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School Direct Information Evening Forest Way Teaching School Alliance October 15 th 2013 Lynn Slinger – Headteacher FWTSA Helen Joy – Lead Practitioner.

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Presentation on theme: "School Direct Information Evening Forest Way Teaching School Alliance October 15 th 2013 Lynn Slinger – Headteacher FWTSA Helen Joy – Lead Practitioner."— Presentation transcript:

1 School Direct Information Evening Forest Way Teaching School Alliance October 15 th 2013 Lynn Slinger – Headteacher FWTSA Helen Joy – Lead Practitioner FWTSA Rachel Rees-Jones – SD Programme Manager Ros Clarke – University of Derby Ani Thomas – University of Derby

2 Lynn Slinger Head Teacher Forest Way School Forest Way Teaching School Alliance Welcome 2

3 School Direct Information Evening “Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.” William Butler Yeats 3

4 What is the Forest Way Teaching School Alliance? Helen Joy – Lead Practitioner 4

5 FWTS Alliance Partners Schools 30 Primary 4 High 2 Upper 6 Special 1 Special Nursery Strategic Partners University of Derby (School Direct) University of Northampton (SEN) Leicester University (School Direct) Loughborough University Leicestershire LA National College for Teaching and Learning 5

6 6 Structure

7 School Direct at FWTSA What is it? Rachel Rees-Jones School Direct Programme Manager Forest Way Teaching School Alliance School Direct NQT year Who knows where? continuing career Year 2 7

8 School Direct School Direct was created to help schools grow their own staff The scheme enables schools to: – Decide who they want to recruit and train – Take a leading role in Initial Teacher Training – Deploy successful NQTs in their network of schools 8

9 School Direct 2013/14 16 trainees based at Forest Way Teaching School Alliance in local primary schools and special schools A well established and carefully developed training programme in schools, university and FWTSA Training led by university lecturers, experienced teachers, headteachers and outside agencies, 9 Evaluations are very good: Trainees appreciate the early engagement in school life and the positive impact on their learning Schools say the trainees are part of the school, integrating and progressing really well What do the current trainees say?

10 So what will School Direct 2014/15 look like? 10

11 School Direct Key Features School-led Initial Teacher Training Two types of training place: – The School Direct Training Programme – The School Direct Training Programme (salaried) Expectation of employment 11

12 School Direct Training Programme Route Funded by tuition fees paid by the trainee Trainees eligible for the standard support package (bursaries, tuition fee loans, and scholarships) Trainees may be eligible for a tax-free bursary dependent on subject and degree class 12

13 Forest Way Teaching School Alliance and University of Derby School Direct PGCE Programme Rachel Rees-Jones: Programme Manager School Direct (FWTSA) Ros Clarke and Ani Thomas :School of Education University of Derby 13

14 Why choose Forest Way Teaching School Alliance with University of Derby? Schools involved have an excellent record of training teachers Teachers have a wealth of knowledge and skills in Primary and Special Education University of Derby is an outstanding provider of Initial Teacher Training (Ofsted 2010) FWTSA and University of Derby together can provide highest level academic and practical education for School Direct trainees FWTSA and University of Derby have worked together to develop this training programme 14

15 Entry Requirements Preference for 2:1 degree GCSE grade C or above in English, Maths and Science gained prior to application Minimum 2 weeks experience in a Special or Primary School Requirement to pass Professional Skills tests (QTS skills from 1 st May TBC) Potential to teach letter from Head teacher of Primary or Special School Experience recorded in a reflective journal 15

16 How much will it cost?. This is a non salaried student funded route Cost is £9,000 Bursaries and Student Loans available 16

17 What will the course look like? You will have 24 weeks school based experience in Alliance Schools You will be based in one school with a second (5 week) experience in another school: o Primary and Special o Different Key Stages in Primary o All students will have a 1 week Special School experience and an alternative 1 week placement 1 day per 2 weeks at University 1 day per 2 weeks training at FWTSA 17

18 PGCE structure Semester 1Semester 2 Level 7 Understanding the Child as a Learner: 20 credits Understanding the School as a Learning Community: 20 credits Specialist Subject Enhancement: 20 credits Level 6 An Introduction to Reflective Teaching: 20 credits Reflective Practice in Action: 20 credits Effective Learning & Teaching: English & Mathematics with ICT: 20 credits Effective Learning & Teaching in Science & the Wider Curriculum: 20 credits

19 Primary School Direct PGCE Practical Teaching Dates 2013-14 PGCE 3-7, 5-11 and 7-11 SeptOctoberNovemberDecemberJanuary 29 16233071421284111825291623306132027 Mon U Directed Study U Holiday Tues U U WedsUSUSUSUSUSUUSS USUS Thurs U U Fri U U ULT Commitment Week #56 7891011121314151617181920212223242526 Assignment 1 2 3 School 1Assignments 1 Science poster (in school) School 22RT1 tutorial 3L&T1 essay LPL/M4SSE poster 5 SK viva (in school) EPO- SSE, SEN, EAL, additonal KS6Wider Curriculum poster 7L&T2 essay University and hub training8RT2 viva (in school) FebruaryMarchAprilMayJune July 310172431017243171421285121926291623 3071421 U Directed Study Holiday U BH U U Directed Study SUSUSUSUSUS US U SU U U S U U S 272829303132333435363738394041424344454647 48495051 4 5 67 8

20 If successful at the end of the programme: You will gain a PGCE with 60 Masters Credits Possibility of employment within the Alliance although this cannot be guaranteed Established NQT and Year 2 teaching programmes Ongoing career coaching including Leadership courses through to headship if you choose! 20

21 How to Apply 21 Apply through the UCAS site from Nov 1 st APPLY 1. You can choose 3 institutions. Shortlisting, interviews to be held and offers made within 40 working days of receiving application. Applicants have 10 working days to accept offer. APPLY 2. from Jan 2 nd one institution at a time. Then same as above for times allowed. Interviews will start in November 2013 at Forest Way School

22 Help with Your Application Visit the Forest Way Teaching School Alliance website. Visit the UCAS site with details and video of how to apply training 22

23 Rest of the evening 23

24 Contacts FWTSA Forest Way Teaching School Warren Hills Road Coalville Leicestershire LE67 4UU Tel: 01530 831899 University of Derby Rachel Rees-Jones School Direct Programme Manager FWTSA 24

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