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Statistics and Open Data at DCLG The story so far… Steve Peters Strategic Statistics Division Analysis and Innovation Directorate 11 December 2013 For.

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Presentation on theme: "Statistics and Open Data at DCLG The story so far… Steve Peters Strategic Statistics Division Analysis and Innovation Directorate 11 December 2013 For."— Presentation transcript:

1 Statistics and Open Data at DCLG The story so far… Steve Peters Strategic Statistics Division Analysis and Innovation Directorate 11 December 2013 For Hampshire Hub Strategic Partnership Board

2 Statistics and open data “The NII will contain the data held by government which is likely to have the broadest and most significant economic and social impact if made available and accessible outside of government, where possible” Policy context “The Cabinet Office will work with the Local Government Association and the Local Public Data Panel to determine how to best consider local authority datasets in future iterations of the NII by April 2014”

3 Future potential: the bigger picture Joining-up national and local sources on planning, housing, and the economy Moving away from the web of documents, towards the web of data

4 4 DCLG’s journey to open, re-usable data Moving progressively to 5-star outputs

5 5 Open Data Communities Dataset example So. How is this different to publishing spreadsheets?

6 Open Data Communities Helping you get the data you need

7 New insights. New audiences DCLG Business Plan Indicators

8 The neighbourhood-level wellbeing map Demonstrating future potential

9 Enhancing our standard outputs Exploiting new (free) tools

10 ompositionbytypeofletting/Dashboard#1 Enhancing our standard outputs Exploiting new (free) tools

11 Enhancing our standard outputs Enabling rapid development of low-cost apps

12 12 Enhancing our standard outputs Enabling rapid development of low-cost apps

13 Enabling innovation Some examples

14 Land supply for Housing in Hampshire Building the web of data

15 The Hampshire Hub An excellent start What are the benefits of putting the Hub in the data web? How/when could we do this?

16 Thank you Steve Peters Strategic Statistics Division Analysis and Information Directorate 0303 444 42333 / 07899 060 776 Towards open, re-usable data: Twitter: @Open_Data Wordpress: Demo apps: http://dclgexamples.mywebcommunity.org

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