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Published byShawna Cogbill Modified over 10 years ago
Printing: Your printer might not print the same way our printers do, so make sure to try a couple of test prints. If things aren’t aligning quite right, experiment with the Scale to Fit Paper setting. It’s located in the Print dialog – just click Full Page Slides to get to it. And did you notice we made fold marks for you? They are really light, but if you don’t like them showing on your brochure, click View, Slide Master, and delete them before you print. Customizing the Content: If you need more placeholders for titles, subtitles or body text, just make a copy of what you need and drag it into place. PowerPoint’s Smart Guides will help you align it with everything else. By the way, if you need to move or copy the thin black lines, you can select them by clicking the dotted outline. Scoala, Cursurile si Trainerii Karanna, sunt inregistrati si acreditati de Institutele Internationale INHA, IPHM, WMA, Lightarian Institute (LIGHT), IARP, AAH, Reiki Rays Institute si ANC / CNFPA (Romania). Scoala de Dezvoltare Spirituala – Acreditata International - IPHM KARANNA Lightworkers Academy© Academia Karanna© Cursuri Video & la Distanta Karanna Lightworkers Academy© Website: Email: Tel: 0732-625544 Fax:0351-808089
Printing: Your printer might not print the same way our printers do, so make sure to try a couple of test prints. If things aren’t aligning quite right, experiment with the Scale to Fit Paper setting. It’s located in the Print dialog – just click Full Page Slides to get to it. And did you notice we made fold marks for you? They are really light, but if you don’t like them showing on your brochure, click View, Slide Master, and delete them before you print. Customizing the Content: If you need more placeholders for titles, subtitles or body text, just make a copy of what you need and drag it into place. PowerPoint’s Smart Guides will help you align it with everything else. By the way, if you need to move or copy the thin black lines, you can select them by clicking the dotted outline. Karanna Lightworkers Academy© Cursuri Online-Live Cursuri Video la Distanta Karanna Lightworkers Academy© organizeaza Cursuri la Distanta, Initieri, Meditatii, Seminarii si Conferinte Video Online Live. Inscrie-te si Tu la Cursurile Karanna© Va puteti inscrie la cursuri completand Formularul de Inscriere de pe site si puteti incepe IMEDIAT! “Va punem la dispozitie cea mai performanta platforma de Cursuri Video & La Distanta. PROGRAMUL ADHYATMA JNANA© PROGRAMUL ADHYATMA JNANA© este singurul Program de Dezvoltare Spirituala Acreditat International din Romania. Traducerea din Sanscrita a denumirii programului este „’Cunoasterea Deitatii Supreme / a Sinelui Superior”. Programul se desfasoara pe parcursul a 3 ani si include cai si procedee antice de trezire a Spiritului Intrupat si Initieri Energetice si Mistice, cat si exercitii practice si Meditatii Ghidate Vocal. Va asteptam! O cale sigura si performanta de a creste din punct de vedere Spiritual si Personal Consiliere personala Experienta de peste 20 de ani PROGRAMUL ADHYATMA JNANA© Cursuri Video & la Distanta —Plaforma Cursuri la Distanta Aveti posibilitatea de a comunica prin email cu trainerii Karanna© pentru Feedback si intrebari sau nelamuriri. —Feedback & Personal Coach Ce va oferim? Puteti sa va inscrieti si sa incepeti oricand. Cursurile se desfasoara individual. Nu este nevoie sa asteptati formarea unei grupe de cursanti pentru a avea acces la cursuri. Cand pot incepe un curs?
Printing: Your printer might not print the same way our printers do, so make sure to try a couple of test prints. If things aren’t aligning quite right, experiment with the Scale to Fit Paper setting. It’s located in the Print dialog – just click Full Page Slides to get to it. And did you notice we made fold marks for you? They are really light, but if you don’t like them showing on your brochure, click View, Slide Master, and delete them before you print. Customizing the Content: If you need more placeholders for titles, subtitles or body text, just make a copy of what you need and drag it into place. PowerPoint’s Smart Guides will help you align it with everything else. By the way, if you need to move or copy the thin black lines, you can select them by clicking the dotted outline. INSCRIE-TE SI TU LA CURSURILE ACADEMIEI! Academia Karanna© Academia Karanna© 2 Semestre / an – 3 Ani Seminarii Video-Live Cursuri Video Inregistrate Meditatii Ghidate Initieri la Distanta Inscrie-te si Tu la Cursurile Karanna© Va puteti inscrie la cursuri completand Formularul de Inscriere de pe site, AICI.AICI “Bi-Lunar se desfasoara Video-Live Seminariile Academiei Karanna©. DIN CUPRINS Chakre si campuri energetice Tehnici de Meditatie Activare ATMAN SPIRITUAL CONNECTION© Simboluri Sacre Hermetism Magii si Spiritele Maestru Constiinta Cristica Arhetipuri, Magi, Atlantida, Lemuria, etc.. O cale sigura si performanta de a creste din punct de vedere Spiritual si Personal Consiliere personala Experienta de peste 20 de ani PROGRAMUL ADHYATMA JNANA© Seminarii Video-Live Online —Plaforma Cursuri la Distanta Aveti posibilitatea de a comunica direct cu trainerii Karanna© pentru Feedback si intrebari sau nelamuriri. —Feedback & Personal Coach Ce va oferim? Puteti sa va inscrieti pana la 1 Martie 2014 pentru abneneficia de REDUCEREA IN VALOARE DE 100 LEI / LUNA – 3 ANI!!! Sau puteti beneficia de 50% REDUCERE daca aveti venituri sub 850 lei/luna! COST: 200 lei SAU 150 lei / luna Cand pot incepe cursurile?Cat costa?
Printing: Your printer might not print the same way our printers do, so make sure to try a couple of test prints. If things aren’t aligning quite right, experiment with the Scale to Fit Paper setting. It’s located in the Print dialog – just click Full Page Slides to get to it. And did you notice we made fold marks for you? They are really light, but if you don’t like them showing on your brochure, click View, Slide Master, and delete them before you print. Customizing the Content: If you need more placeholders for titles, subtitles or body text, just make a copy of what you need and drag it into place. PowerPoint’s Smart Guides will help you align it with everything else. By the way, if you need to move or copy the thin black lines, you can select them by clicking the dotted outline.Karanna Lightworkers Academy© VA ASTEPTAM! NAMASTE! ANCA BOGDAN & CATALIN BOGDAN Traineri & Terapeuti Acreditati International
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