Inspector or designee will not authorize any Inspector that does not meet the recent experience requirements of 14 CFR Part When the Inspector signs the Form RII LOA, it indicates that they are aware of their responsibilities and limitations regarding inspection functions and RII items. The Form RII LOA will be kept in the Inspector’s training file maintained in the Maintenance Training Department. These records will be retained for a period of one year following the Inspector’s termination of authorization.
Sign here All personnel will initial, those that have stamps please stamp and initial in these blocks
This process is to assure compliance with all regulatory requirements and give the authority to the RII Inspector to double check that compliance. The Chief Inspector or supervisory personnel of the inspection unit will provide, in writing in the maintenance work package, the reason for the decision to countermand an RII.
If an authorized RII Inspector assigned to perform an inspection is not satisfied that the work has been performed or completed properly, they will print “unsatisfactory” in red ink in the “inspected by” box of the Form M-2B and/or Vendor work forms/discrepancy sheet. They will then enter a new item in the next available “discrepancy block”, indicating the procedures or work to be accomplished to properly complete the original RII. The inspector will indicate the new discrepancy as an RII and enter the new item number in the original discrepancy under the “unsatisfactory” they originally entered. The new RII will then be completed per the procedures outlined in “Required Inspection Items (RII)” Policy. The inspector’s decision to carry out the instructions in this procedure may only be countermanded as outlined in the aforementioned policy.
Policy (37) Documentation of “Not Applicable” and “Previously Complied With” Maintenance and Preventive Maintenance NJA has established the following criteria to serve as guidance when documenting maintenance tasks as “not applicable” or “previously complied with”: Not Applicable (N/A) – For N/A procedures related to a specific NJA AAIP or CIP task card, refer to the appropriate inspection manual for guidance. For all other situations, maintenance and preventive maintenance may be signed off as N/A only after verification that it does not apply to the specific aircraft or component in work. Acceptable means of verification include, but are not limited to: Model number or serial number applicability; Applicability criteria of a Service Letter or Service Bulletin; A specific component’s modification (MOD) status; Other actions taken by maintenance personnel that conclusively show the aircraft or component do not meet the prerequisite criteria for the maintenance task.
Policy (37) Documentation of “Not Applicable” and “Previously Complied With” Maintenance and Preventive Maintenance Previously Complied With (PCW) – Maintenance and preventive maintenance may be signed off as PCW only after verification that it was performed at a prior date and/or time, and successfully accomplished in its entirety. Acceptable means of determining it was previously complied with include, but are not limited to: Verification of P/N or S/N of installed components; A specific component’s modification (MOD) status; Research of the aircraft maintenance records for documentation of prior accomplishment; Other actions taken by maintenance personnel that conclusively show that the task was accomplished in full at a prior date and/or time.
Policy (37) Documentation of “Not Applicable” and “Previously Complied With” Maintenance and Preventive Maintenance DUTIES / REPSONSIBILITIES Maintenance personnel will: Ensure all appropriate measures are taken prior to signing a maintenance task as N/A or PCW. Include a brief description in the sign off indicating why an item was signed off as N/A or PCW, i.e. “parts not installed” or a reference to documentation of prior accomplishment. R-T-S will: Review all 14 CFR 135 maintenance documentation and compare it to the computerized maintenance tracking system to ensure the accuracy of items signed off as N/A or PCW.
Policy (38) Making Corrections on NJA Maintenance Forms and Records
NJA has established the following guidelines for making corrections on NJA maintenance forms and records: Legal signatures and statements in logbooks and on official maintenance documents shall be typed or legibly hand written in blue or black ink unless otherwise noted in this GMM. Erasures or eradication of entries is prohibited. At NO time is white-out or similar products to be used on logbook entries or any other maintenance document. Maintenance discrepancies entered on the Form M-2B may not be corrected or altered in any way that affects the intent of the original discrepancy
Policy (38) Making Corrections on NJA Maintenance Forms and Records
Entries made in error will have the statement “entered in error” placed in the corrective action block and will include the signature and certificate type and number of the individual who verified the entry was erroneous. When making a correction to an MEL discrepancy, special care must be taken to ensure that the limitations of the MEL are not affected. Any change to the MEL criteria as a result of a correction must be documented appropriately.
Policy (38) Making Corrections on NJA Maintenance Forms and Records
If a clerical error is made within an entry (i.e., spelling, incorrect P/N or S/N, information entered in the wrong block, etc), strike through the error with a single line, initial it, enter the abbreviation “EIE” (Entered in Error), and enter the correct information. Whenever possible, the person who made the error should also make the correction. In the event that the individual who made the error is not available, the error may be corrected by another person, as long at that person holds an appropriate FAA rating and can verify the new information is correct.
Policy 45 Engine Oil Consumption Monitoring
NOTE: Aircraft Status and Service Record (Form M-1 has been deleted Maintenance Control Center (MCC), Operations, and IT have developed an oil service reporting process to automate engine oil consumption rates for all aircraft. The Aircraft Servicing - Oil Usage Report assists in monitoring the oil consumption rate of specific engines and in developing troubleshooting plans. Maintenance event servicing is based on data received from pilot Blackberry, and supplemented by R-T-S database portal entries.
Policy 45 Engine Oil Consumption Monitoring
A. Aircraft Servicing - Oil Usage Report: Targets only aircraft showing oil consumption rates of 70% of the powerplant OEM limit, as well as consumption rates at or above the calculated OEM limit. Consumption rates are tracked in quarts added for the past 25 flight hours, converted from OEM hourly limit. B. Aircraft Servicing - Consumption Rate: The rolling oil consumption rate by the OEM in quarts used per hour for the past 25 flight hours for NJA aircraft.
Policy 45 Engine Oil Consumption Monitoring
Certificated Mechanic or Appropriately-Rated Repair Station will: Complete engine oil service and record on Form M-2B. Troubleshoot reported engine oil consumption. Forward inspection findings, accomplished checks, and measurements to MCC. Consult, through MCC, with OEM Engineering Department. Record appropriate corrective action on vendor paperwork or M-2B. Submit copy of completed M-2B or vendor maintenance record to R-T-S, as part of the maintenance release package. If applicable, place completed M-2B in Aircraft Logbook.
Policy 45 Engine Oil Consumption Monitoring
Line Maintenance, Maintenance Planning will: Within OEM Limits Coordinate with MCC to monitor daily maintenance tracking system Fleet Due List, or supplement reports to identify daily and forecast tasks due. (1) Create and schedule a work package for future maintenance event in the maintenance tracking system. (2) Assign oil consumption troubleshooting task to work package. (3) Coordinate aircraft routing through next day schedule planning. (4) Contact repair facility for work acceptance. (5) Send Work Authorization (tally) to the maintenance provider. NOTE 1: If the calculated oil consumption rate for an engine type is beyond OEM limits, repair prior to next flight. NOTE 2: If the calculated oil consumption rate for an engine type is within OEM limits, inspection/repair will be planned.
Policy 45 Engine Oil Consumption Monitoring
MCC Maintenance Controller will: Beyond OEM Limits Open an Unscheduled Work Package (U) in the maintenance tracking system to inspect or repair the consumption discrepancy prior to next flight. (1) Assign oil consumption troubleshooting task to work package. (2) Contact repair facility for work acceptance. (3) Send Work Authorization (tally) to the maintenance provider.
Select the best or most correct answer from the choices listed below the questions. You may use this presentation as a reference. (Open Book) Please use the answer sheets provided. Fill in the box completely, if you change an answer cross through the box then fill in the new box and initial by the block. If two answers are marked with no correction as stated above, the question will be marked wrong. Sign the test answer sheet. Once completed , please fax answer sheets to Gary Thomas Maintenance Training Fax # The test will be graded and with a minimum passing grade of 70% a certification and a Letter of Authorization (LOA) will be sent to you.
1. Once an item has been determined to be an RII item, how is the M-2B form marked to identify this decision. A. Red “X” in the RII block B. The discrepancy written in Red C. No Special Marking is required D. Blue or Black “X” in the RII block 2. Who has the authority to control the removal or addition of the inspector from the List of Authorized RII Personnel to assure compliance with the RII program. A. The Chief Inspector only B. Maintenance Training Manager only C. Both Maintenance Training Manager and Chief Inspector D. The Chief Inspector or supervisory personnel of the inspection unit
3. An RII Inspector determines that the work performed was unsatisfactory, his next step as per the GMM is to? A. Sign off the discrepancy and write up a new one. B. Write “Unsatisfactory” in blue ink in the inspector’s block of the M-2B and initiate a new discrepancy stating what needs to be corrected. C. Send the Mechanic back out to correct the problem, once complete sign off the discrepancy D. Write “Unsatisfactory” in red ink in the inspector’s block of the M-2B and initiate a new discrepancy stating what needs to be corrected.
4. Who is responsible for administration, record keeping, revisions, and security of the RII Training Program? A. Chief Inspector NetJets Aviation B. Maintenance Training Manager C. Chief Inspector D. Director Maintenance Aircraft Servicing - Oil Usage Report: Targets only aircraft showing oil consumption rates of 75% of the powerplant OEM limit. A. True B. False
6. Extension/retraction of Falcon landing gear performed solely for purposes of leak check after installation, repair/replacement of hydraulic lines associated with landing gear extension and retraction system is not RII A. True B. False 7. RII Buy-Back Procedures can be found in policy? A. 23 B. 22 C. 21 D. 25
8. Maintenance Event Release is entered on what form? MTR M-3A M-2B M-1 9. Entries made in error will have the initials “EIE” placed in the corrective action block? A. True B. False
10. The Form RII LOA will be kept in the Inspector’s training file maintained in the Maintenance Training Department. These records will be retained for a period of two year. A. True B. False 11. RII’s are applicable only to aircraft that are maintained under a Continuous Airworthiness Maintenance Program A. True B. False
12. Certificated mechanic will complete engine oil service and record on Form: A. M-1 B. M-2B C. MTR D. M-23 13. What Policy states: Only persons authorized by NJA in accordance with procedures in this GMM and listed on the List of Authorized RII Personnel can perform RII designated inspections. 22 25 23 24
14. Maintenance and preventive maintenance may be signed off as PCW only after verification that it was performed at a prior date and/or time, and successfully accomplished in its entirety. Acceptable means of determining it was previously complied with include, but are not limited to: Verification of P/N or S/N of installed components; A specific component’s modification (MOD) status; Research of the aircraft maintenance records for documentation of prior accomplishment; D. All the above
15. Inspect “OK to Install”: (Falcon) Inspect item and zone prior to installation to determine to be "OK to install”. Does this require , a separate discrepancy with appropriate inspection requirements? A. Yes B. No Please fax your answer sheet to Gary Thomas: Fax number Or to
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