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Forging future generations of scientists and engineers.

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Presentation on theme: "Forging future generations of scientists and engineers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Forging future generations of scientists and engineers

2 Preparing for National Certification

3 2 Tiered Ohio System Site visit following first year of program implementation Technical assistance visit resulting in provisional certification You will be notified in the spring of your first full year of implementation to schedule a visit. Program should meet minimum requirements outlined in district contract with PLTW Submit Document 2, the self-assessment, outlining your enrollment figures and participation in teacher training, professional development, and data collection See website at for complete

4 2 Tiered Ohio System Site visit following school’s request for consideration for full national certification ($500 certification fee charged): Evaluative visit resulting in full national certification Request certification visit once program is implemented and all requirements are met Program should meet minimum requirements outlined in district contract with PLTW Resubmit Document 2, the self-assessment, outlining your most recent enrollment figures and participation in teacher training, professional development, and data collection See website at for complete

5 What are we looking for? Compliance with PLTW signed school contract At least three courses implemented, and a plan for the fourth course in place The RIGHT students, enrolled in the RIGHT math and science classes to ensure success Visibility—PLTW posters in the halls, labs clearly marked A trained and committed teacher who is following the PLTW curriculum A counselor who understands the program and which students will best fit into it

6 What are we looking for? An administrator who is committed and enthusiastic about implementing the program Students who are learning and connecting what they learn in math and science and applying it in PLTW classes A viable program with steadily increasing enrollment and a clear path into post-secondary A relationship with a local post-secondary institution with a plan for local articulation in place

7 Who do we want to see? PLTW teacher or teachers At least one high level administrator (principal, superintendent) Counselor Advisory Council member Post secondary partner Several Students At least one parent Tech prep representative if possible

8 What do we want to see? PLTW signed school contract Teacher summer training completion certificates for each PLTW class taught Student schedules Software licensing agreement List of advisory council members with companies and/or institutions Minutes from previous advisory council meetings PLTW required equipment in place (Fischertechnics, etc.) Student projects, both extra-curricular and straight from the PLTW curriculum Student portfolios and engineer’s notebooks (excludes Biomed)

9 Why become fully certified? What’s in it for my school? Your students, once your PLTW program is fully certified, will be eligible for college credit at all the PLTW national affiliates such as Purdue, Rochester Institute of Technology, etc. See complete listing of affiliate universities at the following link: Development/Affiliates/affiliates.cfm PLTW’s goal is to certify ALL the programs in the nation as they become eligible. This will ensure quality and further the program’s credibility with ANY of the post-secondary institutions chosen by your students.

10 What happens after the visit? You will generally, though not always, know at the visit whether certification is being recommended. If it is, paperwork is submitted to PLTW National You will receive notification and a PLTW banner from National The school will be honored at the next Fall Conference

11 Questions? Visit and for answers to most questions regarding Call us! 937-512-4516

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