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Welcome to the AYF-YOARF

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1 Welcome to the AYF-YOARF
Novice Program Welcome to the AYF-YOARF

2 Outline Structure of the AYF History of the AYF History of the ARF
Present Day AYF

3 Structure of the ayf

4 Central Junior Council Central Camp Committee
Convention Central Executive Central Junior Council Central Camp Committee Public Relations Committee Junior Seminar Committee Central Hai Tahd Committee Armenia Internship Committee Central Athletic Committee Javakhk Jampar Committee Central Educational Council Senior Executive Senior Members and Junior Advisors Junior Executive Junior Members Prospective Members

U. Hrant Khatchadourian U. Stephen Hagopian U. Raffi Yaboujian U. Michelle Hagopian U. Yervant Kachichian U. Raffi Varjabedian U. Dalita Getzoyan

6 AYF Eastern region Chapters
Blackstone Valley “Artsakh” Chicago “Ararat” Detroit “Kopernik Tandourjan” Granite City “Antranig” Greater Boston “Nejdeh” Hartord “Zeytoun” New Jersey “Arsen” New York “Hye Ortik” North Andover “Sassoun” Philadelphia “Sebouh” Providence “Varantian” Racine “Armen Garo” South Florida “Arev” Washington DC “Ani” Worcester “Aram”

7 History of the ayf : Armenians immigrate from around the world to America, organizing small and local youth groups January 14, 1933: ARF Central Committee of America decides to create national youth organization by combining existing ones Invitations are extended to representatives to meet on July 16, 1933 at old Hairenik Hall in Boston

8 History of the ayf 1933: General Karekin Njdeh oversees this under the guidance of ARF CC Karekin Njdeh is considered an Armenian statesman, fedayee, political thinker, and ARF member 1934: First AYF Convention held in Hairenik Hall 40 chapters attended Focus: stopping assimilation and instilling youth with Armenian pride Formed the ARF Tzeghagrons 1941: the organization changed its name from ARF Tzeghagrons to the AYF

9 History of the ayf 1948: AYF Junior Organization is founded
Prior to this, AYF membership age ranged dramatically 1951: Camp Haiastan founded in Franklin, Massachusetts 1973: AYF is divided into three regions: Eastern USA, Western USA, and Canada 1977: AYF Camp in Western region is founded

10 HISTORY OF The ARF In the summer of 1890, a large number of delegates of Armenian student revolutionary groups met in Tiflis "Federation of Armenian Revolutionaries," which soon became the "Armenian Revolutionary Federation" (ARF) Armenian Revolutionary Federation translates into the Armenian language as "Hai Heghapokhagan Tashnagtzutioun"

11 HISTORY OF THE ARF Kristapor Mikaelian, Simon Zavarian, and Stepan ‘Rosdom’ Zorian Known as the founding fathers of the ARF because of the leading roles they played during the Tiflis meeting

12 COAT OF ARMS Flag – red symbolizes revolution
Pen - symbolizes the intellect Sword - symbolizes the soldier Shovel - symbolizes the worker Armenian: Zee-na-nuh-shan

13 GOALS OF THE ARF 1. The creation of a Free, Independent, and United Armenia. The borders of United Armenia shall include all territories designated as Armenian by the Treaty of Sevres as well as the regions of Artsakh, Javakhk, and Nakhichevan. 2. International condemnation of the as yet unpunished Genocide committed by Turkey against the Armenians, return of the occupied lands, and just reparations to the Armenian nation. 3. The gathering of worldwide expatriate Armenians on the lands of United Armenia. 4. Strengthening Armenia's statehood, institutionalization of democracy and the rule of law, securing the people's economic well being, and establishment of social justice.

14 Present day ayf Armenian Youth Federation Youth Organization of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation (AYF-YOARF) Focused on educational, hai tad, social, athletic, and cultural activities Non-profit organization Worldwide Originated in the U.S. on the East Coast Armenian Revolutionary Federation is our father organization

15 Goals of the ayf Bring together Armenian youth
Work in cooperation with the ARF toward establishment of a “free, united and independent Armenia” Prepare youth for future membership in the ARF and active involvement in the Armenian community Promote amity among all Armenians in order to engender a mutual commitment Foster nationalistic pride amongst all Armenian youth through educational, political, cultural, athletic, and social activities

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