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Testing/Testing In Rails 1 Alan and Saskia 2/8/2008.

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1 Testing/Testing In Rails 1 Alan and Saskia 2/8/2008

2 Outline Testing In General Unit Testing and Test First! Integration Testing Functional Testing Fixture Mocking with Mocha

3 Testing In General (1)‏ Formal Definition – Testing is the process of finding differences between the expected behavior specified by system models and the observed behavior of the implemented system. – The goal is to design tests that exercise defects in the system and to reveal problems

4 Testing In General (2)‏ Alternative Definition – Testing has to demonstrate that faults are not present at all. Almost impossible to show May lead to the selection of test data that have a low probability of causing the program to fail Even more alternative (Wilson Bilkovich)‏ – Writing applications without tests makes you a bad person, incapable of love.

5 Types of Testing (1)‏

6 Types of Testing (2)

7 Unit Testing in Ruby Unit Testing – Testing small units of codes (normally methods)‏ Test::Unit – Ruby’s built-in testing framework – xUnit family (Java’s Junit,.NET’s Nunit)‏ Concepts – Assertions: comparison of expected value and result of an expression – Failure: assertion failure – Error: exception or runtime error – Green vs red bar

8 Unit Testing in Ruby (2)‏ require 'roman' require 'test/unit' class TestRoman < Test::Unit::TestCase def setup end def test_simple assert_equal("i",‏ assert_equal("ix",‏ end def teardown end <<Class inclusion <<super class <<naming convention <<assertions <<code to be run before all test methods <<code to be run after all test methods

9 Assertions (1)‏ assert(boolean, [ message ] )‏ – Fails if boolean is false or nil. assert_nil(obj, [ message ] )‏ assert_not_nil(obj, [ message ] )‏ – Expects obj to be (not) nil. assert_equal(expected, actual, [ message ] )‏ assert_not_equal(expected, actual, [ message ] )‏ – Expects obj to equal/not equal expected, using ==. assert_in_delta(expected_float, actual_float, delta, [ message ] )‏ – Expects that the actual floating-point value is within delta of the expected value.

10 Assertions (2)‏ assert_raise(Exception,... ) { block } assert_nothing_raised(Exception,... ) { block } – Expects the block to (not) raise one of the listed exceptions. assert_instance_of(klass, obj, [ message ] )‏ assert_kind_of(klass, obj, [ message ] )‏ – Expects obj to be a kind/instance of klass. assert_respond_to(obj,message, [ message ] )‏ – Expects obj to respond to message (a symbol). assert_match(regexp, string, [ message ] )‏ assert_no_match(regexp, string, [ message ] )‏ – Expects string to (not) match regexp. assert_same(expected, actual, [ message ] )‏ assert_not_same(expected, actual, [ message ] )‏ – Expects expected.equal?(actual).

11 Assertions (3)‏ assert_operator(obj1, operator, obj2, [ message ] )‏ – Expects the result of sending the message operator to obj1 with parameter obj2 to be true. assert_throws(expected_symbol, [ message ] ) { block } – Expects the block to throw the given symbol. assert_send(send_array, [ message ] )‏ – Sends the message in send_array[1] to the receiver in send_array[0], passing the rest of send_array as arguments. Expects the return value to be true. flunk(message="Flunked")‏ – Always fail.

12 Test First! What is it about? – Write the test cases first. Then write minimal codes to pass the tests – Write more tests. Write more minimal codes to pass the tests – Iterate the process till all functional requirements are satisfied

13 Test First Guidelines The name of the test should describe the requirement of the code There should be at least one test for each requirement of the code. Each possible path through of the code is a different requirement Only write the simplest possible code to get the test to pass, if you know this code to be incomplete, write another test that demonstrates what else the code needs to do A test should be similar to sample code, in that it should be clear to someone unfamiliar with the code as to how the code is intended to be used If a test seems too large, see if you can break it down into smaller tests If you seem to be writing a lot of code for one little test, see if there are other related tests you could write first, that would not require as much code More at

14 Test First Demo

15 Unit Testing in Rails In rails, unit testing is geared towards testing of individual functions created in a model For each model generated, a test file is automatically created in tests/unit directory script/generate model product name:string description:string exists app/models/ exists test/unit/ exists test/fixtures/ create app/models/product.rb create test/unit/product_test.rb ….

16 Outline Testing In General Unit Testing and Test First! Integration Testing Functional Testing Fixture Mocking with Mocha Testing/Testing In Rails 1 Saskia

17 Types of Testing (1)‏

18 Integration Testing in RoR Integration Testing – story-level, tests interactions & interfaces of various actions supported by the application, across all controllers – Find bugs with session management and routing, triggered by certain cruft accumulating in a user’s session In 'test/integration' : – Create test file with 'script/generate integration_test stories_test' – Class IntegrationTest inherits from Test::Unit

19 Story set describes how the application ought to function – Interfaces: exchange of right data – Interaction: employment of right components Example: signing up, getting account, multiple users Testing time grows with number of integrated units – Bottom-Up: Integrate tested Units to subsystems as new components Integration Testing in RoR

20 require "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../test_helper" class StoriesTest < ActionController::IntegrationTest fixtures :users, :accounts def test_stories get "/signup" assert_response :success assert_template "signup/index" post "/signup", :name => "Bob", :user_name => "bob", :password => "secret" assert_response :redirect follow_redirect! assert_response :success assert_template "account/index" end <<class inclusion <<Integration Test Class <<naming convention <<assertions File 'stories_test.rb' in 'test/integration' :

21 Integration Testing in Ruby (2)‏ Started.F..E Finished in 0.01 seconds. 1) Failure: where/which test what went wrong 2) Error: where/which test error_type what went wrong 5 tests, 9 assertions, 1 failure, 1 error. <<Each spot represents a test, sorted alphabetically, 3 values:. means successful test (pass)‏ F means failed test E means an error occurred Run by: rake test_integration or ruby stories_test.rb Output: <<Listing of failures & errors: Details on where and what Moves on with first wrong assertion.

22 Types of Testing (1)‏

23 Functional Testing in Ruby Functional Testing –single controllers and interactions between the models it employs In directory ' test/function': – 'functional_controller_test.rb' stubs for each 'script/generate controller'

24 Functional Testing in RoR require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../test_helper' require 'home_controller' class HomeControllerTest < Test::Unit::TestCase def setup @controller = @request = @response = end def test_index get :index assert_response :success end << grab HomeController for testing << test of main index page << get method simulates request on action called index. << setup of 3 typical funtional Test objects: * controller to be tested * TestRequest to simulate web request * TestResponse to provide information about test request << assertion assures that request successful 5 request types supported as methods in Rails: get, post, put, head, delete

25 Fixtures in RoR Fixtures: automatically created sample data – To fill testing database with predefined data before tests run – database independent – Require explicit loading with fixtures method within test class In directory ' test/fixtures': – fixture stubs for each 'script/generate model' Formats – YAML: good readability, file extension '.yml ' – CSV: comma-separated value file format, '.csv ', easy reuse of existing data in spreadsheet/database (save/export as CSV)‏

26 YAML-Fixtures # This is a YAML comment! david: id: 1 name: David Dwarf birthday: 0010-01-01 profession: slingshoter goliath: id: 2 name: Goliath Giant birthday: 0000-02-22 profession: terrorizer << list of values << name1 each fixture: * 'fixture-name' * list of colon-separated key/value pairs << name2 File 'persons.yml' of YAML-Fixtures in 'text/fixtures' : << fixture-records separated by blank line

27 CSV-Fixtures id, username, password, intelligent, comments 1, dhow, imstupid, false, I laugh ""Ha! Ho! Hu!"" 2, admin, ihatedhows, true, What a mess! 3, nobody, ilovetomock, true, "Nobody mocks you" 4, nulpe,, false, << list of value-records, one record per line CSV fixture names automatically generated: “model-name”-”counter” File 'users.csv' of CSV-Fixtures in 'text/fixtures' : << header: first line, comma- separated list of fields format: * each cell stripped of outward facing spaces * comma as data: cell must be encased in quotes * quote as data: must escape it with 2nd quote * no blank lines * nulls achived by placing comma users-1 users-2...

28 Fixtures in Action # allow this test to hook into the Rails framework require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../test_helper' # need to include a User for testing require 'user' class UserTest < Test::Unit::TestCase fixtures :users def test_count_fixtures assert_equal 5, User.count end << fixture-load method: * destroys any data in users table * loads fixture data into users table * dumps the data into a variable for direct access automatic load of the fixtures at the start of each test method

29 Hashes with Fixtures... fixtures :users, :person def test_user users(:nobody)‏ users(:nobody).id end def test_person david = users(:david).find email(, david.illegitimate_children )‏ end... Fixtures are basically Hash objects: - direct access via generated local variable of the test case << returns Hash for fixture named david << returns id-property of david Fixtures can get form of the original class: - access to methods only available to that class << using find method to grab "real" david as Person <<now: access to methods only available to a Person class << load multiple fixtures separated by commas

30 Mocking with Mocha Problem with Fixtures – Fixtures makes testing slow (engage the actual DB)‏ – Fixtures allow invalid data – Maintainability Challenges – Fixtures are brittle That’s why we need Mocha ( – It provides stubs and mocks to simulate data, especially data in the database

31 Installing Mocha sudo gem install mocha In rails, include in test/test_helper.rb require ‘mocha’

32 Do Not Mock My Stub Stubbing (State Verification)‏ – Stubbing a method is all about replacing the method with code that returns a specified result (or perhaps raises a specified exception). Mocking (Behavior Verification)‏ – Mocking a method is all about asserting that a method has been called (perhaps with particular parameters). it’s difficult (or impossible?) to do mocking without stubbing - you need to return from the mocked method, so that the code under test can complete execution

33 Stubbing example (stub)‏ require 'test/unit' require 'rubygems' require 'mocha' class TestProduct < Test::Unit::TestCase def test_product product = stub('ipod_product', :manufacturer => 'ipod', :price => 100)‏ assert_equal 'ipod', product.manufacturer assert_equal 100, product.price end

34 More stubbing example (stubs)‏ class View attr :document def initialize(document)‏ @document = document end def print()‏ if document.print puts "Excellent!" true else puts "Bummer." false end require 'test/unit' require 'rubygems' require 'mocha' class ViewTest < Test::Unit::TestCase def test_should_return_false_for_failed_print document = stub("my document")‏ document.stubs(:print).returns(true)‏ ui =‏ assert ui.print end

35 Mocking example (expects)‏ class Enterprise def initialize(dilithium)‏ @dilithium = dilithium end def go(warp_factor)‏ warp_factor.times { @dilithium.nuke(:anti_matter) } end require 'test/unit' require 'rubygems' require 'mocha' class EnterpriseTest < Test::Unit::TestCase def test_should_boldly_go dilithium = mock()‏ dilithium.expects(:nuke).with(:anti_matter).at_least_once enterprise =‏ enterprise.go(2)‏ end

36 Expects More Mocking Methods in expects: – at_least, at_least_once, at_most, at_most_once, in_sequence, multiple_yields, never, once, raises, returns, then, times, when, with, yields

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