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‘A shepherd told me so…’ Luke 2:8-21. Manik & Maple Corea Serving in Bangkok, Thailand since 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "‘A shepherd told me so…’ Luke 2:8-21. Manik & Maple Corea Serving in Bangkok, Thailand since 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 ‘A shepherd told me so…’ Luke 2:8-21

2 Manik & Maple Corea Serving in Bangkok, Thailand since 2008

3 Josiah says ‘Hi’

4 ‘A shepherd told me so…’ Luke 2:8-21 4 themes echoing in the passage 1) open-armed humility 2) contagious evangelism 3) obedient trust and 4) glorious salvation.

5 ‘A shepherd told me so…’ Intro:  Luke – only Gentile writer of the NT.  Writes of God’s global plan of salvation – ‘a Light for revelation to the Gentiles’ (Lk 2:32).  Highlights Jesus’ ministry to the lepers (17:11- 19), women (7:36-50, 10:38-42), Gentiles (10:25-37), tax collectors and ‘sinners’ (5:30, 7:34, 15:1) – the despised, lowly and excluded classes.

6 ‘A shepherd told me so…’  Context of passage – angelic announcement of the Saviour’s birth and performance by angelic choir.  Shepherds became first evangelists of the Messiah/Christ.  Mary treasured up all that happened.  Both reactions are needed!

7 ‘A shepherd told me so…’ Open-armed humility  God is predisposed towards the humble (1 Peter 5:5-6) (1 Peter 5:5-6)  Humble yourselves!  Why did God choose you?

8 ‘A shepherd told me so…’ Contagious evangelism  ‘I bring you good news of great joy…’ In the original Gk, ‘evangelizo’. In the original Gk, ‘evangelizo’.  What are we doing to share the good news?  Presence evangelism vs proclamation.

9 ‘A shepherd told me so…’ Obedient trust  They left in haste (vs 16).  They praised God for what they heard and saw, ‘which were just as they had been told’ (vs 20).  Faith preceded experience.

10 ‘A shepherd told me so…’ Glorious salvation  Baby Jesus circumcised on 8 th day (Gen 17:12, Lev 12:3).  Jesus, latin form of Yeshua, lit. ‘Yahweh is salvation’ or ‘Yahweh saves’.  ‘…he will save his people from their sins’ (Matt 1:21).

11 ‘A shepherd told me so…’ Luke 2:8-21 Summary - 4 themes 1) open-armed humility 2) contagious evangelism 3) obedient trust and 4) glorious salvation. YOU CAN KNOW & FOLLOW JESUS TODAY! Turn, Trust, Tell, Take

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