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Presentation on theme: " maps north.htm Whanau is the name given to family - the term embraces immediate family, in-laws."— Presentation transcript:

1 maps north.htm
Whanau is the name given to family - the term embraces immediate family, in-laws and all those connected by blood ties (New Zealand Tourism guide, n.d.). maps north.htm Maori people define themselves by their iwi (tribe), hapu (sub-tribe), maunga (mountain) and awa (river). Many Maori say their pepeha or whakapapa also known as their genealogy to introduce themselves.

2 KARAKIA Manaakitia tenei hui Manaakitia tenei whanau
Manaakitia tenei roopu tae noa ki tenei kaupapa Arahina nga korero Arahina nga patai Arahina nga ture nei kia puta ai te marama KARAKIA

3 BLESSING Bless this gathering Bless this family unit
Bless this group including the theme Guide these disussions Guide these questions Guide these decisions so enlightenment may come. BLESSING

4 Ki te taha o toku papa Ko Tainui te Waka Ko Hoturua Te Tangata Ko Tararua nga Pae Maunga Ko Manawatu te Awa Ko Kereru te Marae Ko Ngati Takihiku me Ngati Ngarongo nga Hapu Ko Kuputaroa te Rohe Ko Mahinaarangi te Whare tupuna Ko Ngati Raukawa oku Iwi My fathers genealagy

5 Ko Taranaki me Potiki-a-Rehua nga Maunga Ko Waitotara te Awa
Ki te taha o toku whaea Ko Aotea te Waka Ko Turi te Tangata Ko Taranaki me Potiki-a-Rehua nga Maunga Ko Waitotara te Awa Ko Whare-Taa-Papa te Marae Ko Ngati Hou Tipua Te Hapu Ko Ngarauru Kitahi te Iwi Ko Brownie McManus te rangatira Ko Jay Jay, Rikki me Joyce nga tamariki Ko Jade, Elijah me Noah nga mokopuna Ko Waitakere nga papakainga My mothers genealogy

6 Brownie McManus & Avian McGregor
Brownie is the Rangatira of this whanau originally born in Rawene in the sunny north in September His whakapapa is of Te Aupouri and Nga Puhi lineage. He is the 4th child of 08 siblings three boys and five girls. Gifted in the field of cricket, soccer, rugby and soft ball at representative. I am from south Taranaki born and raised in Waverley and Waitotara – Nga Rauru Ki tahi oku iwi on her mothers side and Ngati Raukawa on dads side. This photo is with Rikki & Joyce at Joyce’s 30th birthday.

7 My elder sisters 60th Bunny Hop with mum

8 Jay Jay McGregor eldest son with wife Mia mokopuna Elijah and Noah
Jay, Mia, Elijah and Noah live in Vasteras Sweden after marrying in Sydney Australia in Both continued their studies Jay done his studies in Communication and Marketing and Mia completed a double degree in Accounting and Engineering as both her parents of Swedish descent are Engineers. Jay is now in his second year as joint CEO for his Furnishing company. I have to say both my grand son’s have not been to Aotearoa yet so in time I will find a way to be with them even if its spiritually. Jay Jay & Mia Sorrenson

9 This is Rikki my middle son who manages his own Courier business with Courier Post with his partner Marnie a lovely wahine from Washington state in USA. Marnie has Hawaii and native Indian blood on her mothers side and American on her fathers side. Marnie is employed with YWCA Co-ordinating and developing a program for young female leaders of the future engaging with some high schools in the West such as Kelston, Henderson and Massey High school. They are now married and he now has his own Franchise with NZ Herald – Marnie is a Programme Co-ordinator for YWCA – support students from broken backgrounds within specific high schools in West Auckland Rikki & Marnie

10 Joyce and Nicholas Pennell
Our youngest daughter Joyce with her partner Nicholas or Nick with our oldest mokopuna Jade the queen bee in the whanau link. We are very proud of all our mokopuna. Jade will embarking on the next part of her journey with education in high school next year. Joyce and Nicholas Pennell

11 Descendant of Rob Roy MacGregor

12 History of my connection to the name McGregor
Rob Roy has been represented as a bit of a rogue, a Scottish Robin Hood, a hero and even as criminal to those who force families to submit their land, name and livelyhood to the government. Life was hard, and the highlands were still in the turmoil of the Jacobite risings. Earls of Argyle and Breadalbane obtained grants of the lands ngs History of my connection to the name McGregor

13 Srioghal mo dream Royal is my race
Descendant of Rob Roy MacGregor The name MacGregor babies WaMHv2E&feature=related Was considered unlawful dating to the 16th century until But with tribute to Rob Roy MacGregor & his kin there are many now proudly carrying the name. Babies were often killed if they did Ministers would be banned and those who caused death were given legal impunity. Could not carry the name which is why many names were changed to Dougal, Drummond, Gordon, Grant, Murray & Ramsay were adopted. Srioghal mo dream Royal is my race

14 www. teaohou. natlib. govt
ou/image/Mao50TeA/Mao50TeA032.html Since 2010 much debate was discussed using a key flag for Maori. Many chose tino rangatiratanga without much discussion or supporting the democratic approach. How many versions of Maori flags do you know of?


16 Kingi Te Ahoaho McGregor Raupo April Mihaka oku matua
Regan Lilian Bert Sylvia Kingi Avian Thomas Karen Patrick Roma Aarona Genette Tania This is my whanau six brothers and seven girls (ready made netball team) however, there is Kingi Te Ahoaho McGregor Raupo April Mihaka oku matua

17 Moses Ahitahu McGregor & Emma Kopa Te Rata Oku tupuna
Kingi (d) Aniwaniwa (d) Rata (d) Wikitoria (d) Ngahara (s) Mei (d) Gregor Carleen Pukeaiki (s) Hune (d) Paora Ellen Marshall (d) Princess Peter (d) Tangiomio (d) John (d) Winnie (d) Karauna (s) Ani (d) These are my aunties and uncles names on my dads side (Ngati Raukawa iwi) gifted from our tupuna koro Moses and nanny Emma. Sadly many of them have passed on. I never knew my koro but I have wonderful memories of my nanny. As a child she lived with us cooking rewena bread in a camp oven. Those amazing steam puddings where she’d put in money for her mokos. She loved to dance the rock n roll and enjoyed life to the fullest. She enjoyed embroidery and needle work. She gave me a set of embroided pillow slips for our wedding. I still miss her. Moses Ahitahu McGregor & Emma Kopa Te Rata Oku tupuna

18 Tamati Mihaka & Rawinia Maaka
Ellen (d) Manawanui (d) Happy (d) Raupo April Betty (d) Margaret (d) Robbie (d) Tamati Mihaka & Rawinia Maaka I have eight aunties and uncles in my mums whanau. My mother is still starting to feel her age 87 and is still able to tend to her garden so that she can potter in her own time.

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