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SOLACE East of England Regional Seminar Adrian Pritchard Colchester Borough Council 7 November 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "SOLACE East of England Regional Seminar Adrian Pritchard Colchester Borough Council 7 November 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 SOLACE East of England Regional Seminar Adrian Pritchard Colchester Borough Council 7 November 2014

2 Dealing with change: political astuteness

3 Democratic Mandate Public finance Public service Political mandate Political decision making

4 Reasons for becoming elected members Political beliefs/values/principles Community interest Single issue Making a difference Being asked Getting upset or involved Further political advancement Power and power base

5 “I am an officer (s)he is a politician – we inhabit each other’s worlds”

6 One person’s idea of collaboration is another person’s idea of impropriety

7 Political Sensitivity Political Space Politicians

8 Political Sensitivity Management Space Officers

9 Political Sensitivity Political Space Politicians Management Space Officers Political and Management Shared Space

10 Why political skills for Managers? Vital for: –Survival in an organisation –Becoming a great manager –Getting the best from people –Ensuring success –Delivering achievements –Making sense of non-managerial (political) decisions

11 Political Skills for Managers Trust –By the leadership –By the organisation –By partners –By stakeholders –By the community –In the work of government

12 Politically Skilled Managers Respond in certain ways Display certain characteristics

13 Political Skills – A Model Two dimensions Knowledge dimension Understanding the organisation Making sense of the external world Skills dimension Management of your internal world Navigation of the issues (problems) to solve

14 Knowledge Dimension Political Awareness Politically Unaware Reads the organisation Understands the decision making processes Aware of overt and covert agendas Identifies bases of power Interprets organisational culture Clarifies political purpose/direction Gets small and large ‘P’ politics Unable or unwilling to recognise most or all of the politically aware knowledge

15 Knowledge Dimension Political awareness=Clever Behaviour Understands how the system works Achieves outcomes without expert or positional power Sets up situations to meet their own needs Opportunistic

16 Knowledge Dimension Politically Unaware=Innocent Behaviour No understanding of organisational issues Belief in expert or positional power Blindness to any other forms of power Contempt for political skill Disillusioned by ‘politicking’

17 Skills Dimension Acting with Integrity Psychological game-playing Uses written rules Knows the unwritten rules Undertakes lobbying Times proposals Speaks to the right people Self orientated Superficially plausible Concealed motivation Someone ends up feeling bad


19 Politically aware Politically unaware Psychological game-playing Acting with integrity KNOWLEDGEKNOWLEDGE SKILLS DIMENSION DIMENSIONDIMENSION CLEVER INNOCENT WISE INEPT

20 Politically aware Politically unaware Psychological game-playing Acting with integrity KNOWLEDGEKNOWLEDGE SKILLS DIMENSION DIMENSIONDIMENSION CLEVER INNOCENT WISE INEPT Owl, Fox, Donkey or Sheep?

21 Working with a coalition administration Working Together Policies they can agree on Actions/policies they want achieved Relationship with government/ministers/ opposition Relationship with the opposition groups(s) Relationship with other agencies/organisations/ business Red lines not to be crossed

22 Working with a coalition administration Ways of Working Portfolio Holder boundaries/autonomy/decision making Communication between Cabinet Relationship with the Chief Executive Involvement of the Executive (Senior) Management Team Communication with the media/press/public Decisions in private (can split – majority rules) Decisions in public (abstain at worst)

23 Working with a coalition administration Decision Making and Influence Weekly Leader and Chief Executive meetings Quarterly Leader and Director meetings Monthly Chief Executive and individual group Leader meetings Leadership Team – Big policy items (monthly) Executive Board – Small policy/political items (fortnightly) Pre-Cabinet Co-ordinating meeting (3 weeks before Cabinet

24 Practical tips for working with members Know your Councillors Regular contact/create contact View through their lens Challenge when appropriate Treat with respect Deliver on priorities Be aware of political influences

25 Former Labour Cabinet Minister, Liam Byrne…. “Dear chief secretary, I'm afraid there is no money. Kind regards - and good luck! Liam."

26 Sharon Shoesmith, former Head of Children’s Services, Haringey Council… “Sharon Shoesmith sacked as Director of Children's Services after the death of 17- month-old Peter Connelly”

27 Christopher Galley – Home Office Civil Servant… “Christopher Galley dismissed as junior Home Office civil servant for passing information to Tory Damian Green”

28 Bob Quick – Assistant Commissioner…. “Bob Quick resigns over terror blunder”

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