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26/03/03AMKM03 – Stanford, by A. Perini AMKM Standardization Unified Architectures, Methods and tools Discussion group: Nuno Santo, Anna Perini, Norman.

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Presentation on theme: "26/03/03AMKM03 – Stanford, by A. Perini AMKM Standardization Unified Architectures, Methods and tools Discussion group: Nuno Santo, Anna Perini, Norman."— Presentation transcript:

1 26/03/03AMKM03 – Stanford, by A. Perini AMKM Standardization Unified Architectures, Methods and tools Discussion group: Nuno Santo, Anna Perini, Norman K. MA Renata Guizzardi, Joao Alfredo Magalhales, Cesar Tacla Tanner Jackson, Gianluca Mameli

2 26/03/03AMKM03 – Stanford, by A. Perini Taking into account the following considerations: i.Use what already exists, e.g. FIPA, SEMANTICWEB, AOSE. ii.Try to focus on KM and its peculiar needs iii.Concepts. For us: - AGENT: as in FIPA - AMKM is a sw system supporting KM processes 2 basic questions have been discussed: 1)What is a standard? 2)What should an AMKM standard require? (i.e. how should an AMKM standard look like?)

3 26/03/03AMKM03 – Stanford, by A. Perini 1) What is a standard? WEAK definition: a reference for developers of AMKM applications, providing guidelines for: –Specifying the requirements of an AMKM system –Specifying basic components of an AMKM system Architecture STRONG definition: a set of tests an AMKM system must respond in order to be compliant with "AMKM.0 standard"

4 26/03/03AMKM03 – Stanford, by A. Perini 2) What should an AMKM standard require? 1/3 a)it should require that an AMKM system supports KM processes such as: –Perspective making (i.e. building the local knowledge of an actor, i.e. a person or a group, in such a way that it can answer the question "what I know, what I do?") Representing knowledge Representing a context Mantaining knowledege Preserving knowledge Publishing knowledge Knowledge evolution … - Perspective taking (i.e. coordination processes) Context matching Cooperative info retrieval Knowledge evolution

5 26/03/03AMKM03 – Stanford, by A. Perini 2) What should an AMKM standard require? 2/3 b)it should require to adopt standard knowledge representation languages/techniques, such as: –A standard content representation language –A standard K. context representation and matching language

6 26/03/03AMKM03 – Stanford, by A. Perini 2) What should an AMKM standard require? 3/3 c)it should require to adopt a standard specification language for: i.Requirements (including modeling of the KM processes in the organization) ii.Architectural and detailed design (including the specification of the KM processes carried out/ supported by the system) How can we go on? detailing further a), b) and c) looking at available proposal for standards: e.g. FIPA and pointing out amKM needs suggestions ???

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