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Integrated approach to Early Childhood Development ‘Essential Package of Services’ CARE India.

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1 Integrated approach to Early Childhood Development ‘Essential Package of Services’ CARE India

2 CARE: ECE Interventions 2002200920052010 UP (2002-2005) Aanchal ANI (2005-2009) Sanjog-Tsunami Response Programme Gujarat (2004-2009) Snehal Bihar (2008-2011) Flood Relief Programme & Linked for Learning 20082004 Chhattisgarh (2010-2013) Essential Package- ECD 2013

3 Moving towards integrated approach ANI: 3-6 yrs-850 AWC ◦ 80% AWC operationalised preschool education ◦ 100% Functional sectors ◦ Resource centre/cadre of local resource persons Bihar: 3-8 yrs ◦ Technical resource developed for age appropriateness for preschool education and readiness, tested and operationalised in 50 AWC ◦ Established linkages with primary school: morning assembly (oral skills….structured learning) Chhattisgarh: 0-6 yrs- 400 AWC ◦ Early stimulation for under 3, linkages between nutrition, health, rights, education, livelihood ◦ Focused intervention with parents, community, AWC

4 Integrated approach-Assumptions Early years of life critical for lifelong domains of Child development-physical, social, emotional, Language and cognitive Interdependency of Developmental domains ◦ Focus on one domain & not on other/s leads to lopsided development Maternal and child rights to education, health, safety, security critical Poverty principle vehicle affecting disadvantaged children in growth & devpt Early interventions best for most vulnerable (compensate for negative experiences & deprivation) Economic strengthening interventions provide direct benefits to children Nutrition plays a pivotal role in early health care & devpt Integrated programming sectors provide holistic support

5 Premise for a successful integrated approach…………… Integration of health, nutrition, education, social, economic development & collaboration between government agencies and civil society Direct contact with children early in life at various levels Parents and families as partners with teachers/caregivers to support child development (CD) Psychosocial support helps children understand and deal with change, loss Blend traditional child-rearing practices/beliefs with evidence based approach Trained staff in content, supervision, assessment are able to better monitor CD & program effectiveness

6 Benefits of Approach Simplified, holistic & replicable program ◦ capable of delivering ECD in resource constrained areas through community based childcare centres Highly cost effective ◦ Link resources of health, education, nutrition & sanitation, livelihood Increases efficacy of other investments in child development ◦ Essential sequel and complement to early child care and development programs. Prepares healthy recipient for next level. Ensures better educational outcomes ◦ Good health boosts enrolment and attendance, reduce dropout, increase achievement Improves social equity ◦ Most disadvantaged children access school and benefit from health & nutrition interventions.

7 Central Focus-Child Focus on children from most marginalized communities/sections Enable children to achieve age specific milestones (physical-motor, socio-emotional, Language, cognitive) Address whole child, “between 0- 8 years” age specific needs are identified and interventions designed accordingly Focused age/stage Pre-natal; 0-3 years; 3-5 years; 6-8 years Rationale: – When they are young they grow faster, needs differ accordingly – Physical Needs not so dynamic at 3-4 age though stimulation needs continues – 5-6 age to ensure school readiness – Beyond 6-8 primary school retention

8 Promising Approach: Essential Package (EP) 5 levels of interventions Integrates programming sectors Provides holistic support to child and caregivers Refers to child’s 5 essential needs-areas of intervention 5 environments to support child-levels of interventions Rights based Approach CONVERGENCE: CARE Intl and Save the Children developed EP through to address critical needs of the child, strategy being tested in different settings in Africa, Latin America and Asia

9 Family Government Community Birth Home to Early Learning Environmen t Pre- School to Primary School Child’s Development Caregiver/Family Child Ages 3 - 5 PrenatalBirth - 3 Ages 6 - 8 Care giver settings

10 Key Strategies Measurement of impact on children’s physical, socio-emotional, cognitive development to track and strategise ◦ through validated/culturally relevant tools/indicators & std health & nutrition indicator data Enhancing parenting skills ◦ Through home visits/monthly meetings with caregivers ◦ Orientation of parents on child devpt-nutrition, safe food, water, education, rights… Improving household income security to improve household earning potential ◦ Linkages with Government schemes – Strengthening SHGs Empowering caregivers and communities to improve lives of young children & their families, provide positive social setting for children ◦ Continuous training of service providers – ICDS and health workers ◦ Strengthen support system for service providers, Increase Motivation ◦ Awareness building, involving in management, use of community resources

11 Key Strategies Building capacity of child care centres to facilitate early childhood development and education ◦ Improve quality of infrastructure at AWC ◦ Strengthen supportive supervision for AWW ◦ Develop as focal point around which services benefiting caregivers, households, child can be organised/delivered ◦ Use forums for civic engagement in policy change Advocacy around EP to lead to changes in larger policy environment reflecting ECD as national priority ◦ Expand wider political network to strengthen provisions ◦ Work with local partners, organisations, key stakeholders

12 Five Areas of Impact Food & Nutrition ◦ Nutritious meals in AWC, at home Child development ◦ Use of ECD age appropriate curricula to build capacity of teachers/caregivers in childcare settings ◦ Linkages between ECD centres & formal primary schools Economic Strengthening ◦ Linkages with livelihood schemes Health ◦ Access to quality health services, safe water, sanitation ◦ Awareness on life threatening, preventable, communicating diseases ◦ Health screening, vaccination Child Rights & Protection ◦ Advocacy initiatives & trainings to increase awareness ◦ Link with existing legal services ◦ Trainings on child rights for community members & others

13 EP in India Being piloted in Korba and Jhanjgir Districts of Chhattisgarh from 2011 Partnership and engagement ◦ ICDS, Health Department and Panchyati Raj ◦ SHG, Community and Caregivers Resources generated… ◦ Conceptual EP ◦ Technical Package  Early stimulation +(health, nutrition, emotional, cognitive needs)  Flip book, calendar, 3 reference booklets  Specific booklet on preschool education to ensure school readiness  Activity bank for AWWs  IEC material  Supportive monitoring framework


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