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Sara Caspani GENERAL TOPIC Valorisation of Cultural Heritage ARGUMENT/PhD-Thesis title Grow up with Cultural Heritage – appreciate our past to be able.

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Presentation on theme: "Sara Caspani GENERAL TOPIC Valorisation of Cultural Heritage ARGUMENT/PhD-Thesis title Grow up with Cultural Heritage – appreciate our past to be able."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sara Caspani GENERAL TOPIC Valorisation of Cultural Heritage ARGUMENT/PhD-Thesis title Grow up with Cultural Heritage – appreciate our past to be able to plan our future. Planning specific strategies and methods of valorisation concerning Cultural Heritage using modern ICT technologies, 3d models (BIM) and innovative communication tools focused on Childhood target group. TUTOR/SUPERVISOR: Prof.ssa Lionella Scazzosi Prof.ssa Nora Lombardini Short BIO Master of Science in Civil Architecture and Full Degree in Building Engineering/Architectural, she is assistant researcher at Politecnico di Milano, enrolled in the Dept. ABC. She is an expert in Restoration and Conservation with particular regards to development and training of sustainable approach for: architecture, urban design, preservation and valorisation of Cultural Heritage in International contexts (TEMPUS Sehud)

2 KEYWORDS_ R&T_Sara_Caspani


4 RESEARCH_ R&T_Sara_Caspani PLAN OF RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT: 1. Culturl Heritage and its communication 2. The child (6-13 years): receptivity to learn new information. How stimulate his/her curiosity towards knowledge 3. Design the communication 4. ICT Technologies, new tools for communication and divulgation 5. Design enhancement: The museum (Indoor and Outdoor), a new place where learning with fun, imprinting to Culture 6. Case study/ies IT abroad

5 Courses by Phd School of POLIMI: 096675 INTERACTIVE VIRTUAL PROTOTYPING - METHODS & TOOLS Prof.ssa Monica Bordegoni (5 CFU) 096678 COMMUNICATING SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH Prof.ssa Anna Maria Paganoni (5 CFU) Courses by ABC Phd Programme: 097094 CULTURAL HERITAGE CONSERVATION AND VALORIZATION Prof. Stefano Della Torre (5 CFU) 097233 SURVEYING MODELLING MONITORING MANAGEMENT BIM-GIS BASED: CULTURAL HERITAGE & BUILT ENVIRONMENT Prof.ssa Raffaella Brumana (5 CFU) External Courses Provided by Phd Schools in Psicology and Pedagogy in evaluation TEACHING SUPPORT inside 094898 RESTORATION STUDIO: Architectural Restoration ICAR 19 (8 hours) Surveying of Monuments ICAR 17 (27 hours) TRAINING & TEACHING_ R&T_Sara_Caspani

6 COMMUNICATION_ R&T_Sara_Caspani VISITS TO: EXIBITION & EVENTS REGARDING TOPIC RESEARCH (50 hours) 2CFU Exibition: «Il viaggio oltre la vita. Gli Etruschi e l'aldilà tra capolavori e realtà virtuale» (Bologna 25 Ottobre 2014 – 22 Febbraio 2015) Childrenshare, bambini e condivisione (Eventi EXPO per Bambini) Museum of Science Trento (MUSE) etc PARTECIPATION TO CONFERENCE AS AUTHOR (1/2 STILL TO DEFINE). Deadline 30 Settembre 2015 Call for ideas

7 OVERVIEW_ R&T_Sara_Caspani Communication:

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