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Commissioning for Crisis Response Creating a Market Position Statement for homelessness prevention Westgate Community Complex 10 th May 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Commissioning for Crisis Response Creating a Market Position Statement for homelessness prevention Westgate Community Complex 10 th May 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Commissioning for Crisis Response Creating a Market Position Statement for homelessness prevention Westgate Community Complex 10 th May 2013

2 Agenda 9.30 - 9.45 Arrival, registration and refreshments 9.45 - 9.50Introduction from Rachel Baillie, Director of Commissioning 9.50 - 10.10Presentation: Commissioning for Crisis Response. 10.10 - 10.40Workshop 1: Marketplace opportunities and embracing a geographic approach 10.45 - 11.15 Workshop 2: Commissioning for collaboration 11.15 – 11.25Feedback and questions 11.25 - 11.30 Next steps and close

3 Purpose of the day  Discussion on the outcomes we are seeking to achieve together and proposed mechanisms for delivery - understanding our shared context, opportunities and challenges  We want to work together to collectively refine and shape our commissioning plans  Discussions will help to shape our Market Position Statement for Homeless Prevention  Talk about cooperative working as an essential part of delivering our outcomes - delivering these requires collective effort and mutual support

4 Crisis response budget proposal - a quick recap!  The Crisis Response proposal covers services for people who face financial and social exclusion and the risk of homelessness  This includes services directly delivered by the council (Housing and Welfare Rights Service) and services commissioned from Your Homes Newcastle (YHN) and voluntary and community sector organisations  The proposal includes reducing capacity in these resources, but also reorganising them to develop a more coordinated system which supports independence and for preventing and responding to people facing housing and financial related crisis

5  Proposed savings in commissioned services: 2013/14 - £0 2014/15 - £1.741 million 2015/16 - £0  Proposed savings in council directly delivered services (Housing and Welfare Rights Service): 2013/14 - £0.458 million 2014/15 - £0.085 million 2015/16 - £0 Crisis response budget proposal - a quick recap!

6  Intended for use by a range of stakeholders in order to develop a cooperative approach to homelessness prevention in the context of reducing resources and potentially increasing demand: Existing and potential providers of housing- related support Voluntary and community organisations and community and faith groups Community stakeholders Creating a market position statement

7 Increase the number of people  for whom we prevent homelessness and repeat homelessness  who live in improved buildings that services are provided from  that move from homelessness to long term sustained independence  being involved in meaningful activities and entering employment  who use homeless services and we engage with to seek their views  making successful transitions from institutions Reduce the number of people  accepted as homeless, by offering appropriate preventative options  evicted from all forms of housing  in statutory temporary accommodation use  who have to sleep rough, and  no families with children placed in bed and breakfast Collective agreement and clarity on the outcomes we are trying to achieve

8 Three key areas we would like to explore with you today….  Marketplace opportunities What are the core resources needed How should we organise these resources (‘Service systems’ vs ‘separately purchased projects’)  Opportunities to embrace a geographic approach  Opportunities for collaboration to deliver agreed outcomes How do we renew and reshape the housing support market?

9 Moving from commissioning ‘individual projects’ to commissioning whole ‘service systems’ for:  single homeless people and homeless families including those with multiple needs, including, but not limited to, those with problematic drug and alcohol use, offending behaviour, mental health problems, learning disabilities;  young people aged 16-25 at risk, including those with chaotic lives, young people who are leaving the care system, teenage parents and young LGBT people;  people with mental health problems who need specialist housing related support associated with their mental health needs;  refugees who need practical support to access accommodation or resettle in the community;  people with complex needs who are multiply excluded Proposed Marketplace Opportunities

10 For each ‘service system’ we have also identified a range of practical responses which we think need to be available in order to respond flexibly to individuals’ needs:  Responses for those who require crisis accommodation;  Responses for those who require short term housing with support;  Responses for those who require longer term housing with support;  Responses for those who require support to help resettle in the community and move towards social inclusion, for instance after a stay in short term or crisis accommodation, prison, hospital or care;  Responses for those who require short term help to help them sustain their tenancy and prevent a homeless episode;  Responses for those who require assertive outreach. Proposed Marketplace Opportunities

11 The objectives we are seeking to achieve in commissioning ‘service systems’, rather than individual projects are:  Improved outcomes from ‘service systems’ that better represent people’s support needs beyond accommodation;  ‘Service systems’ that better reflect individuals’ pathways;  Opportunities for innovation and for services to work together to improve outcomes for individuals;  A greater emphasis on prevention by creating opportunities which respond to people’s needs in more flexible ways and offers more opportunities for service innovation;  A more effective allocation of resources that recognises that some people facing homelessness have greater or ongoing needs Proposed Marketplace Opportunities

12 In designing ‘service systems’, we also want to explore the potential for developing geographical infrastructures:  West; and  North and East. The objectives that we are trying to achieve in organising support in geographic ways are:  Opportunities to reduce demands on community infrastructures which may arise from services being concentrated in specific areas;  Opportunities to respond to needs of communities at a local level;  Opportunities to involve communities in developing responses;  Clarity of organisations and support available to meet the needs of communities;  Opportunities for closer working between the VCS and statutory agencies within geographical areas. Embracing a geographic approach

13 We would like to explore opportunities for organisations to work together to bid for and deliver contracts in order to provide ‘service system’ responses and / or ‘service systems’ which are aligned geographically. The objectives that we are trying to achieve in facilitating environments for collaboration are:  To maintain a mixed economy in Newcastle in order to deliver high quality provision;  To maintain existing skills and experience which is firmly placed within communities and is responsive to the needs of service users;  To deliver efficiencies;  To draw out innovative proposals for new responses;  To create financially sustainable solutions, for individuals and ’service systems’ Commissioning for collaboration

14 But we want to know what you think…….

15 What happens next?  Collaboration Workshops - 22 nd May and 6 th June  June/July - Publish Market Position Statement and commence specification consultation

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