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1 Loss Adjustment When Exporting Mod 24_11 Reflection of Physical Fixity of Interconnector Flows in Operational Data Transactions hen Exporting Modifications.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Loss Adjustment When Exporting Mod 24_11 Reflection of Physical Fixity of Interconnector Flows in Operational Data Transactions hen Exporting Modifications."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Loss Adjustment When Exporting Mod 24_11 Reflection of Physical Fixity of Interconnector Flows in Operational Data Transactions hen Exporting Modifications Meeting on 9 th August 2011

2 Interconnector Administrator Data feeds to SEM Current IA Submission Timelines for Ex Post runs D+1D+3D+4 IUNs MIUNs Meter file (includes Moyle data) SO – SO Trades 2 - Please note meter data is sent on a calendar day basis. - All files outlined above must be submitted to SEM by 14:00 under the T&SC

3 Interconnector Administrator Data feeds to BETTA Daily checks completed by IA on D+1 to ensure data matches between SEM and BETTA markets. 4 Business Days to submit Deemed Meter Volume (DMV) data to BETTA market under the Balancing Settlement Code. Therefore any operational/system issues at D+1 stage will be corrected for D+4 data submission for both markets.

4 IA Comments 4 No opportunity to re-submit files if any issues arise at D+1 stage -> greater risk to Interconnector Users in terms of settlement. System costs for SEM & TSO due to interface and validation changes as a result of removing feeds. D+3 meter file is essential to ensure the data for the last 6 hours of trading day (+6 for OTH) is accounted for. All NI Generator Units are contained within the same meter file. To date there have been no issues that we are aware of in relation to differences between D+1 and D+4 submissions.

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