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Presentation on theme: "DOCUMENT #:GSC15-PLEN-18 FOR:Presentation SOURCE:ATIS AGENDA ITEM:PLEN 6.2 CONTACT(S):Brian K. Daly, AT&T ATIS."— Presentation transcript:

1 DOCUMENT #:GSC15-PLEN-18 FOR:Presentation SOURCE:ATIS AGENDA ITEM:PLEN 6.2 CONTACT(S):Brian K. Daly, AT&T ( ATIS Emergency Communications (EC) Standards Development Brian K. Daly, Director, Core Standards AT&T Global Standards Collaboration (GSC) GSC-15

2 2 Highlights (1) Geneva, 13-16 July 2009 General EC TypesN. America ExampleATIS Standards Role* Citizen-to-AuthorityE911, NOVESE911 for wireless, VoIP, NGN, NG911 – in ESIF, PTSC, WTSC, NGIIF, INC, PRQC NOVES – in WTSC Authority-to-CitizenEmergency Alert System (EAS); Commercial Mobile Alert Service (CMAS); Emergency Notification System (ENS) EAS for IPTV – in IIF; CMAS and ENS for wireless – in WTSC, NGIIF; ENS – for wireline voice in NGIIF, PTSC Authority-to- Authority ETS** (Priority Services in support of National Security & Emergency Preparedness) ETS – in PTSC, PRQC, WTSC, NGIIF and TMOC See Supplementary Slides (11-14) for details regarding these ATIS committees **Note ETS is also referred as NGN GETS

3 3 Highlights (2)  Citizen-to-Authority (E911, NOVES) Focus on NG911 (e.g., NGN/IMS and Location Parameter Acquisition, Conveyance Architecture, and Protocols) and various near term/legacy matters (e.g., routing number administration for VoIP and wireless, NG Messaging to NG911) Non-voice Emergency Services for those with special needs and for the general public  Authority-to-Citizen (EAS, CMAS, ENS) Focus on emergency notification standards support for various technologies:  IPTV EAS requirements and metadata  Wireless CMAS functions and interfaces: Common aspects (i.e., Gov-to-Service Provider [gateway-to-gateway] interface, and mobile device behavior) done in collaboration with TIA GSM/UMTS/LTE specific aspects  Wireline ENS best practices  Authority-to-Authority (ETS) Focus on supporting ETS for NGN VoIP and Data services  NGN/IMS Core Network Requirements  Wireline Access Network Requirements  ETS service description (including End-to-end call flows), authentication, and security standards/recommendations  Gap requirements brought to the IETF and 3GPP, where appropriate Geneva, 13-16 July 2009

4 4 Strategic Direction  Work in response to regulatory mandates and statutory changes  Work proactively with DHS/NCS to define Industry Requirements and Standards in support of ETS  Work proactively to support Public Safety needs Public Safety Endorsement of LTE for 700MHz broadband  Work proactively to support non-voice emergency services to NG911 PSAPs  Focus on regional needs (North America) and in coordination with global directions  Coordinate/collaborate with other organizations where appropriate (e.g., 3GPP, TIA, ITU, IETF, NENA, etc.) Geneva, 13-16 July 2009

5 5  Working at the nexus where law, regulation, technology, social trends, and standards come together  Delivering standards to satisfy aggressive regulatory mandate target dates such that reliable implementations can be deployed (per target dates)  Regarding E911, the NG911 standards can get far ahead of deployments given that there are 6,000+ PSAPs and there are generally different deployment timeframes Messaging to NG911 is receiving significant interest  Regarding CMAS, develop a testing specification for the interface with the Federal Government, and possible resulting impacts on standards (i.e., alert aggregation, system upgrades, testing, human behavior, etc.)  Regarding NOVES, anticipate the requirements of both users with special needs and the general public, develop a reliable solution that does not have the limitations of SMS, and define the interface to the PSAPs  Regarding ETS, providing priority routing/processing for NGN Services, including data services (e.g., messaging, email, etc.), enhanced authentication, authentication assurance, security and Identity Management Challenges

6 6 Geneva, 13-16 July 2009  Complete currently defined work program  Continue appropriate changes to current standards suite  Continue to proactively support Public Safety stakeholder needs  Respond (at appropriate time) to additional Public Safety and FCC regulations (e.g., regarding NG911 and NOVES to NG911)  Continue supporting DHS/NCS ETS service requirements in the technical standards committes/forums  Continue with cross-organizational coordination and collaboration  Continue with Emergency Services Coordination Workshops (Citizen-to-Authority)  Participate in Government CMAS Stakeholder Forum Next Steps/Actions

7 7 Geneva, 13-16 July 2009  No changes proposed to existing Resolution (GSC-14/2) at this time. Proposed Resolution

8 8 Geneva, 13-16 July 2009 Supplementary Slides

9 9 Overview of Emergency Communications Work in ATIS  ATIS committee work is in support of initiatives by: FCC/Federal government Regional/State governments and Local governments  ATIS committees also act as a feeder group to the ITU-T in support of international general emergency communication services

10 10 ATIS Involvement with FCC – CMAS  Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Commercial Mobile Service Alert Advisory Committee (CMSAAC) ATIS was a member of the FCC advisory committee, which completed in October 2007 Advisory Committee recommendations was the basis for the FCC rules for CMAS  ATIS is working closely with the government (DHS, FEMA) on the development of an interface specification to the Federal Alert Gateway Standards work complete, now developing a testing specification

11 11 Committee/Forum Mission/Scope  Emergency Services Interconnection Forum (ESIF): ESIF provides a venue to facilitate the identification and resolution of technical and/or operational issues related to the interconnection of emergency services networks with other networks (e.g., wireline, cable, satellite, Internet, etc.).  Industry Numbering Committee (INC): INC provides an open forum to address and resolve industry-wide issues associated with planning, administration, allocation, assignment and use of the North American Numbering Plan (NANP) numbering resources within the NANP area.

12 12 Committee/Forum Mission/Scope  Next Generation Interconnection Interoperability Forum (NGIIF): The NGIIF addresses next-generation network interconnection and interoperability issues associated with emerging technologies. Specifically, it develops operational procedures which involve the network aspects of architecture, disaster preparedness, installation, maintenance, management, reliability, routing, security, and testing between network operators. In addition, the NGIIF addresses issues which impact the interconnection of existing and next generation networks and facilitate the transition to emerging technologies.

13 13 Committee/Forum Mission/Scope  IPTV Interoperability Forum (IIF): The IIF enables the interoperability, interconnection, and implementation of IPTV systems/services by developing ATIS standards and facilitating related technical activities. This forum will place an emphasis on North American and ATIS Member Company needs in coordination with other regional and international standards development organizations.  Wireless Technologies and Systems Committee (WTSC): WTSC develops and recommends standards and technical reports related to wireless and/or mobile services and systems, including service descriptions and wireless technologies. WTSC develops and recommends positions on related subjects under consideration in other North American, regional and international standards bodies.

14 14 Committee/Forum Mission/Scope  Packet Technologies and Systems Committee (PTSC): PTSC develops and recommends standards related to services, architectures, and signaling, in addition to related subjects under consideration in other North American and international standards bodies.  Telecom Management and Operations Committee (TMOC): TMOC develops operations, administration, maintenance and provisioning standards, and other documentation related to Operations Support System (OSS) and Network Element (NE) functions and interfaces for communications networks - with an emphasis on standards development related to U.S.A. communication networks in coordination with the development of international standards.

15 15 ATIS Emergency Communications Standards (recent deliverables)  ESIF Standards: ATIS-0500013: Approaches to Wireless E911 Indoor Location Performance Testing ATIS-0500014: Initial Stage 2/3 NG9-1-1 Standard Based on NGN/IMS ATIS-0500015: Standardization of location parameter conveyance architecture and protocols ATIS-0500016: Process to Remove Dialable p-ANIs from 9-1-1 Networks ATIS-0500017 : Considerations for an Emergency Services Next Generation Network (ES-NGN) ATIS-0500018: p-ANI Allocation Tables for ESQKs, ESRKs, and ESRDs ATIS-0500019: Request for Assistance Interface (RFAI) Specification

16 16 ATIS Emergency Communications Standards (recent deliverables)  NGIIF Standards: ATIS-0300098, Best Practices for Emergency Notification System (ENS) Call Volume Testing Procedure: Wireline (June 2009) ATIS-0300013, NIIF Reference Document, Part III, Attachment B, ISUP Compatibility Tests. (November 2008) NIIF Reference Document ATIS-0300016, Part III, Installation, Testing and Maintenance Responsibilities for SS7 Links and Trunks, Attachment E, SS7 Network Gateway Screening (May 2009)

17 17 ATIS Emergency Communications Standards (recent deliverables)  WTSC Standards: J-STD-100: Joint ATIS/TIA CMAS Mobile Device Behavior Specification J-STD-101: Joint ATIS/TIA CMAS Federal Alert Gateway to CMSP Gateway Interface Specification ATIS-0700006: ATIS Standard on Commercial Mobile Alerts Service (CMAS) Air Interface Specification for GSM/UMTS J-STD-036C: Enhanced Wireless 9-1-1 Phase 2 (modification of J- STD-036B in support of Femtocells)

18 18 ATIS Emergency Communications Standards (recent deliverables)  Publications available via the ATIS Document Center at:

19 19 Issue Listing by Committee  Active ESIF Issues: Issue 65: Flexible LDF-AMF Protocol (FLAP) Specification Issue 66: Ingress SIP Interface specification between IP Originating Networks and an ES-NGN Issue 67: Request for Assistance Interface (RFAI) Specification - American National Standard Issue 69: Delivery of Uncertainty (UNC) for Wireless E9-1-1 Phase 1 Calls Issue 70: Uniform Confidence Percentage for Uncertainty Calculation ESIF Issues:  Active WTSC Issues: Issue P0026: CMAS via Evolved Packet System (EPS) Public Warning System (PWS) Issue P0028: Certification and Testing of the CMAS C-Interface (J-STD-101)  WTSC Issues:

20 20 Issue Listing by Committee  Active NGIIF Issues: Issue #010, Interoperability and Services Restoration Guidelines for Telecommunications Disaster Recovery Issue #011, Need for Emergency Notification Best Practices  GNIIF Issues:  Active IIF Issues: Issue 51: IPTV EAS Update and Maintenance  IIF Issues:

21 21 Issue Listing by Committee  Active PTSC Issues: Issue S0039 - Packet Priority and Priority Call Processing - Phase 2 Issue S0045: Service Requirements for ETS in NGN Issue S0063: ATIS ETS Authentication Issue S0081: ETS Wireline Access Requirements Issue S0082: ETS Phase 2 Network Element Requirements Issue S0085: NGN GETS (ETS) End-to-End Call Flows  PTSC Issues:

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