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Munchen - Germany The organization Little ART is a non-governmental, non-profit organization that fosters creativity and imagination in children and young.

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2 Munchen - Germany The organization Little ART is a non-governmental, non-profit organization that fosters creativity and imagination in children and young people all over the world. We organize culture and art projects for children worldwide believing that art interconnects people beyond cultural, religious or social boundaries and can contribute to more tolerance and understanding. We try to reach children in all countries and from all backgrounds. For more information about us and our projects please visit our website:

3 Project Description What is most important for children and adolescents? What kind of wishes and dreams do they have? Do they believe in God or in various deities? Or do they follow a teaching or adhere to certain tenets? Or do love and friendship have the greatest power and significance? Does the experience of love and friendship give them the strongest sense of meaning and fulfilment? Beliefs have an influence on politics, science and culture as well as on our attitudes and behaviour. The future belongs to the children, and their beliefs will shape tomorrow’s world in essential ways. Therefore little ART poses the question: What do children believe in? With this theme in mind our Munich organisation is launching an International Art Project – it invites children from all over the world in ages ranging from 4 to 16 to give artistic expression to their beliefs. What do they cherish the most? What moves their hearts in the deepest, innermost way? The forms of expression may include photography, painting, video tape recordings and writing. Each child is asked to depict in an artistic way his own kind of personal beliefs. A jury of prominent members will make a selection of the children’s artworks. The award- winning works will be presented in a book, in an online-gallery, and they will be shown in a touring exhibit. What do children believe in?

4 Through the art project “What do children believe in?” little ART desires to initiate a manifold and aried network. Art connects people and promotes a dialogue going beyond cultural, social and national boundaries. Through creative expression children and adolescents confront the issues of what is foreign and unfamiliar. In this way they develop their own individual understanding of worldwide diversity. The art project “What do children believe in?” desires to motivate each child to explore the world around him in terms of this art topic. Furthermore, the project wishes to develop each child’s artistic potential and expressive skills. Another goal of the project is to find out what kinds of value systems children of different age groups and cultural backgrounds experience. Do children believe in the role-models that their parents represent? To what extent do schools, institutions and society influence young people? Are children able to form their own opinions? How strong is the influence of modern media and new technologies of our globalized society? We expect that online-contacts will establish widespread international connections among young participants in the art project. Another purpose of the project is to arouse interest and curiosity toward other cultures and thus promote mutual understanding. Finally, the project should not only be informative but should also raise questions and stimulate further inquiry. Goals and enduring results

5 Cenaclul European 10 Cenaclul European 10 La 9 mai 2010 Cenclul European, primul Cenaclu on line din lume aniverseaza 10 ani de la aparitia sa pe net. In acesti 10 ani Cenaclul a dezvoltat zeci de programe atragand la materializarea lor sute de copii si tineri din Romania, din Europa si din lume. La 9 mai 2010 Cenclul European, primul Cenaclu on line din lume aniverseaza 10 ani de la aparitia sa pe net. In acesti 10 ani Cenaclul a dezvoltat zeci de programe atragand la materializarea lor sute de copii si tineri din Romania, din Europa si din lume. Pentru a aniversa acest eveniment am luat decizia de a organiza un duplex Brasov- Munchen cu Asociatia LittleArt, care a dezvoltat un proiect deosebit de interesant “In ce cred copiii? Pentru a aniversa acest eveniment am luat decizia de a organiza un duplex Brasov- Munchen cu Asociatia LittleArt, care a dezvoltat un proiect deosebit de interesant “In ce cred copiii? Ca urmare, duminica 9 mai 2010, orele 11, (ora Romaniei) la Centrul de Informare Comunitara din Brasov, membrii Cenaclului European aflati in fata computerelor vor dialoga cu partenerii germani din Munchen pe marginea acestui program. Ca urmare, duminica 9 mai 2010, orele 11, (ora Romaniei) la Centrul de Informare Comunitara din Brasov, membrii Cenaclului European aflati in fata computerelor vor dialoga cu partenerii germani din Munchen pe marginea acestui program. Cu acest prilej, vom lansa o mini-expozitie de desene cu tema “In ce cred copiii?” Cu acest prilej, vom lansa o mini-expozitie de desene cu tema “In ce cred copiii?” si vom realiza un dialog artisitic privind parteneriatul nostru cu copiii si tinerii din Munchen. si vom realiza un dialog artisitic privind parteneriatul nostru cu copiii si tinerii din Munchen. Dialogul va avea loc pe Yahoo Messenger, apelativul nostru fiind piordan Dialogul va avea loc pe Yahoo Messenger, apelativul nostru fiind piordan

6 European Literature Circle 10 On May 9, 2010, European Literature Circle, first Literary Circle online in the World, celebrates 10 years of his appearance on the net. In these 10 years it has developed dozens of Projects drawing frames to materialize their hundreds of children and youth in Romania, Europe and worldwide. On May 9, 2010, European Literature Circle, first Literary Circle online in the World, celebrates 10 years of his appearance on the net. In these 10 years it has developed dozens of Projects drawing frames to materialize their hundreds of children and youth in Romania, Europe and worldwide. To celebrate this event we decided to organize a duplex Brasov - Munich with the co-operation of LittleArt Association, which developed a very interesting project "What do children believe in? To celebrate this event we decided to organize a duplex Brasov - Munich with the co-operation of LittleArt Association, which developed a very interesting project "What do children believe in? As a result, Sunday May 9, 2010, 11hours (Romanian hours), at the Community Information Centre in Brasov, the European Literature Circle circle members will be in front of computers to discuss with German partners in Munich on this project. As a result, Sunday May 9, 2010, 11hours (Romanian hours), at the Community Information Centre in Brasov, the European Literature Circle circle members will be in front of computers to discuss with German partners in Munich on this project. On this occasion, we will launch a mini-exhibition of drawings entitled "What do children believe in?“ and will achieve a dialogue on our partnership with children and youth in Munich. On this occasion, we will launch a mini-exhibition of drawings entitled "What do children believe in?“ and will achieve a dialogue on our partnership with children and youth in Munich. The dialogue will take place on Yahoo Messenger, our appellation being piordan The dialogue will take place on Yahoo Messenger, our appellation being piordan











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